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Correlation between the selectivity to the grazing part of the forage by Hainan eld 's deer and ADF content
The range of the no-ash ADF is 13.63 % - 23.19 % , the average is 18.95 % .
Influence of Peptides on Ruminal PH , Concentration of NH_3-N , Bacterium Protein Production , Neutral Detergent Fibre Degradation and Gas Production in Vitro
The content of neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) in double-low rapeseed hull was assessed as deliberated index .
The results of chemical analysis indicate that cultivar , mixture , planting area , processing technics had no effect on the crude fiber ( CF ) contents of RSC and RSM .
Neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) content declined as urea increased ( p < 0.05 ) .
Every varieties ' CP content is above 18 % in the blooming stage . So , all the varieties are used as high quality protein feed .
And the changes in the contents of ADF , cellulose and lignin were measured with the improved Van Soest analytic method .
ⅲ, 50:50 . We investigated the degradation of DM , CP and NDF in rumen of the initial stage of weaning calf about Xinjiang reed within different composition diets .
There was no significant difference in the content of NDF or in the degradability of NDF between trial groups after double-low rapeseed hull had been treated by enzyme preparation ( P0.05 ) .
Effects of Physically Effective Neutral Detergent Fiber on Chewing Activity 、 Rumen Fermentation 、 Digestibility and Milk Production of Dairy Cows Fed a Total Mixed Ration
The results showed that corn particle size did not affect DMI , growth performance and the total tract apparent digestibility of DM , GE , CP , NDF and ADF ( P > 0.05 ) .
The results were as follows : Compared with the control group ( untreated group ) , the contents of NDF in double-low rapeseed hull treated by dry NaOH method , urea-ammonification treatment and alkali-ammonification treatment all decreased ;
The crude protein content and nitrogen free extract content of the regrowth of treatment ⅱ were higher , while the crude ashes content and acid detergent fiber content were reverse .
The results showed that the degradation rate of neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) and acidic detergent fiber ( ADF ) were significantly increased in rumen when adding malate in ration (( P < )( 0.05 ));
After the hull had been treated for different time spans by the same method , there was extremely significant difference in the content of NDF and in the degradability of NDF within the groups ( P < 0.01 ) .
The results showed that 1 ) the intakes , excretion and digestion of crude fiber ( CF ), acid detergent fiber ( ADF ) and neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) in Emus were higher than that in Turkeys and Cocks ( P0.05 );
Results showed that the correlation coefficients of calibration ( R ~ 2 ) were 0.95,0.90,0.86,0.91,0.86, 0.95 and 0.90 for crude protein , neutral detergent fibre , acid detergent fibre , hemicellulose , dry matter , crude ash and acid detergent lignin respectively ;
Content of neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) and acid detergent fiber ( ADF ) in dry matter increased gradually from 42.59 % , 32.03 % at the seedling stage to 61.50 % , 46.68 % at the podding stage , respectively ;
As increasing mature of the whole-plant corn , the content of dry matter ( DM ), starch , neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) and acid detergent fiber ( ADF ) increased , and the content of water-soluble carbohydrates ( WSC ) and water decreased .
The treatment of high nitrogen content has more crude fat and crude protein content , at the same time , the content of neuter washing fiber and acid washing fiber is low , stem leaf ratio was low .
The effective neutral detergent fiber ( eNDF ) in dairy ration influences the milk fat , while physically effective NDF ( peNDF ) affects the chewing activity of dairy cows .
The influence of dietary NDF levels on the growing male calves ' apparent digestibility ratio of ND and acidic detergent fiber ( ADF ) was great ( P < 0.05 ), the apparent digestibility ratio of NDF and ADF increased with the increasing dietary NDF levels ;
Nitrogen in NDF decreased by 69.52 % to 0.96 % .
We use Van Soest abstersion fibre to determine different biomass component .
Effect of Dietary NDF Levels on Carbohydrate and Protein Metabolism of Growing Calves
Effects of Different Treatments on Degradation Rate of NDF and ADF in Stover Silage
Neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) content gradually increased with increasing salinity in two grasses .
ADF of Super 7 was lower than that of other four varieties ( P < 0.05 );
Herbicides reduced crude protein of covered oat hay , but had no influence on neutral detergent fiber .