- gully;ravine;gill

[ravine;gully] 溪谷,山涧
世间沟壑中水凿之处,皆有植土龛岩,亦此类耳。--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈》
Sediments check dam in small watersheds in loess hilly gully area come from three proportion , i.
Spatial distribution and conditional simulation of soil pH values in small watershed of loessial gully region
A GIS-based Simulation of Crop Potential Productivity in Hilly Loess Region
Soil moisture model for loess hilly region based on GIS
Conversion Accuracy Between DEMs of Different Data Structure in Loess Hill and Gully Area
Soil water balance of grassland in gully regions on the Loess Tableland in various hydrological years was simulated numerically with simulated rainfall .
A Research on Gully Characteristics and Their Spatial Variance Based on DEM in the Loess Plateau
Research on Channel Network Nodes Based on DEM in Hill and Gully Area of the Loess Plateau
An Investigation of Sloping Cultivated Land on the Loess Plateau with " 3S " Technology
The Application of DEM in Studying Soil Erosion Type and Process in the Loess Hilly and Gully Area
The Method of ~ ( 137 ) Cs to Study Soil Erosion in the Loess Gully Area of East Gansu Province
This paper is aimed at land use mapping technique with SPOT image to produce a Land use map at county level ( 1:50000 ) in hilly-gully area of Loess Plateau .
As DEM resolution goes down , the relief amplitude and coefficient of variation increases , while gully density and surface roughness decreasing .
The Correlations Between Climatic Factors and NDVI in Hilly and Gully Area of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi
The author paid more attention also to analyze the principle and algorithm of flow length , curvature , relief , the earth 's surface incision and gully density .
A qualitative analysis of the effects of spatial resolutions on the uncertainty of the derived slope in loess hill and gully area information is conducted with the quantitative mathematical formula established .
The paper takes Jiuyuan Gou basin in Loess Hill and Gully Area as the sample of study and DEM with different resolutions established according to the map scaled at 1 ∶ 10000 as the object of study .
Assessment of WEPP Model Applicability ( Hillslope Version ) on Hill-gully Region of the Loess Plateau & A Case Study in Slope Length Factor
By taking 5 m grid cell DEMs as an experiment basis , the relation between flow accumulation threshold and gully density in the Loess Plateau area , Northern Shaanxi , China , is investigated quantitatively and statistically .
The interspecific connectivity of major populations in 3 a , 13 a and 25 a Hippophae rhamnoides communities in hilly and gully regions of the Loess Plateau were comparatively examined by quadrat investigation and PC-run variance analysis , X2 test , and concurrence-percentage computation .
Somewhere gives the most erosion of soil and water and has more 9 000t / ( km2 . a ) of soil erode model , 2km / km2 of gully erode density and only 15 % of vegetable cover .
Based on observed meteorological data and measured soil loss data from field runoff plots in 1985 & 1992 at Ansai Comprehensive Experimental Station , the applicability of WEPP model to different slope lengths on hill-gully region of the Loess Plateau was assessed .
Results from the 3 years of field experiment indicate , that the mulching measure with plastic film on the ridge and straw in the ditch in the dry terraced land in North Shaanxi Loess Plateau hilly and gully region could improve the soil water , air and temperature condition .
The Alteration Technology on Low-yield Fruit Tree in Gully Loess Plateau
Soil fertilizer change of different artificial forest on Loess plateau Gully
Prospects of Building Ecological Agriculture on Hilly and Gullied Loess Region
Macro research to basic forms of rural communities in gully area
Research for Sediment Storage-Release of Small Watershed in Loess Hilly-Gully Area
Ecological Construction of the Low Efficient Oilfield in Hilly-gullied Loess Region
A Study on the Soil Erodibility in the Loess Region