
nónɡ liè
  • strong;richness;thick;heavy
浓烈 [nóng liè]
  • [strong] (味道等)厚重强烈

  • 浓烈的花香

  1. 她走过时有一股浓烈的香水味。

    As she went past there was a gust of strong perfume

  2. 上周凌晨,一股浓烈的气味让“大亨”从睡梦中突然惊醒。

    Last week , in the early hours of the morning , a strong smell suddenly woke Big Boy up from his sleep .

  3. 炉子里散发出木柴燃烧时的浓烈香味。

    The heady aroma of wood fires emanated from the stove .

  4. 她能闻到海水浓烈的咸味。

    She could smell the salty tang of the sea .

  5. 味道浓烈的上好调味品和香甜的干果形成有趣的对比。

    A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit .

  6. 用的香草越多,调味汁的味道就越浓烈。

    The more herbs you use , the more pungent the sauce will be .

  7. 她身上有股浓烈的石炭酸皂的味道。

    She smelled strongly of carbolic soap .

  8. 泰国菜味道辛辣浓烈。

    Thai food is hot and spicy .

  9. 这种特殊的玫瑰散发出浓烈的香味。

    This particular rose gives off an incredible fragrance .

  10. 这意味着,香水的挥发散香过程增强,因此香味可以变得十分浓烈。

    This means the process of evaporation or wear of a fragrance can be perceived as more enhanced and so the wear can be quite powerful .

  11. n.洋葱;洋葱头洋葱的气味和味道很浓烈。……

    onion Onion has a very strong smell and taste .......

  12. 由于酒花味会迅速变淡,因此印度淡色艾尔啤酒(简称IPA)和Pliny这种更加浓烈的帝王IPA(ImperialIPA)最好趁新鲜品尝:这款啤酒一年推出一次,几天就会售罄。

    Hop flavors fade fast , and for IPAs and even stronger Imperial IPAs like Pliny , fresh is best : It 's on tap once a year and runs dry in days .

  13. Iomega比其他几个网站用了更重的颜色,它的推广区域使用了浓烈的暗红色。

    Iomega uses more strong colour than the others , with its intense dark red promotion area .

  14. 美食游有六七个停靠点,包括普瓦拉纳面包房(PoilâneBakery),这里地下室碳烧炉做出的味道浓烈的大酸面团与83年前并无二致;

    Among the half-dozen or so stops are Poil â ne Bakery , which has been churning out the same large wheels of tangy sourdough from its basement wood-burning oven for 83 years ;

  15. 这个星座的人喜欢味道浓烈的香水,还会不断变换香水的种类只到找到适合自己的那款。符合你这种个性的香水非Cacharel莫属。

    This star sign dislikes very few scents , and you will find yourself trying new perfumes all the time until you find one that you will keep for life . The fragrance to suit your Piscean qualities is Cacharel .

  16. 王夫之的阐释使礼具有了更浓烈的人文色彩。

    The hermeneutics of Wang made ancient rites more humanistic shape .

  17. 楼下飘来浓烈的焦糊味。

    There was a distinct smell of burning coming from downstairs .

  18. 我不喜欢榴莲,特别是那股浓烈的怪味。

    I don 't like durians especially their strong odd smell .

  19. 他的小说和散文均呈现出浓烈的诗性。

    His novels and proses all present features of poetic flavour .

  20. 在因疫情而推迟的东京奥运会上,这种情绪往往会更加浓烈。

    Those feelings have often grown at the pandemic-delayed Tokyo Games .

  21. 浓烈的烟雾呛得人喘不过气来。

    The thick smoke made it hard for people to breathe .

  22. 迈克尔:我想我们只能喝苦而浓烈的黑咖啡了。

    Michael : Black , bitter and strong I suppose .

  23. 对于双方而言,这个问题带有非常浓烈的个人色彩。

    For both sides , the issue is intensely personal .

  24. 空气中有着一种兴奋的浓烈气息。

    There was a tang of excitement in the air .

  25. 圣爱美浓葡萄酒比认为是波尔多地区最浓烈的葡萄酒。

    Saint Emilion wines are considered the most robust of the Bordeaux .

  26. 庞马鲁葡萄酒比其他波尔多酒更为浓烈。

    The Pomerol wine can be more robust than others in Bordeaux .

  27. 衣服烧焦和皮革燃烧的味儿十分浓烈。

    The smell of the singeing clothes and burning leather was horrible .

  28. 生活画面广阔,悲剧气氛浓烈;

    View of a broad life and dense tragic atmosphere ;

  29. 这种气味浓烈的草药能减缓疲劳,令人松弛。

    The strongly scented herb provides a soothing feeling and relaxing scent .

  30. 爱国热情依旧浓烈而政治热情开始降温;

    Patriotism remain strong while politics enthusiasm begin to drop ;