
  1. 熊晓冬等:数控测井设备改造成升级的几种方案,测井技术,1996,(2)20146~149。

    There are many schemes to upgrade the computer controlled logging equipment .

  2. 数控测井设备改造或升级的几种方案

    Several Schemes for Upgrading the Computerized Logging Equipment

  3. 因此,作为整个测井设备纽带的随钻测井信息传输系统成为系统核心的关键技术之一。

    Therefore , the information transmission system of logging while drilling has become the key technology of logging system .

  4. 与传统单机测井设备相比,具备该四层体系结构的测井系统在多样性、稳定性、扩展性、开发周期等方面具有显著优势,逐渐成为石油测井设备的主流。

    Compares with traditional well logging devices , this system is superior in aspects of diversity , stability , expansibility and development period .

  5. 随着IT技术的不断发展,这种技术升级方案可以满足今后石油行业所有测井设备对系统环境的要求,包括组成高端的成像测井系统。

    With development of the IT , the scheme proposed in this paper may meet the needs of logging equipment in the future , including the high performance image logging system .

  6. 数控测井设备的改造或升级有多种方案,但总的来讲可分为两大类:一类是只修改或增添软件而不动硬件,另一类是既动软件又动硬件。

    Generally they can be classified as two kinds : One is to improve the software without adjusting the hardware , the other is to upgrade both the software and the hardware .

  7. 本文较全面地提出了数控测井设备改造或升级的这几种方案,并解释了实现这些方案工程师们应具备的知识和条件。

    This article gives a thorough overview of the schemes of upgrading the computer controlled logging equipment , and explains the basic knowledge and the qualification for the engineers to realize these schemes .

  8. 实际测井中该设备时常出现故障。

    Malfunction appeared frequently in actual exploring .

  9. 通过对电子设备隔振设计原理的阐述,具体分析了石油数控测井计算机系统车载设备的隔振和防冲,说明该设备的隔振设计是可靠实用的,具有一定的推广价值。

    Through to set forth the design tenets of in vibration isolation in electronic equipment , make a concrete analysis of absorbing shock and concussion in truck-borne equipment for numerical control well logging computer system , prove this equipment reliable and practical , have a certain value .

  10. DDL-Ⅲ数控生产测井系统是目前国内测井行业普遍使用的一种较为先进的测井设备,由于其绘图系统老化而故障频出,维修成本较高,严重影响生产;

    The DDL - ⅲ direct digital logging system is an advanced logging tool in China at present . The oil production is often seriously influenced because the system ′ s plotter has already aged and always does not work properly and its maintenance cost is too higher .

  11. 为了简化碳氧比测井软件的设计,用设计模式和面向对象的分析、设计和编程方法,完成了为某型碳氧比测井设备设计的控制软件。

    In order to simplify the design of carbon oxygen ratio n logging software , we finished the software running on a carbon oxygen ratio logging device with several design patterns and object oriented methods of analyzing designing and programming .