
shuǐ wén shí yàn
  • hydrologic experiment
  1. 中峡水文实验电站流量的率定

    Flow check of Zhong-xia ( hydrology test ) hydropower station

  2. 利用环境同位素及水文实验研究集水区产流方式

    Various patterns of basin runoff generation identified by hydrological experiment and water tracing using environmental isotopes

  3. 淮河流域水文实验现状与新时期水资源研究重点随着城市化迅速发展,点污染源基本得到控制,非点污染源对城市水体构成严重的威胁。

    The actuality and new date developing demand and matter of water resources experiment research in Huaihe River Area With the rapid urbanization , while point source pollution is of control , urban non-point source pollution turns into a serious threat to urban watershed .

  4. 简易水文地质实验在工程地质勘查中的应用

    Application of simple hydro-geological test in geological engineering exploration

  5. 本文着重介绍了我国首次组织的水压致裂水文地球化学效应实验研究的主要成果。

    The paper deals mainly with the major results of the experimental studies of hydrogeochemical effects by hydrofracturing organized for the first time in China .