
  • 网络AUTO LAMP;automotive lamps;bulbs;auto bulb
  1. 汽车灯泡寿命试验台研制简介&兼谈可靠性设计思路

    A Brief Introduction of Life Bench for Automobile Bulb

  2. 汽车灯泡定位盖帽多工位级进模设计

    Design of the Multi_Position Progressive Die for the Nut Caps for Locating Automobile Bulbs

  3. 详细介绍了一种汽车灯泡定位圈冲裁工艺和排料方案,并设计了1副冲裁模。

    The blanking process and layout scheme for the centering ring of automobile bulb was presented in detail , and then the design of the blanking die was introduced .

  4. H4卤钨汽车前灯泡

    H_4 Halogen Bulbs for Auto Head Lamp

  5. 汽车大灯灯泡金属座级进模设计

    Design of progressive die for metal mount of automotive headlamp bulb

  6. 工程师们一直在坚持不懈地开发更节能的产品例如节能汽车和节能灯泡。

    Engineers are always plugging away to get better energy efficiency out of our products & like cars that guzzle less gas or light bulbs that burn brighter on fewer watts .

  7. LED已经问世十几年了,但这种灯泡一开始只是作为一种实用性工具,比如汽车和电器的灯泡,过了很久才用来做为高端设计的复杂照明设备。

    The LED bulb has been with us for decades , but it 's been on a long journey from humble , utilitarian origins as automotive and gadget light to sophisticated lighting fixtures in high-end design .

  8. 个人立场:开小排量汽车,使用节能灯泡,并表示他消耗的能源大概比华盛顿那些开着梅赛德斯(Mercedes)的气候变化激进主义分子要少。

    Personal stance : Drives a small car , uses energy-saving lightbulbs and says he probably uses less energy than the climate change activists in Washington with their Mercedes .

  9. 对于采用汽车额定电流型灯泡的灯具的测试电压应调至供电器的额定输入电压。

    The test voltage for a luminaire that employs ampere-rated automotive type lamps shall be adjusted to the rated input voltage of the power supply .

  10. 物联网正是这些联网设备的集合,从汽车到打印机、灯泡到恒温器,它们不再是“愚笨”、静止的物体:它们可以学习你的习惯并通过应用远程控制。

    The internet of things , as it is known , is this universe of objects - everything from cars to printers , lightbulbs to thermostats - that are no longer " dumb , " static things : they can learn your habits and be controlled remotely using an app .

  11. 以汽车大灯玻璃碎片为例,给出了广义抛物运动抛距方程的参数。汽车大灯灯泡金属座级进模设计

    It is derived that general throwing motion formula and model parameters in which we take headlamp glass splinter as an example . Design of progressive die for metal mount of automotive headlamp bulb