
  1. 文章首先论述了法定物权对实质公平的追求。

    The article first discusses the legal property of the substance of the pursuit of fairness .

  2. 法定物权的社会成本&两岸立法政策的比较与建议

    Social Costs of Statutory Property : A Comparative Study of Legislative Policies across the Strait and Suggestions

  3. 其次,文章阐述了因事实行为而发生的法定物权。

    Secondly , the article discusses the behavior due to the fact that the statutory property happened .

  4. 法定物权到底包括哪些类型,在学界一直没有定论。

    Legal property rights , including the types in the end , scholars have been at any definite conclusion .

  5. 在我国现行法律上,只有留置权被明确规定为法定物权。

    On existing laws in our country , only a lien to be clearly defined as a statutory property rights .

  6. 文章首先从罗马法开始,介绍了各国立法例上存在的法定物权类型。

    First of all , beginning from the Roman law article , Example introduce national legislation on the existence of the statutory property types .

  7. 首先是对我国物权法中法定物权制定现状的反思。

    First of all , the property law of our country in the development of the statutory property rights to reflect the status quo .

  8. 可以看出我国物权立法对法定物权制度相当落后,需要对类型进行补充。

    Property rights legislation can be seen on our country the legal property rights system are lagging behind the need for the type of supplement .

  9. 再此,文章论述了法定物权对秩序价值的追求,主要包括安定秩序与和谐。

    Again , the article discusses the value of legal property rights to the pursuit of order , including the stability and order and harmony .

  10. 法定物权是非依当事人的意思,而是基于法律的直接规定发生的物权。

    Statutory property rights is not in accordance with the meaning of the parties , but on the basis of legal provisions in the property directly .

  11. 物权法主要是强行法,具体到法定物权则表现为物权发生或变动原因的法定性。

    Property law is jus cogens , the specific performance of the statutory property rights will happen to property or the reasons for the statutory change of .

  12. 但是,法定物权的类型不仅包括法定担保物权,还包括法律直接规定的因事实行为而取得的所有权等。

    However , the type of legal property rights include not only statutory security interests , including the provisions of the law due to the fact that the direct acts of ownership to obtain .

  13. 再次,文章对法定物权与物权法定原则进行比较,得出两者的性质不同、法定对像不同以及两者在物权变动中的地位不同。

    Third , the article on the legal property rights and legal principles of property rights comparison , the two are different in nature , like the different statutory and their property at a different position changes .

  14. 其次,文章论述了法定物权对经济利益的价值追求,主要包括两个方面:增进财产的利用效率和保全物的价值。

    Secondly , the article discusses the legal property of the value of the pursuit of economic interests , mainly including two aspects : to enhance the efficiency of the use of property and preservation of the value .

  15. 其次,文章概括了法定物权的特点,主要包括:物权变动原因的法定性、物权变动的非公示性以及与意思自治原则的统一性。

    Secondly , the article summarizes the characteristics of the statutory property rights , including : the reasons for the statutory changes in property rights , and property changes as well as non-public nature of the unity of the principle of autonomy .

  16. 我国关于法定物权的立法明显不够完善,在一定程度上对经济秩序的安定、交易主体间的实质公平和物的利用效率都带来不利影响。

    About our country the legal property rights legislation is not perfect obviously , to a certain extent the stability of the economic order , the transaction between the main substance of a fair and efficient use of materials have a negative impact .

  17. 法定物权如留置权和优先权,抛弃形式上的平等,而追求实质意义上的公平,对劳动者以及其他处于弱势地位的民事主体的民事权利予以特殊照顾和保护。

    Property rights such as statutory liens and priority , to abandon formal equality , and on the pursuit of substantive fairness , for workers in a weak position , as well as other civil rights the subject of civil special care and protection .

  18. 优先权是一项独立的实体性权利,是一项法定担保物权。

    Priority is a substantive right which has the attribute of real right guaranteed .

  19. 物权法定及物权公示原则要求物权的变动必须经过公示。

    The principles of statutory and Publication of Property request changes be through the publicity .

  20. 物权法定是物权法的基本原则之一,它包括类型强制和类型固定。

    The principle of numerus clausus is the main principle in sachenrecht , including typenzwang and typenfixierung .

  21. 特别优先权具有物权担保的一般属性,属于法定担保物权。

    The special priority has the general attributes of real right , belonging to the legal real right .

  22. 依我国现行立法的规定,留置权亦为法定担保物权。

    In accordance with our country 's current legislation , lien is also the legal real right of pledge .

  23. 留置权制度作为一种法定担保物权,其适用范围完全取决于我国立法。

    The lien , as a statutory real right for security , depends entirely on the legislations to determine its application .

  24. 造成此种困境的根源在于对一般优先权的认识以及优先权在法定担保物权体系中的定位。

    The hardship results from the understanding of the common priority and the priority ' location in the legal security interest system .

  25. 在我国,留置权是一种法定担保物权,属于典型的保全型担保物权。留置权制度起源于罗马法恶意抗辩及欺诈抗辩之拒绝给付权。

    Lien is regarded as a form of statutory real right for security and a typical form of preserving real right for security .

  26. 在法定担保物权方面,应当对留置权制度进行完善,同时建立优先权制度。

    A security interest in the statutory context , it should be conducted to perfect the lien system , the priority system set up simultaneously .

  27. 作为一项法定担保物权制度,优先权起源于罗马法,但各国立法对其态度各异。

    As s statutory real right for security system , priority originates from Roman law , but the legislations in most country hold different attitude toward this system .

  28. 优先权是一项古老的权利,作为一项法定担保物权,指同一财产上存在不同类型的民事权利发生竞合时,由法律直接规定特定的民事权利优先行使的权利。

    Priority is an ancient right . As a statutory security interests , it refers to the same property , there are different types of civil rights occurs when competing , directly by law for specific priority to the exercise of the rights of civil rights .

  29. 物权法定主义是物权法建构的核心基础。

    The legal property rights are the core of construction of property rights .

  30. 物权法定主义是物权法的基本原则,是物权立法的基石。

    Grundsatz der Sachenrecht is basic principle of property law and legislative basis .