
  • 网络persian;The Persians
  1. 波斯人:「我们的箭雨足以遮蔽阳光!」

    Persian : 「 The arrows will blot out the sun !

  2. 波斯人一直仔细倾听着有无异样的声音。

    The Persian listened carefully all the time for strange noises .

  3. 其他地区的族群包括波斯人(Persians)、Lurs、亚美尼亚人(Armenians)(可能是古老美索不达米亚(Mesopotamian)文化的后裔)。

    Other distinct groups are Persians , Lurs , Armenians ( possible descendants of the ancient Mesopotamian culture ) .

  4. 巴比伦人和波斯人有一个类似的节日,叫作Sacaea。

    The Persians and the Babylonians celebrated a similar festival called the Sacaea .

  5. 因此,第十三就和混乱联系了起来。波斯人在波斯历上的第十三天会外出、以避免厄运,这个传统被称为“SizdahBedar”,意思是“十三户外”。

    Therefore , the thirteenth is identified with chaos and the reason Persians leave their houses to avoid bad luck on the thirteenth day of the Persian Calendar , a tradition called Sizdah Bedar .

  6. 波斯人认为它像锡克教头巾,因此以之为其命名。

    The Persians named it after the Sikh headwear that it resembled .

  7. 而且是一个被当作波斯人的人。

    One who passes as a persian , at that .

  8. 没有人知道古代的波斯人是怎样称呼他们的有翼圆盘标记。

    No one knows what the ancient Persians called their winged disc .

  9. 没有人知道他的名字。他就是波斯人。

    ' Nobody knows his name . He 's just the Persian .

  10. 热带亚洲和非洲的植物的属;特别是波斯人的紫罗兰。

    Genus of tropical Asiatic and African plants : especially Persian violets .

  11. 可要是照你说的,我们比波斯人高等。

    But if we are superior to the Persians as you say .

  12. 为什么古波斯人把海奉若神明?

    Why did the old Persians hold the sea holy ?

  13. 突然那个波斯人从他后面走上来抓住他的手臂。

    Suddenly the Persian came up behind him and took his arm .

  14. 过去土耳其人和波斯人用短弯刀。

    Scimitars were used in the past by the Turks and the persians .

  15. 亲爱的朋友们,不管你是土耳其人,波斯人或阿拉伯人。

    Dear friends , regardless you folks are turk , Persia nor arabic .

  16. 斯巴达王跟波斯人谈话不需要护身。

    A Spartan king needs no escort to talk to a mere persian .

  17. 波斯人,别故作谦让或愚昧。

    Do not be coy or stupid , Persian .

  18. 波斯人把手放到墙上。

    The Persian put his hands on the wall .

  19. 国王的儿子在与波斯人的战斗中死去。

    The king 's son died in battle , fighting against the persians .

  20. 这样拉乌尔和波斯人就能活下来。”

    Then Raoul and the Persian can live . '

  21. 波斯人可以用它来包抄我们。

    The Persians could use it to outflank us .

  22. 很多波斯人移居到了孟买附近的印度。

    Many Farsi emigrated to India near Bombay .

  23. 他有可能是波斯人,以前没去过印度。

    He had never been to India before ; perhaps he came from persia .

  24. 元代回回人继承了唐宋时代阿拉伯、波斯人的航海技术。

    The Huihui inherited the voyage technique of Arab and Persian in Yuan Dynasty .

  25. 这是阿拉伯人和波斯人。

    They were the Arab and Persian visitors .

  26. 陛下,我们的希腊友军也想拿波斯人开涮。

    Our Greek comrades are begging for a crack at the Persians , sire .

  27. 波斯人不想回到黑暗的八世纪。

    Persians do not want to roll back the clock to the eighth century .

  28. 三百个勇敢的希腊人抵御住了一百万个波斯人的进攻。

    Three hundred brave Greeks held off a Persian army of a million men .

  29. 一定可以把波斯人逼进温泉关。

    It 'll do the job of funneling the Persians into the Hot Gates .

  30. 那孩子提到波斯人古老传说中的鬼魅。

    The child speaks of the Persian ghosts , known from the ancient times .