
  • 网络Liquidity test;Lueer Fluidity
  1. GB/T4098.9-1983射频电缆流动性试验方法

    Test method of flow for radio-frequency cables

  2. 该模具组件由熔化坩埚部件和流动性试验部件两部分组成。

    The mould component is composed of a melting crucible part and a mobility test part .

  3. 流动性试验部件包括浇注口、熔液腔和排气孔。

    The mobility test part comprises a sprue gate , a melting liquid cavity and an exhaust hole .

  4. 最后通过流动性试验、贯入度试验、低温弯曲试验、疲劳试验得出改性浇注式沥青混凝土具有优良的路用性能。

    Finally , through the flow test , Low-temperature bending test , Fatigue test , the result is modified mastic asphalt concrete road has an excellent performance .

  5. 为此,本论文通过矿物成分测试、浆体流动性试验、试件强度试验和理论分析等,对矸石-粉煤灰充填料的配料性能及配比进行了研究,取得了一定的创新成果。

    To this end , the mineral composition testing , the paste liquidity test , the specimen strength test and theoretical analysis are taken to study the performance and proportion of gangue-fly ash ingredients of the filling material .

  6. 在不掺减水剂时,综合石粉对水泥浆、砂浆、混凝土流动性试验结果,得出在水粉比不小于0.40时,增加石粉可以提高砂浆和混凝土的工作性能。

    With the influences of water powder ratio on the fluid performance of concrete , it is showed that when water powder ratio is less than 0.40 , increasing the amount of aggregate micro fines can improve the working performance of concrete .

  7. GB/T5472-1985热固性模塑料矩道流动固化性试验方法

    Test method for rectangular flow cure properties of thermosetting moulding compounds

  8. 普通湿喷钢纤维混凝土流动性的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Mobility of the Ordinary Wet Spouting Steel Fibre Concrete

  9. 热固性橡胶之性能,热塑性塑料之加工方法.GB/T5472-1985热固性模塑料矩道流动固化性试验方法

    Performance of thermoset rubber but processed like thermoplastic . Test method for rectangular flow cure properties of thermosetting moulding compounds

  10. 一株假单胞菌对高粘原油的乳化降解作用用原油乳化降粘剂改进稠油采出液流动性的试验研究

    Emulsification and Degradation of Hyper-viscous Crude Oil by Pseudomonas Study on Flowability of Viscous Oil Produced Liquid modified with Viscosity Reducer TXL-1

  11. 用原油乳化降粘剂改进稠油采出液流动性的试验研究

    Study on Flowability of Viscous Oil Produced Liquid modified with Viscosity Reducer TXL-1 Viscosity Reduction Test of Viscosity Reducer-doped Water-soluble Emulsion Emulsification and Degradation of Hyper-viscous Crude Oil by Pseudomonas

  12. 魏荆线添加BEM-6N原油流动性改进剂现场试验

    Field Test on BEM 6N Oil Flow Improver in Weigang Jingmen Oil Pipeline

  13. 空调用贯流风机流动相似性的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Flow Similarity of Cross Flow Fan for Air-conditioner

  14. 高流动性混凝土工作性能试验方法研究

    Research on Test Method for Workability of High Flowability Concrete

  15. 根据给料工况要求和有关铁粉流动性以及流量的试验结果,设计出一种可实现定量控制功能的振动给料斗。

    A vibratory feeder that can control discharge of iron powder quantitatively is designed based on working conditions and experimental results .

  16. 通过对掺高效减水剂水泥净浆流动性及流动性损失的测定试验,研究了高效减水剂与水泥及掺混合材水泥的相容性。

    The compatibility of the superplasticizer with straight cement and admixture cement is investigated by testing the fluidity loss of cement pastes containing the superplasticizer added .