
  • 网络hydration shell
  1. 通过FTIR光谱分析了产物的结构,并探讨了其在煤粒表面的吸附与对煤粒固-液界面自由能、水化膜以及水煤浆流变性等的影响。

    The structures of products are analyzed with FTIR spectrum , meanwhile , the adsorption on coal surface , the effects of solid-liquid interface free energy , the hydration shell and the rheological properties of CWM are discussed .

  2. 对该区块中生界、古生界复杂泥页岩地层的井壁不稳定问题进行了分析,找出了该地层坍塌的主要原因是由于伊利石水化膜厚、水化斥力大、裂缝发育引起的。

    The borehole instability problems of Mesozoic and Palaeozoic group in this area have been analyzed , and main reasons of formation sloughing was founded which are caused by thick illites hydration shell , great hydration repulsion , and abundance in cracks .

  3. 结果表明,水化膜中CaM及含不同比例Ca2+或Tb3+的蛋白复合物的α-helix的含量较晶体和溶液中为低,而β-sheet和turn结构的含量相对较高。

    The results show that CaM exhibits lower content of α helix and relatively higher contents of β sheet and β turn structure in film than that in crystal or water solution .

  4. 作用机理是KF-102可使滤饼比阻降低,减弱了水化膜的影响,进而降低了滤饼的水分。

    Its mechanism lies in that it can reduce the specific resistance of the filter cake and weaken the effect of water film so as to reduce the cake moisture .

  5. OCL-JB主要是通过吸附作用,增大粘土颗粒的zeta电位和水化膜来提高泥浆中粘土微粒的聚结稳定性,控制钻井液高温高压滤失量。

    It can control the high temperature and high pressure ( HTHP ) filtration effectively by increasing the stability of drilling fluids suspension due to the enhancement of clay solids zeta potential and hydrated layer .

  6. 运用FT-IR方法的分辨率增强及曲线拟合技术对水化膜中蚯蚓钙调素CaM的二级结构以及加入不同比例Ca2+、Tb3+后CaM二级结构的变化进行了研究。

    The Secondary structure of earthworm Calmodulin ( CaM ) in thin film was measured by using FT IR spectroscopic method and curve fitting technique , and the effects of Ca 2 + and Tb 3 + were investigated in detail .

  7. 镁钙砂表面抗水化膜的显微结构与性能

    Research on microstructure and properties of anti-hydration film on MgO-CaO clinker

  8. 膨润土水化膜结构与活化机理辨析

    Analysis on Structure of Bentonite Hydration Film and Its Activation Mechanism

  9. 在探针和样品表面形成的水化膜是否会对扫描图像产生影响以及产生何种影响是一个值得研究的问题。

    So it is necessary to know the effect of hydration films on scanning images .

  10. 但用于紧密堆积的微细胶凝颗粒应是水化膜薄、外形呈球形、具有较好活性的颗粒。

    However , the fine gelling particle should have thin hydration film , spherical shape , and better activity .

  11. 指出润湿剂分子与高分子材料表面间的吸附是通过水化膜作为中间相来完成的。

    The adhesion between wetting agent molecule and polymer material surface is accomplished by the hydration film in the form of intermediate phase .

  12. 在液相工作状态下,浸没于水中的探针和样品表面会形成一层水化膜。

    It is well known that hydration films will be formed on the surface of tip and sample after they immersed in water .

  13. 通过系统研究,得到了起泡剂分子在低能表面上吸附的水化膜液膜吸附模型。

    After systematically research , we can obtain the adhesion model of " hydration liquid film " of frother molecule on the low-energy surface .

  14. 气体流动过程中压力梯度小到一定程度时,水化膜又形成,流动停止。

    When the pressure gradient of the gas during flowing is low to a certain degree , the hydration film forms again and flowing stops .

  15. 水化膜表面两侧压差大到一定程度时,气体才能冲破水化膜的阻力而流动;

    Only the pressure differential at the two sides of hydration film surface is high to a certain degree , can the gas break the resistance of hydration film and flow ;

  16. 分散剂的作用方式的实质是分散剂在矿粒表面的吸附,增强矿粒间的双电层排斥作用、水化膜排斥作用以及位阻排斥作用,减小范德华吸引作用。

    The action of the dispersants is to increase the repulsion interactions of electrical double layer , hydration shell and steric hindrance , and to decrease the Van der Waals attraction among particles .

  17. 抗氧化剂会破坏水化纤维素膜的大分子结构,使其抗拉强度降低,使锌银蓄电池的使用寿命缩短。

    The antioxidant could destroy the macromolecule structure of hydrocellulose membrane , reduce its tensile strength , shorten the service life of the zinc-silver battery was shortened .

  18. 同样包被及水化基底膜,制备培养单层细胞,用人工划痕法,在相差显微镜下随机选择5个100×视野内计算迁移到划痕空隙中的细胞总数。

    Likewise , coat and hydrate the basal membrane , prepare culture cell monolayer , select 5 field of vision of 100 × randomly in contrast phase microscope by artificial scratch method and calculate the total cellular score migrating into the scratch space .

  19. 本文研究了SL&080接枝膜与水化三醋酸纤维素膜在锌二次电池中阻挡枝晶的性质。

    The properties of SL-080 grafted membrane separator and hydrocellulose triacetate ( HCTA ) membrane separator had been studied as a zinc dendrite growth barrier in secondary cells .

  20. 簿膜水范围内土壤持水曲线的滞后现象可用公共水化膜理论来解释。

    The hysteresis of the soil water characteristic curves in hygroscopic process could be explained by the theory of overlapping hydrate film .

  21. 水化至12h后,晶体逐渐长大,附着于熟料颗粒的四周并相互交织在一起,熟料颗粒表面的水化膜消失。

    After 12 h hydration , hydration product crystals grew gradually and the aqueous film on the grain surface of the clinker disappeared .