
zhì ān fǎ ɡuān
  • magistrate;Justice of the Peace;beak
  1. 双方正在等待治安法官詹姆斯·奥伦斯坦(JamesOrenstein)就苹果是否该被迫使合作做出裁决。

    The two sides are awaiting a ruling from Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on whether Apple should be forced to cooperate .

  2. 索戈延提到的判令是上周由一名联邦治安法官发出的,命令要求苹果编写和安装FBI所需的代码。苹果已经承诺要挑战该命令。

    The court order to which Mr. Soghoian referred was issued last week by a federal judge magistrate , and tells Apple to write and install the code sought by the F.B.I. Apple has promised to challenge that order .

  3. 苹果在周一晚提交的诉书中陈述了上述立场。此前美国司法部向法院提出要求苹果协助当局提取一台在调查中缴获的iPhone上的数据,布鲁克林的联邦治安法官奥伦斯坦正在考量该要求,并寻求苹果的意见。

    Apple 's position was laid out in a brief filed late Monday , after a federal magistrate judge in Brooklyn , New York , sought its input as he weighed a U.S. Justice Department request to force the company to help authorities access a seized iPhone during an investigation .

  4. 去年10月,布鲁克林的联邦治安法官詹姆斯·奥伦斯坦(JamesOrenstein),对于他能否要求苹果禁用最新款iPhone中的安全功能表达了疑虑,其理由是尽管司法部一再催促,但国会未能解决这个问题。

    Last October , James Orenstein , a federal magistrate judge in Brooklyn , expressed doubts about whether he could require Apple to disable its latest iPhone security features , citing the failure of Congress to resolve the issue despite the urging of the Justice Department .

  5. 治安法官将她带到巡回刑事法庭受审。

    The magistrates committed her for trial at the Crown Court .

  6. 治安法官使他具结保证表现好。

    The magistrate bound him over to be of good behaviour .

  7. 他们所有人必须当着一位治安法官的面签字。

    They will all have to sign in front of a magistrate .

  8. 午饭前,这是治安法官将审理的最后一个案子。

    This is the last case which the magistrate will hear before lunch .

  9. 第四章:英国治安法官的演进(1832-1888年)。

    Chapter four , the further evolution of British magistrates ( 1832-1888 ) .

  10. 通常不是一个合格律师的治安法官,它与领薪裁判官相对

    Magistrate who is not usually a qualified lawyer as opposed to a stipendiary magistrate

  11. 治安法官离开法庭思考裁决。

    The magistrate retired to consider their verdicts .

  12. 得由治安法官真诚地授予。

    It has to be administered by a bona fide justice of the peace .

  13. 治安法官对大法官负责。

    Magistrate is responsible to the lord chancellor .

  14. 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。

    He is the justice of the peace that jug me for a vagrant .

  15. 在最初的几年里我当选为这里的荣誉治安法官。

    In the first years I was elected here an honourary justice of the peace .

  16. 一组治安法官坐的地方

    A group of magistrates in an area

  17. 治安法官能立即审判一个案子或将它交巡回刑事法院。

    The magistrate can try a case summarily or refer it to the crown court .

  18. 鉴于被告的年龄,治安法官给他缓期处刑。

    In view of the age of the accused the magistrate give him a suspend sentence .

  19. 治安法官制度及其借鉴意义

    The Magistrate System and Its Reference

  20. 议会改革使得选举权扩大,为治安法官补充了新鲜的血液。

    The Parliamentary Reforms enlarged the right to vote , which brought new vigor to magistrates .

  21. 在此基础上进一步阐述了英国治安法官在都铎王朝时期的发展。

    Then the dissertation goes to the development of British magistrate in the period of Tudor .

  22. 除此之外,治安法官享有大范围的民事管辖权。

    In addition , magistrates also enjoy a jurisdiction right over a large scope of civil matters .

  23. 一名前治安法官被起诉与这三起谋杀案有关。

    Authorities have now charged the wife of a former justice of the peace in the three killings .

  24. 这个青年被宣判15天拘禁时,他满不在乎地瞪着治安法官。

    The youth glared defiance at the magistrate as he received a sentence of fifteen days in prison .

  25. 治安法官签发的给予警察逮捕犯罪分子权力的命令。

    Warrant sign by a magistrate which give the police the power to arrest someone for a crime .

  26. 治安法官卢卡斯。范德西弗说,他希望这样的判决将会吓阻其他人做出类似犯行。

    Magistrate Lucas van der Schyff said he hoped the sentence would deter others from committing similar crimes .

  27. 其主要内容为:第一章:英国治安法官的产生与发展。

    The main contents are as follows : Chapter one , the origin and development of British magistrates .

  28. 第四章分别介绍了教区警官和郡上的治安法官的治理犯罪的状况。

    Chapter 4 and chapter 5 introduced how petty constable and justice of the peace enforced the law .

  29. 通过对英国治安法官制度的价值、作用与影响进行全面分析,进一步说明其重要性。

    Then make an analysis on its valuable , action and influence to explain the important of this system .

  30. 上诉法院减少了治安法官所罚的款额或将刑期减少到7年。

    The appeal court reduce the fine impose by the magistrate or reduce the sentence to seven year ' imprisonment .