
fǎ lǜ dì wèi
  • legal status
  1. 他们一直在为提高妇女的法律地位而奔走呼号。

    They have been campaigning to improve the legal status of women .

  2. 合同当事人的法律地位平等,一方不得将自己的意志强加给另一方。

    The parties to the contract have equal legal status , and neither party may impose its will on the other .

  3. 我无法提供准确细节,但那是我们所处法律地位的大致情况。

    I can 't give chapter and verse , but that 's the rough outline of our legal position .

  4. 布里斯托尔在地方政府重组过程中重新获得了自己作为一个城市的法律地位。

    Bristol regained its status as a city in the local government reorganisation .

  5. 欧共体不是GATT缔约方,GATT也从没有确立过EC在其中的法律地位。

    EC was not the contracting party of GATT .

  6. 国民待遇原则作为WTO体制的支柱之一,强调内外国主体法律地位的平等,昭示着经济自由主义的理念。

    As one of the pillars of WTO system , the principle of national treatment emphasizes the equality of legal status of both foreign and domestic subjects , which declares publicly the spirit of economic liberalism .

  7. 根据我国《海商法》关于托运人的定义,FOB术语买方和卖方都具有运输合同的托运人法律地位。

    Both the buyer and the seller in FOB contract are shipper according to the definition of shipper in CMC .

  8. 浅析UCP500下银行持有全套单据后的法律地位

    The Legal Status of a Bank When It Has All the Paper under UCP500

  9. 运用SWOT分析方法和各类图表,从市场需求和法律地位两个层面阐述了大型工程监理企业向项目管理转型的必要性、可行性。

    This paper elaborates the necessity 、 feasibility of the transition from large scaled engineering supervision enterprises to project management companies from market demand and legal status by SWOT analytical methods and various charts .

  10. 从《合伙企业法》看合伙的法律地位

    Research for Partnership 's Legal Position in the Partnership Enterprise Law

  11. 试论经济犯罪案件初查的法律地位

    A Discussion about Law Location of Primary Detection in Economic Crime

  12. 论非政府组织在国际经济法中的法律地位

    On the Legal Status of Non-Governmental Organization in International Economic Laws

  13. 中国妇女古今法律地位之比较

    A Comparison of Lawful Status between Contemporary and Ancient Chinese Women

  14. 欧共体在GATT/WTO中的法律地位

    The Legal Status of the EC in the GATT / WTO

  15. 被保险人发出委付通知后船舶法律地位探讨

    Ship 's Legal Status after the Notice of Abandonment Is Given

  16. 论我国公立高等学校行政主体法律地位

    The Administrative Subject Law Status of the Public University in China

  17. 论委托人及其在信托关系中的法律地位

    On the Trustor and Its Legal Status in the Trust Relations

  18. 同时应加强中国保险监督管理委员会的法律地位。

    Strengthen the legal status of China 's insurance regulator .

  19. 要给予本科层次高职教育应有的法律地位。

    Senior vocational university education should be granted legal positions .

  20. 业主委员会法律地位初探

    The Probe on the Legal Status of Realty Owners Committee

  21. 民国时期妾的法律地位及其变迁

    Legal Status of Concubine and Its Changes in Republican China

  22. 第2章海运履约方的法律地位。

    Chapter 2 , Legal Status of Maritime Performing Party .

  23. 高等学校法律地位研究

    A study of the legal position of colleges and Universities

  24. 中外合作办学主体法律地位研究

    Research on the Legal Status of the Subjects of Sino-foreign Joint Schools

  25. 论方便旗船及其法律地位

    The " Flag of Convenience " and its Legislative Status

  26. 国家经济主权的法律地位阐微

    On the Legal Status of the Economic Sovereignty of State

  27. 香港国际法律地位的嬗变

    The Transformation of the International Legal Status of Hong Kong

  28. 外国人民事法律地位研究

    A Study on the Civil Law Position of the Foreigner

  29. 进一步深化规划和尊重规划的法律地位;

    Deepen and plan and respect the legal status of planning further ;

  30. 公司经理不具有公司机关的法律地位。

    And he does not possess the legal status of an organ .