
liú lián
  • be unwilling to leave;be reluctant to part;delay going;linger on;loiter;linger
流连 [liú lián]
  • [loiter;linger] 依恋而舍不得离去。一作留连、流涟

  • 流涟荒亡,为诸侯忧。--《孟子.梁惠王下》

  • 游九京者,亦流涟于隋会。--傅亮《为宋公修张良庙教》

  • 流连夜市

流连[liú lián]
  1. 这是个沉闷的小镇,没几个人会愿意在此流连。

    It is a dreary little town where few would choose to linger .

  2. 他在她的窗下流连徘徊。

    He was lingering about under her window .

  3. 现在的社交网站,尤其是像Twitter那样互动和即时反馈很频繁的网站,很容易让你流连其中,要么聊天、要么浏览网站内容。

    With today 's social media -- especially sites with lots of interactivity1 and immediate2 feedback such as Twitter -- you can easily get caught up in chatting and surfing .

  4. LivrariaCulture连锁书店也像是一座城市广场。位于圣保罗的分店不仅拥有最新的精装图书,也是三五好友的流连之地。

    A cross between a bookshop and a town square , Livraria Cultura 's outpost in the Jardim Paulistano neighborhood offers plenty of spots to linger with friends or the latest hardcover .

  5. 如果这些公司并非一天到晚做白日梦,幻想着上千名狂热的年轻粉丝,在Facebook帝国里争先恐后地在其公司页面上流连,那么或许答案是肯定的。

    And maybe they would , were these firms not daydreaming of being crowd-surfed across the Facebook empire by thousands of rapaciously eager young fans .

  6. 园艺还帮助了19岁的Stewart,他在学校里读书时就开始不断惹麻烦,并流连街头。

    It 's also helped 19-year-old Stewart , who started getting into trouble at school and took to the streets .

  7. 让人们不再流连于各KTV场所和周杰伦等的巨星演唱会,取而代之的是走进各个生动的演出现场,即使对于一个一线乐队来说都是一个巨大挑战。

    Getting people out of the KTV parlors and Jay Chou concerts and into the live houses around Beijing is a bold mission statement for even the biggest of bands .

  8. 肯德基的香港区负责人JohnKoay说,这个创意是想“让所有感觉流连于指尖”。我们只想说:别这样,肯德基,别,这,样。

    John Koay , who heads up KFC 's Hong Kong marketing , described the impulse behind the campaign , saying , " It made total sense to be at the end of everyone 's fingertips . " To which we say : Not like this , KFC . NOT . LIKE . THIS .

  9. 他开着自己的吉普车来接我,我们花了一小时的车程去到帕当湾(pedangbai)几乎没有游客流连的隐密小沙滩。

    He picked me up at my house in his jeep and we drove an hour to this hidden little beach in pedangbai where hardly any tourists ever go .

  10. 他在他的事务所和戏院之间流连徘徊。

    He prowled about between his office and the theatre .

  11. 每天在那可怜孩子的床边流连?

    Make daily pilgrimages to the poor boy 's bedside ?

  12. 他过去常跟他的死党流连在弹子房。

    He used to h11o12at the poolroom with his buddies .

  13. 哪里有空闲的手我流连不;

    Where there are idle hands I will linger not ;

  14. 机器带来富足,让我们流连与物质。

    Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want .

  15. 她若流连在照片之前,继续走

    If she lingers at a photograph , move on .

  16. 原来流连不去的,从来都不是美景,我们只是想要留住那份心情。

    All that lingers is not just the scenery but also our mood .

  17. 但是他常常在剧场流连。

    But he was always hanging around the house .

  18. 让我日日在那里流连,常常不觉日到中天,

    There daily I wander as noon rises high ,

  19. 消失了的五月的回忆仍旧流连在我的肢体上么?

    Do the memories of vanished months of May linger in my limbs ?

  20. 我们只是情不自禁流连往返于那个美丽的世界中。

    We just get stuck in to the beauty and sort of explodes .

  21. 我们也许会流连在欢乐与金璧辉煌中。

    Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam .

  22. 多数政客要在政坛上流连多年。

    Most of these politicians hang around for years .

  23. 他开始流连那些年轻的小姑娘

    His eyes started to wander to younger women .

  24. 我不知道他们为什么放下工作在我篱畔流连。

    I know not why they leave their work and linger near my hedge .

  25. 流连在这个时刻,我知道这是美好的时刻。

    Dwelling in the present moment , I know this is a wonderful moment !

  26. 过去,卸任的政要们可能会流连高尔夫球场;

    Once , former leaders in his position might head for the golf course ;

  27. 我想看他流连往返。

    I wanted to watch him mosey .

  28. 年轻的恋人们流连在花的世界里。

    Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow .

  29. 一次为期两周有时间在各大城市流连揽胜的观光旅游。

    A two-week tour , allowing some time in all the major cities for sightseeing .

  30. 何时诸神流连于狂欢,

    What time the gods kept carnival ,