
fǎ lǜ ɡuī bì
  • evasion of law
  1. 法律规避在国际私法居于重要地位。

    Evasion of law is very important in private international law .

  2. 第三章主要探析了法律规避的效力问题。

    Chapter 3 mainly analyses the effect of Evasion of Law .

  3. 国际私法上法律规避问题的分歧国际法中个人地位新探

    On About the Disagreements of Evasion of Law in the Private Internation Law

  4. 首先通过具体的案例对我国法律规避的表现形式进行了归纳。

    Firstly , generalize the form of the evasion of law by idiographic cases .

  5. 法律规避制度的意义在区际私法中仍然重要。

    Therefore it is important to set rules for the Chinese regional private law .

  6. 法律规避是国际私法的传统理论问题。

    The evasion of law is the traditional theory question of private international law .

  7. 论区际私法中的法律规避

    Evasion of Law in the Regional Private Law

  8. 法律规避是一种违法行为。

    Law evasion is an illegal act .

  9. 法律规避的经济分析

    An Economical Analysis on Evasion of Law

  10. 国际私法中法律规避问题探析国际私法上的法律规避制度

    Legal Evasion in the International Private Law

  11. 法律规避与法律选择

    Evasion of Law and Choice of Law

  12. 法律规避效力问题探讨

    Research on the Effect of Law Avoidance

  13. 法律规避作为一个社会现象客观地在当代中国存在着。

    As a social phenomenon , the evasion of law exists in the contemporary China objectively .

  14. 传统国际私法理论认为,法律规避是欺诈行为。

    In the traditional international private law theory , evasion of law is regarded as a fraudulent conduct .

  15. 在未来的统一区际冲突法的设计和制定中,我国应明文禁止区际法律规避。

    China should prohibit the evasion of law clearly in framing an uniform regional private law in the future .

  16. 大陆法系国家则普遍认为理应禁止法律规避,体现出优先维护公平与秩序的价值取向。

    Common law countries always don 't ban evasion of law in defense of value orientation of parties ' freedom .

  17. 第一章主要阐述了法律规避的成因,并对其构成要件予以评析。

    Chapter 1 mainly introduces the conception , reasons of Evasion of Law and analyses the constitution of Evasion of Law .

  18. 对法律规避的历史渊源、性质、构成要件等等进行研究与探讨十分必要。

    It is necessary to analyze and discuss the historical origin , the nature and the composition of evasion of law .

  19. 法律规避制度及其发展&兼及当代中国涉外审判实践中相关现状与问题

    Studies on Evasion of Law and its Development & As well as its current situation and problems in foreign-related trial of China

  20. 浅析建筑工程带资承包的法律规避垫资施工对施工企业的危害及对策

    Analysis on Lawful Elusion of Contracting with Own Capital in Construction Engineering The Damages of Pay-in Construction to Building companies and Countermeasures

  21. 我国职工持股会自始至终都是在法律规避状态下产出的怪胎。

    From the beginning to the end , the ESOP Association is a " monster " under the evasion of the law condition .

  22. 我国在审理对外担保纠纷时在一定程度上存在滥用法律规避和公共秩序保留制度的现象。

    In China , the institutions of the evasion of law and the reservation of public order are mistakenly used in some cases .

  23. 目前由于立法缺位、金融创新和法律规避、分业监管的监管体制等因素的影响,房地产资金信托面临风险。

    At present because of law 's vacancy , financial innovation and evasion of the law , supervising separately , REITs faced with risk .

  24. 法律规避在国际私法中居于重要地位,研究法律规避具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Evasion of law is a very important issue in private international law . The study of it has great theoretical and realistic significance .

  25. 第二章主要讨论法律规避的性质即法律规避是否是一个独立的问题。

    Chapter 2 mainly analyses the nature of Evasion of Law which can indicate whether the Evasion of Law is an independent problem or not .

  26. 本文从以往局限的定义中摆脱出来,在相关学者的研究基础上,对我国当代法律规避重新作了界定。

    Different from the traditional definition , this paper newly defines the evasion of law in the contemporary China based on the research of some scholars .

  27. 国际私法的基本制度包括识别、反致、法律规避、外国法的查明和公共秩序保留。

    The basic systems of private international law include characterization , renvoi , evasion of law , proof of foreign law and reservation of public order .

  28. 在国际投资领域中,既可能存在着国际私法意义上的法律规避,有可能存在国内法意义上的法律规避。

    In international investment area , there exist activities which may be deemed as Evasion of Law either under international private law or under domestic law .

  29. 第四章中首先介绍了中国目前在法律规避制度方面的规定和司法实践上的情况。

    Chapter 4 firstly introduces and analyses the present situation of system of Evasion of Law in China , and then pertinently gives three legislative proposals to improve it .

  30. 法律规避现象可以从侧面反映社会对法律的态度与评价,有利于认识法律的实效与反思立法价值取向的定位。

    The phenomenon reflects the attitude and Evaluation about the law , and it is good to understand the value of the law and reflect the effectiveness of legislation .