
  • 网络Reengineering;process reengineering;business process reengineering;bpr;re-engineering
  1. 该公司在流程再造的基础上,先后成功地实施了ERP、OA、PDM以及人力资源管理系统。

    On the basis of BPR , the company has successfully implemented the ERP , OA , PDM and HRM systems .

  2. 在这个框架的指导下,流程再造才能顺利地完成。

    Basing onthe help of the frame , the BPR can be easily completed .

  3. Agent技术在地理信息领域中的作用Agent技术实现应用流程再造的研究

    The Research of Agent Technologies Applied to Application Process Reengineering

  4. 面向ERP实施的企业业务流程再造应用研究

    Research on Application of BPR Facing the Implementation of ERP

  5. 首钢公司ERP实施中的业务流程再造

    Business process reengineering in ERP implementation of shougang corporation

  6. R公司基于物流流程再造的企业竞争优势研究

    Research on the Business Competitive Advantage of Company R Which on the Ground of Logistics Process Reengineering

  7. 最后,将业务流程再造框架具体应用到了P公司产品开发流程再造的研究中,取得了预期的效果。

    Finally , this article uses the framework practically in the research of BPR of company P , and the research achieves anticipated result .

  8. 企业流程再造(BusinessProcessReengineering,简称BPR)作为一种新的管理科学方法日益受到管理学界的重视。

    Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ), as an update management science , has brought to the field of management more and more serious attention .

  9. 邮政企业业务流程再造(BPR)研究

    Study on business process reengineering of post enterprise

  10. 企业流程再造(BPR)&国有煤炭企业提高经济效益的有效途径

    BPR & The Efficient Approach to Enhance the Economic Benefits of State-Owned Coal Enterprises

  11. XX医药集团销售物流流程再造研究

    A Research on Process Reengineering of Pharmaceutical Sales Logistics System for XX Group

  12. KD通信公司的关键业务流程再造

    Key Business Process Reengineering of KD Communication Company

  13. 本文作者以ERP咨询顾问身份,参与项目单位流程再造和ERP系统实施工作。

    The author is an ERP consultant and takes part in the project of the company 's process reengineering and ERP implementation .

  14. 接下来,论文着重介绍了KD公司业务流程再造项目的实施情况。

    Finally , the paper makes discussions on the implementation of BPR project in KD Company .

  15. 其次,在介绍了业务流程再造理论之后,本文对SEM公司的营销业务流程和营销组织进行诊断和分析。

    Second , the thesis introduces BPR theory . And then , marketing process of SEM is diagnosed via analyzing marketing process and organization of SEM .

  16. 结论发动QC小组,开展流程再造是迅速提高医院服务质量的有效途径。

    Conclusion Mobilizing Quality control group and rebuilding process are very efficient methods to improve hospital service qualities .

  17. 业务流程再造BPR(BusinessProcessReengineering)就是对企业的业务流程进行根本性地再思考和彻底性地再设计,从而获得在成本、质量、服务和速度等方面业绩的戏剧性地改善。

    Business Process Reengineering BPR is the fundamental analysis and radical redesign of workflow within and between companys , thereby achieving dramatic improvement in cost , quality , service and time management .

  18. 本论文通过对国内外的顾客价值、流程再造理论的学习及研究,并借鉴相关模型进行X基金管理有限公司的业务流程优化。

    In this paper home and abroad through customer value , process reengineering theory of learning and research , and draw the relevant model X Fund Management Co. , business process optimization .

  19. JH医药公司物流流程再造研究

    The Restructuring of Logistics of JH Medicine Company

  20. 解决这个问题的唯一途径是在企业应用ERP之前和过程中开展业务流程再造,将BPR和ERP有机融合。

    The only way to solve the problem is to undertake BPR before and in the middle of ERP , and to combine ERP and BPR together .

  21. 并针对这些问题从组织结构再造和流程再造两大方面对JS学院教学管理流程进行了优化。

    Also , the teaching management processing reengineering of JS College is optimized from two aspects of organization structure and process .

  22. 许多企业通过实施ERP、CRM及SCM等信息系统,整合企业资源、实施流程再造,来提高自身的核心竞争力。

    Many enterprises implement information system , such as ERP , CRM and SCM in order to integrate their resource , carry on BPR and enhance their core competitive abilities .

  23. 公共组织要从效率、效能和效益(3Es)三方面得以提高,必须实施机构的业务流程再造(BPR),从根本上进行体系的再设计。

    Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) is the most important means to improve the efficiency , effectiveness and economy of public organizations ( including government ) .

  24. 概述了业务流程再造(BPR)的涵义,并指出了它与信息技术的密切关系;阐述了BPR对信息系统带来的影响和意义;

    The article analyses meaning of Business Process Reengineering and points out affinities between BPR and information technique and then elaborates BPR 's influence and meaning to information system .

  25. 最后,指出了供电企业要实现业务流程再造的目的所必须进行的企业文化、薪酬制度和组织机构方面的变革,从而保障BPR顺利实施。

    In the end , it points out that the power supply enterprises should reform further on enterprise culture , salary policy and organization design to implement the BPR project successfully .

  26. 本文描述了业务流程再造(BPR)在整合新旧电子采购系统中的应用及J2EE实现过程,探讨了基于J2EE的BPR在电子采购系统中应用的科学性与可行性。

    This paper describes the whole process of integrating of old and new e-procurement based on BPR and J2EE , discusses the scientific possibility and necessity of J2EE technology and BPR applied in e-procurement system integration .

  27. 以往学者对企业再造的相关方面如企业文化再造、BPR业务流程再造、组织结构再造等进行研究,获得了相关研究成果。

    In the past scholars studied something related to enterprises ' reengineer such as enterprise culture reengineering , BPR reinventing business process reengineering , organization structure reengineering , etc. , obtaining relevant research results .

  28. 本文着重探讨了流程再造的程序和方法,给出了包括观念重构、流程重构、组织重构、切换试点的实施过程模型和BPR的优化准则;

    This article emphasizes the process reengineering procedure and method , gives the implement process model including concept reform , process reform , organization reform , changes selected point executing model , gives BPR optimization principle ;

  29. 近年来,企业经营环境发生了剧烈的变化,流程再造(BPR)成为企业增强竞争力、适应未来的有效手段。

    Recently the environment of enterprise management has greatly changed , business process reengineering ( BPR ) has become an effective way in which enterprise can enhance its competitive power and adapt itself to the future .

  30. 并针对SD公司食盐物流系统存在的问题,运用业务流程再造和现代物流管理理论,提出实施物流管理流程再造的概念。

    To solve the problems existing in the salt logistics systems of SD Company , this paper puts forward to the practical ways to carry out the process reengineering of logistics management by using business process reengineering and modern logistics management theories .