
  • 网络Floating Exchange Rates;Floating Exchange Rate System;managed floating exchange rate system;Floating Rate System
  1. 世界又恢复到浮动汇率制度。

    The world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system .

  2. 这是浮动汇率制度下真正决定汇率变化的根本因素。现在我们再听一遍弗里德曼教授的这段谈话原文。

    But those are the fundamentals that really determine the exchange rate in a floating exchange rate system .

  3. 人民币有管理浮动汇率制度在1999年IMF对各国汇率制度重新评估时被界定为严格盯住汇率制度。

    In 1999 IMF reassessed all countries ' exchange rate regime and the renminbi was defined as pegged exchange rate system .

  4. 丘金表示,最佳的政策应该是转向“肮脏浮动汇率制度”(dirtyfloat),这样央行就可以在不预先通告的情况下进行干预,以便吓跑投机者这样卢布汇率就将趋于稳定。

    Mr vyugin said the best policy would be to move to a " dirty float " in which the central bank could intervene without warning so as to scare off speculators and then the currency would stabilise .

  5. 浮动汇率制度下汇率决定理论的实证分析

    Empirical Analyse of Exchange Rate Decision under Floating Exchange Rate Institution

  6. 管理浮动汇率制度下货币政策目标模型及应用

    Monetary Policy Targets Model under Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime and Its Application

  7. 因此,主要国家将不得不实行浮动汇率制度。

    So the key countries will have to float .

  8. 从长期来看,中国汇率制度的改革方向是浮动汇率制度。

    In the long term , China should choose floating exchange rate regime .

  9. 至于浮动汇率制度,现在似乎在其他地方颇为普遍。

    The floating exchange regime seems at present to be quite popular elsewhere .

  10. 回归有管理的浮动汇率制度,是实施这一战略的适当选择。

    Returning to the managed floating system is obviously the appropriate selection for China .

  11. 论现代信用货币的价值基础与浮动汇率制度

    On the Value Basis of Current Credit Money and the Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  12. 在管理浮动汇率制度下,汇率波动一直相当剧烈。

    Under the managed floating exchange rate regime , exchange rates always fluctuate acutely .

  13. 管理浮动汇率制度下人民币汇率决定模型研究

    Study on the modeling of RMB exchange rates determination under the managed floating rate system

  14. 人民币汇率制度改革取向&管理浮动汇率制度

    Reform Orientation of the Exchange Rate System of RMB & Management Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  15. 浮动汇率制度和固定汇率制度是汇率制度的两大基本制度。

    Floating exchange rate regime and fixed exchange rate regime are the two basic types .

  16. 浮动汇率制度下外汇交易波动的原因与限制

    Causes and Control of Foreign Exchange Transaction Fluctuation under the System of Floating Exchange Rate

  17. 在危机期间,大部分国家(地区)都放弃了钉住汇率制,采取了浮动汇率制度。

    During the Asia financial crisis period , they gave up this system and adopted floating exchange rate system .

  18. 1994年,人民币汇率制度进行了改革,确定为以市场为基础、单一的有管理的浮动汇率制度。

    In 1994 , RMB exchange rate regime was changed into market-based , single , managed floating exchange rate .

  19. 自从采取了自由浮动汇率制度后,韩国政府便放弃了对外汇市场的干预。一个更自由的浮动汇率将会使流通更加顺畅而不至被中止。

    Since adopting the free-floating exchange rate , South Korea 's government has given up intervening in the foreign exchange market .

  20. 中国的汇率制度实质是一种固定汇率制,存在自身的体制缺陷,中国汇率制度的选择是建立真正的有管理的浮动汇率制度。

    The ever-attracting issue of RMB exchange rate makes China to have a change in the choice of exchange rate system .

  21. 等资本账户开放后,再逐步过渡为完全可自由兑换的浮动汇率制度。

    After capital account is convertible , then RMB can be rearranged with a totally free convertible floating exchange rate system .

  22. 我国的经济背景及国际环境决定了人民币放弃钉住美元的大趋势,但我国还不具备直接向浮动汇率制度转换的经济条件,因此,有管理的浮动汇率制度将是明智的选择。

    According to the economic background of our country , the managed float exchange rate system is the best choice for China .

  23. 第三十三条人民币汇率实行以市场供求基础的、一的、管理的浮动汇率制度。

    Article 33 the exchange rate for Renminbi is a single , managed floating exchange rate based on market demand and supply .

  24. 实证结果表明汇率制度对于通货膨胀的影响并不确定,相比之下对于新兴市场国家来说浮动汇率制度较固定汇率制有更好的反通胀绩效。

    In comparison , floating exchange rate regime has a better anti-inflation performance than fixed exchange rate regime to emerging market countries .

  25. 此后,西方各国实行了以市场供求为基础的浮动汇率制度。

    After that , Western countries carry out the floating exchange rate system , which is based on the market supply and demand .

  26. 但在建立有管理的浮动汇率制度过程中的人民币小幅升值不会诱致房地产泡沫膨胀或崩溃。

    But , when building the manageable floating system of exchange rate , small amount of appreciation will not blow up the bubble .

  27. 在史密森协定和随后的一些协定的指导下,固定的外汇汇率制度转变为浮动汇率制度。

    Under the Smithsonian Agreement and subsequent agreements , the fixed rate exchange system has been changed to a floating exchange rate system .

  28. 今后,我国有必要改进人民币有管理的浮动汇率制度,使汇率更多的反映市场供求信号。

    There is necessary to reform the managing floating system of RMB and make exchange rate reflect more demand and supply in market .

  29. 在浮动汇率制度下,外汇大量溢出势必引起汇率下跌。

    Under the floating exchange rate system , foreign exchange is a lot of overflow is bound to cause the exchange rate falls .

  30. 这一系列改革措施标志着我国初步建立了以市场供求为基础的、统一的、有管理的人民币浮动汇率制度。

    These series of reform meant that the elementary managed floating rate system of RMB which was based on the market was set up .