
  • Event Planning;Activity Planning;Planning activities
  1. 您知道,凭借您的活动策划经验,您完全可以自己开店。

    You know , with your event planning experience you could very well open your own shop .

  2. 《节事活动策划与组织管理》为国家级职业教育规划教材。

    " Festival & Special Event planning and organization and management " as the national vocational education planning materials .

  3. 活动策划人PattySachs说,清晰地说出你提前需要什么,将要花多少时间。

    Spell out exactly what you need in advance and how much time it will take , says event planner Patty Sachs .

  4. 活动策划创意总监林树鑫(SKLam)向香港信报英文网站Ejinsight透露,灯海的造价高达八位数。

    SK Lam , creative director of events planner , told Ejinsight , the lights cost an ' eight-digit figure ' to create .

  5. Hackbright和DevBootcamp的毕业生约有90%在三个月内都收到了工作邀请,目前都在Facebook和在线活动策划平台Eventbrite等公司担任工程师。

    Almost 90 % of hackbright and dev bootcamp graduates receive offers within three months and now work as engineers at companies like Facebook and eventbrite .

  6. 美国郊野公园的游憩活动策划及基础服务设施设计

    The Recreation Plan and Fundamental Service Facilities Design in U.S.Country Park

  7. 享受内容丰富的活动策划服务;

    You can enjoy a variety of business activities planning services .

  8. 因此,我决定密切参与活动策划。

    I decided to be closely involved with the planning .

  9. 现在她正努力朝活动策划人的方向发展。

    Now , she is trying to reinvent herself as an events planner .

  10. 论新闻媒体的公益活动策划

    On the Plan of the Public-spirited Activity in Medium

  11. 大型活动策划对企业品牌价值提升研究

    Large-scale Activities Planning Enhancing the Brand Value Research

  12. 参与员工关系管理,尤其是员工活动策划。

    Participate in employee relationship management and assist to scheme employee recreation and activity .

  13. 我可是个天才活动策划人

    I 'm a brilliant event planner .

  14. 他们的做法:在2008年经济危机期间创办一家活动策划公司诚然是件担风险的事。

    What they did : launching a liveevents agency during the 2008 slump was kind of risky .

  15. 是否懂得如何与他人沟通、脑知识、作能力、售技巧以及活动策划能力也是一样的。

    The same goes for communications savvy , computer know-how , writing proficiency , sales knack and event planning .

  16. 上海造欣文化传播有限公司是影视制作服务及活动策划执行公司。

    Shanghai Zaoxin Culture Media Co ' . LTD is a movie making and event planning and execution company .

  17. 负责线上线下活动策划、协调,部分印刷品,活动页面设计。

    Responsible for the online activities of the planning , co-ordination , and some print , page design activities .

  18. 现在,这类系统已经广泛应用于市场营销、客户服务和活动策划等领域。

    The systems are used in a whole host of fields including marketing , customer service , and event planning .

  19. 求职意向:可胜任营销、管理及活动策划、宣传等方面工作。

    Job search intention : Competence marketing , management and planning activities , publicity and other aspects of the work .

  20. 但是我理想的工作是能够吸引眼球的公关及活动策划,这些行业看重这样的创新精神。

    But my ideal job is in the attention-seeking PR and event planning industry , where out-of-the-box thinking is valued .

  21. 在各种活动策划中富有创意,能充分调动每一个参与者的积极性。

    I 'm full of creativity to plan various activities , and I can mobilize suffciently the positivity of all participants .

  22. 以兴趣的形式让协会会员选择自己感兴趣的,一起参与到活动策划中。

    In the form of interest to members of the Association to choose their own interest and participate in the activities planned .

  23. 冠状病毒危机开始时,堪萨斯城一家活动策划公司开始出售写有“我握手”的贴纸。

    When the coronavirus crisis first began , an event planning business in Kansas City began selling " I Shake Hands " stickers .

  24. 她正在磨练自己的活动策划能力,打算在游泳退役后投身于该领域。

    She is honing her skills in event planning , a field she plans to venture into once she retires as a professional swimmer .

  25. 从组织结构、活动策划、宣传营销、人力资源管理和基础设施建设等方面对内蒙古自治区旅游那达慕大会的现状进行了详细分析。

    Analysis the status quo of tourism nadam assembly in the organizational structure , planning , marketing , human resources management and infrastructure construction .

  26. 联谊会团队由公司员工组成,他们自愿拿出时间进行活动策划,以及就新方案在同事中进行调查。

    The rally teams consist of groups of employees who volunteer their time to plan activities and survey colleagues about new initiatives in the company .

  27. 与此同时,我们的团队还拥有宝贵的十年行业经验,对活动策划领域的发展现状有深度认识。

    Meanwhile , our work team also has decades of valuable professional experience , thus we have a deep understanding of the development of events planning .

  28. 活动策划&从计划公司活动到计划成人仪式,活动策划虽然工作量很大但是它提供的报酬也很丰厚。

    Event planning & From planning corporate events to bar mitzvahs , an event planning business can require plenty of work and offer plenty of pay .

  29. 新闻媒体公益活动策划,是有别于媒体日常新闻报道策划的一类策划形式。

    The plan of the public-spirited activity in medium , is a type of plan that to be different from the everyday news report plan of medium .

  30. 那我就这么开始吧:几年前,一个活动策划人打电话给我,因为我当时要做一个演讲。

    So , I 'll start with this : a couple years ago , an event planner called me because I was going to do a speaking event .