
  • 网络Calaverite;AUTE
  1. 合成碲金矿及其热液蚀变实验研究初探

    An experimental study of synthetic calaverite and its alteration

  2. 碲金矿的形成与黄铁绢英岩化密切相关。

    The formation of gold telluride deposits is closely related to pyritization-sericitization-silification .

  3. 矿田内各类型金矿属与碱性潜火山岩浆期后浅成低温热液有关的石英-萤石-冰长石-绢云母型富碲金矿。

    Gold deposits in this area were quartz-fluorite-adularia-sericite-rich tellurium gold deposit associated with shallow epithermal in alkali subvolcanic magma .

  4. 并由同质并能位移与粒径可具负相关关系推论,化学结合金应是合企硫化物矿物中可存在的少量微粒碲金矿、碲金银矿等中的正离子金。

    It is inferred that the " combined gold " may be the gold cation in gold-telluride mineral particles which must exist in Au-bear-ing sulfides .

  5. 从金矿采集的试样中发现了该矿中金的三种存在形式,即自然金、银金矿和碲金矿,并分析了它们的含金量的百分比。

    Three existing forms of gold in nature , i.e. the natural gold , the silver-gold and the tellurium-gold have been found , the percentage of the gold in these existing forms has been analysed .

  6. 针碲银金矿及其它碲化物是北岭金矿晚期矿化阶段的特征标志,对寻找大型火山岩浅成热液碲化物型金矿具有重要的意义。

    The gold deposit is considered to be of volcanic epithermal type .

  7. 针碲银金矿产于北岭金矿的晚期矿化阶段,赋存于梳状排列网脉状的石英中,与自然金伴生。

    Sylvanite was formed at the late mineralization stage of the Beiling gold deposit and occurs in comby network quartz , associated with native gold .

  8. 河北省东坪碲化物金矿床流体包裹体研究:地幔流体与成矿关系

    Fluid Inclusions of the Dongping gold Telluride Deposit in Hebei Province , China : Involvement of Mantle Fluid in Metallogenesis