
tāng jiā
  • Tonga
汤加[tāng jiā]
  1. 这两个前苏联共和国是目前没有加入wto的经济体中最大的两个,而太平洋小国汤加今日正式成为wto第151个成员国。

    The two former Soviet republics are the largest economies remaining outside the WTO , which today welcomes the tiny Pacific island of Tonga as its 151st member .

  2. 其中服用竹叶石膏汤加减者归入A组,未服用竹叶石膏汤加减者归入B组。总结分析患者退热及症状改善疗效,归纳患者用药规律。

    One who take leaves gesso tonga as A group , reduced not taking leaves gypsum tonga the reduction as group B. Summarize and symptoms improve outcomes with acetaminophen , inductive treating patients rule .

  3. “但是从汇款占GDP的比例来看,汤加、摩尔多瓦和莱索托是最大的汇款接收国”。

    Moldova and Lesotho that are the largest recipients of remittances .

  4. 二仙汤加减对急性不完全性脑缺血大鼠脑含水量和SOD活力的影响

    The interference factor effect on water content and SOD activity of rats with acute incomplete cerebral ischemia

  5. Lisa说这里有一部分是夏威夷原住民,有些是日本人、菲律宾人、中国人、斐济人和汤加人。

    Lisa : Some of those are native Hawaiians . Some are Japanese , Filipino , Chinese , Fijian , Tongan .

  6. 结论:防己茯苓汤加减方对肿瘤坏死因子诱导后肾小球系膜细胞的增殖具有抑制作用,并可影响肾小球系膜细胞MMP-2的表达,进而调整细胞外基质(ECM)的合成与降解。

    Conclusion : Fangji Fuling Tang may inhibit glomerular mesangial cells ' proliferation and influence the synthesis and degradation of extracellular matrix .

  7. 本研究具有重要的实验意义,为升陷汤加味方治疗SSS提供了实验依据。

    This study has important experimental significance , provide Experiment basis for Shengxian Decoction Modified Prescriptions to treat the SSS .

  8. 目的观察补肾育阴汤加服妇复春胶囊对围绝经期综合征患者ET、NO含量的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Bushen Yuyin decoction and Fufuchun capsule on the content of endothelin ( ET ) and nitric oxide ( NO ) in patients with perimenopausal syndrome .

  9. 补阳还五汤、通脉汤加减对创伤骨折后D-Di、PLC、Pagt的影响

    The Effect of Bu Yang Huan Wu Soup and Tong Mai Soup on D-Di , PLC and Pagt of Traumatic Fracture

  10. 在若干国家,汇款已经占国内生产总值(GDP)的三分之一了,如塔吉克斯坦(45%)、摩尔多瓦(38%)、汤加(35%)、莱索托(29%)和洪都拉斯(25%)。

    Remittances already make up a large share of GDP in several countries , such as Tajikistan ( 45 % ), Moldova ( 38 % ), Tonga ( 35 % ), Lesotho ( 29 % ) and Honduras ( 25 % ) .

  11. 目的探讨二步序贯治疗即中药人参五味子汤加小青龙汤对哮喘小鼠肺组织GATA-3表达及气道炎症的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of Xiaoqinglong decoction and Ginseng-Schisandrae decoction on the expression of GATA-3 and airway inflammation in lungs of mice with asthma .

  12. 斐济共和国是南太平洋的岛国,位于瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)东部,汤加(Tonga)西部和图瓦卢(Tuvalu)南部。

    The Republic of the Fiji Islands , or Fiji , is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean , east of Vanuatu , west of Tonga and south of Tuvalu .

  13. 人参白虎汤加减方对糖尿病模型大鼠影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study of RENSHEN BAIHU Decoction on Models of Diabetic Rats

  14. 蕃茄汤加洋葱大蒜是我的最爱。

    Tomato soup together with onion and garlic in my favorite .

  15. 2009年3月19日汤加地震快速矩张量解

    Quick moment tensor solution of the 2009 March 19 Tonga earthquake

  16. 在汤加王国种植蔬菜的尝试及技术体会

    Experience and Attempt of Growing Vegetable in the Kingdom of Tonga

  17. 一只手腕上戴的劳力士手表对的是汤加时间;

    A Rolex on one wrist is set on Tonga time ;

  18. 今天的特餐是炖牛肉汤加大蒜面包。

    A : Today 's Special is beef stew with garlic bread .

  19. 2002年汤加序列中深源地震的远程触发

    Remote triggering of deep earthquakes in the 2002 Tonga sequences

  20. 汤加有一个听起来很合理的基础建设和发达的社会服务。

    Tonga has a reasonably sound basic infrastructure and well-developed social services .

  21. 真武汤加味方治疗扩张型心肌病临床研究

    Clinical Study on Modified " Zhenwu Decoction " in Treating Dilated Cardiomyopathy

  22. 治肾,常以六味地黄汤加减灵活应用,注重调理脾胃。

    To treat kidney , modified Liuwei Dihuang decoction is commonly used .

  23. 43首桂枝汤加味方分析

    An Analysis of 43 Prescriptions of Modified Cinnamon Twig Decoction

  24. 中国与汤加对驰名商标保护制度比较研究

    Comparative Study on Protection of Well Known Trademarks in China and Tonga

  25. 属于或关于汤加岛君主国或其人民的。

    Of or relating to the island monarchy of Tonga or its people .

  26. 汤加金枪鱼渔业现状和发展前景

    Current status and development prospects of Tonga tuna fisheries

  27. 斐济&汤加地幔过渡带的地震波各向异性

    Seismic anisotropy in the mantle transition zone beneath Fiji-Tonga

  28. 调息法形成阿斯汤加瑜伽内心清洁习练的基础。

    Pranayama forms the foundation for the internal cleansing practices of Ashtanga yoga .

  29. 其最接近的北方邻国新喀里多尼亚,斐济和汤加。

    Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia , Fiji and Tonga .

  30. 复方大承气汤加钡剂在治疗小肠梗阻中的运用

    Application of Compound Formula Major Qi infusing Decoction plus Barium to Treat Enteric Obstruction