
  • 网络pollution right
  1. 本文将水权的水量权和污染权有机结合,提出建立一种准市场的水权交易模型。

    A water rights tradable model for quasi-market is established based on the integration of water quantity right and water pollution right .

  2. 对于不断发生公共物悲剧现象,应科学界定环境污染的初始产权,完善环境污染权的交易制度,以实现资源的优化配置。

    Constantly take place imagine of " tragedy of public thing ", scientifically define the initial property right of the environmental pollution , improve the trade system of environmental pollution right , in order to realize the rational distribution of resources .

  3. 世界各国正通过拍卖限额交易制度下的污染权建立适应性活动基金会。

    Countries are creating adaptation funds by auctioning rights to pollute under cap-and-trade arrangements .

  4. 西方通行的环保手段主要有征收排污费制度、财政补贴政策、污染权交易制度等,这些经济手段有其适合于应用的一面,但与绿色税收相比,都存在一定的弊端。

    The protection means are collects the dirty fee , public finance subsidy system and pollute power trades system , these means all contain its abuse .

  5. 接着指出了排污权和污染权的不同之处,排污是一个中性词,指向的是一种合法的行为,是在环境承载力之内的一种行为。

    Then , the writer points out the differences between waste discharging right and polluting right . Waste discharging right is a legal act within the capacity of environment .

  6. 而所有者可以在专家的帮助下,把污染物分割成一些标准的单位,然后在市场上公开标价出售一定数量的污染权。

    And the owner can cut pollutant apart into some standard units with the help of expert , then marks a price and sells some " pollution rights " publicly on the market .

  7. 电能质量市场中电磁污染排放权分配的研究

    Research on Allocation of Gross Electromagnetic Pollution Emission Right in Power Quality Market

  8. 其中对船舶污染的管辖权问题作了详细的规定。

    Made detailed provisions which the jurisdiction of Pollution from Ships .

  9. 关于防止船舶污染海洋管辖权的法律研究

    The Study on Jurisdiction of Preventing the Ocean Pollution from Ships

  10. 环境污染与排污权交易制度探析

    Discuss and analysis on the draining rights system

  11. 石家庄市地下水盐污染评价&双权均值法

    Double Weighted Average Method for Assessment of Groundwater Salt Pollution in Shijiazhuang City

  12. 中国对专属经济区船舶污染的司法管辖权

    Jurisdiction of the People 's Republic of China on pollution discharged by vessels in its Exclusive Economic Zone

  13. 网络社会道德问题可谓是多种多样,比较常见的有侵犯知识产权、信息污染、侵犯隐私权、危害网络与信息安全等等。

    Network social moral issues are diverse , commonly they contain infringement of intellectual property rights , information pollution , invasion of privacy , crimes against network and information security and so on .

  14. 布什政府提出一项封顶与贸易政策,允许重污染工厂从轻污染工厂购买排放权,该提议去年在法庭被驳回。

    The Bush administration 's proposed cap-and-trade policy , which would have allowed heavily polluting factories to buy emission rights from cleaner ones , was struck down in court last year .

  15. 污染者可以从政府手中购买这种权利,也可以向拥有污染权的污染者购买,污染者相互之间可以出售或者转让污染。

    The polluters can buy this right from the government or other polluters who have the right . They each other can sale or make over pollution .

  16. 目前国际上对光污染的防治非常重视,我国政府也一直强调节能减排,光污染不仅侵害环境权还造成能源的极大的浪费。

    Light on the international pollution prevention very seriously , Our government has been emphasizing energy conservation , The light pollution is not only violations of environmental rights also caused a great waste of energy .