
wū huì
  • filthy;contamination;foul;dirt
污秽 [wū huì]
  • (1) [filthy;foul]∶肮脏的;不洁净的

  • 污秽不堪

  • (2) [dirt]∶不干净的物体

  • 荡涤污秽

污秽[wū huì]
  1. 他的头发蓬乱污秽。

    His hair was unkempt and filthy .

  2. v.污染台湾的许多河川被工厂所排污秽的废物所污染。

    pollute Many rivers in Taiwan are polluted with filthy waste from factories .

  3. 语言污秽,暴力场面非常写实。

    The language is foul and the violence horribly realistic .

  4. 穿过米德尔斯伯勒的那条河变得污秽不堪、臭不可闻。

    The river that runs through Middlesbrough became ugly on the eye and hard on the nose .

  5. 抑或是黑暗污秽凌乱不堪的房间呢?

    Or , is it a rumpus room strewn of rummage ?

  6. 地板上满是污秽。

    The floor was covered in filth .

  7. 这个地方污秽不堪;我看多半是走私冒险商贩过往落脚之处。

    It was a dirty place enough , and I dare say not unknown to smuggling adventurers .

  8. 大多数的工头用极其污秽的语言辱骂工人

    Most of the foremen abused the workmen in the foulest languages .

  9. 因为各席上满了呕吐的污秽,无一处乾净。

    For all tables are full of vomit filthiness , so that there is no place clean . 8

  10. 绝缘子污秽等级:普通级为0级;防污型为III级;

    Insulator 's pollution level : Normal class is0 , anti-pollution is III level .

  11. 基于GPRS网络的输电线路绝缘子污秽在线遥测系统

    On-line Remote-monitoring System for transmission line insulator contamination based on the GPRS Net

  12. 适用于绝缘子污秽检测的8mm波辐射计设计

    Design of an 8mm Radiometer Suitable for Insulator Contaminant Detection

  13. 在I、II级污秽等级的站址环境下,瓷质外绝缘单个支柱绝缘子、套管以及其他瓷质类设备难以满足户外要求;

    Under I or II class contamination conditions of station site , ceramic post insulator , sleeve and other ceramic devices are difficult to meet outdoor usage requirements .

  14. 8mm微波辐射计在绝缘子污秽检测中的应用

    Application of 8mm Microwave Radiometer on Insulator Contamination Detection

  15. ±500kV天广直流线路污秽状况及防污对策

    Formation and Prevention of Contamination on ± 500 kV Tian-Guang DC Power Transmission Line

  16. 且随着污秽程度的增加,V型布置相对于I型布置的污闪电压提高的百分数和II型布置相对于I型布置降低的百分数均增大。

    Along with the increase of pollution degree , the increase percentage of pollution flashover voltage of V-shape arrangement and the decrease percentage of pollution flashover voltage of II-shape arrangement in comparison with I-shape arrangement are enlarged .

  17. ±800kV直流复合绝缘子短样人工污秽闪络特性研究

    Study on Pollution Flashover Performance of Short Sample of ± 800kV UHV DC Composite Insulators

  18. 海拔2500m以下污秽覆冰绝缘子直流闪络特性及机理研究

    Study of DC Flashover Performance and Mechanism of Iced & Polluted Insulators at Altitude of 2500m Below

  19. 三峡送上海直流500kV换流站外绝缘污秽水平的研究

    A Study on Pollution level of External Insulation in Three Gorge & Shanghai 500 kV DC Converter Station

  20. LJC型线路绝缘子污秽监测报警器

    The LJC Type Device for Monitoring Alarming Transmission Line Insulator Contamination

  21. 66kV绝缘子污秽等级测量取样点及测试样品的确定

    The Determination of Sampling Point for Insulator Pollution Level Measuring of 66 kV and for the Testing Sample

  22. 对于钢芯铝绞线,电压加至140kV时,导线LGJ-300/40在干净和污秽条件下的电晕损失值分别为22.67W/m和54.65W/m。

    For ASCR , corona loss of LGJ-300 / 40 under clean and foul is 22.67W/m and 54.65W/m respectively .

  23. 用监测泄漏电流波形畸变,旁路MOA表面泄漏电流,选择合适的气候条件进行检测等可以评估或减小污秽对MOA泄漏电流的影响。

    And some approaches such as detecting the distortion waveform of MOA leakage current , bypassing the surface leakage current and making measurement in right climate condition can evaluate or reduce the influence of external pollution on leakage current of MOA .

  24. 分析MOA表面存在污秽时无间隙金属氧化物避雷器(MOA)模型可知泄漏电流及其阻性分量不仅受瓷套表面污层电阻的影响,而且还受污层与阀片柱间耦合电容的影响。

    Through the analysis of polluted MOA models , the leakage current and its resistive component are not only influenced by pollution layer resistance , but also influenced by the coupling capacitance between the pollution layer and the varistor column when external layer of MOA exists contamination .

  25. 在对1000kV变电站绝缘子污秽外绝缘设计方法研究的基础上,提出了采用污耐压法进行污秽外绝缘设计的方法,并给出了污秽外绝缘配置。

    Based on the research of design method of polluted external insulation for insulator in 1000 kV AC substation , the design method of polluted external insulation was put forward .

  26. 对1000kV交流输电线路长串绝缘子,按照真型布置进行人工污秽工频耐受特性研究。

    This paper introduced the study on the withstand voltage characteristics of power frequency of artificial pollution in real layout for the long string insulators of 1 000 kV AC power transmission line .

  27. 山西电力系统外绝缘污秽等级划分的影响因素分析

    Analyses Influencial Elements on Outer-insulation Pollution Class of Shanxi Electric System

  28. 绝缘子污秽闪络的研究现状及思索

    Present Status and Future Prospects for Flashover Research of Contaminated Insulators

  29. 输电线路绝缘子污秽信息的遥测与管理系统

    Telemetering and Management System of Insulator Feculence Information of Transmission Line

  30. 水泥污秽对复合绝缘子污秽闪络特性的影响研究

    The Influence of Concrete Pollution on Flashover Characteristic of Composite Insulator