
shuǐ chǎn pǐn shì chǎnɡ
  • aquatic product market
  1. 中国水产品市场分析

    Study on the Aquatic Product Market in China

  2. 四是进一步完善水产品市场体系建设,加强市场流通管理。

    Forth , to make progress in the building of aquatic product market system .

  3. 水产品市场需求结构是决定渔业产业结构的重要因素。

    The demand structure of aquatic products determines fisheries industry structure .

  4. 我国水产品市场状况分析

    Analysis on the Present State of Aquatic Product in China

  5. 关于我国水产品市场发展方向与对策的研究

    Development Direction and Countermeasure on Aquatic Products Market in China

  6. 江苏水产品市场信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Fishery Market Information System for Jiangsu

  7. 对不同时期水产品市场政策及其背景和效应的分析充分证明,水产品市场政策的制定,必须符合经济规律和客观历史背景,否则只能导致资源配置的低效率。

    The market policies must be consist with the economic laws and objective historical background .

  8. 不久后,“十二线蔬果批发市场”和“北行水产品市场”将迁至此处。

    In the near future , Shi'erxian Fruit Wholesale Market and Beihang Marine Product Market will be moved here .

  9. 我国水产品市场已经出现了区域性、结构性的供大于求,价格持续下降的现象。

    At present supply of aquatic products had exceeded demand and there appeared territorial and structural disequilibrium in the domestic market .

  10. 文章分析了我国水产品市场的基本状况,认为目前我国水产品市场品种丰富,价格稳定。

    In China , the present state of the aquatic product market is that the aquatic products are abundant and the prices remain stable .

  11. 本论文从生产与供给、消费与需求、国际贸易、价格、市场流通、市场政策几个方面对中国水产品市场进行全面的研究。

    The thesis has analyzed China aquatic product market through its production supply , consumption demand , international trade , price mechanism , market circulation and market policies .

  12. 本次重金属污染调查共设置了21采样点,其中14个潮间带采样点、4个渔排养殖区和3个水产品市场,调查时间为2004年7~8月。

    There were 21 sampling sites established in the heavy metals investigating areas , including 14 tideland sites , 4 cage mariculture areas of fish and 3 seafoods markets .

  13. 伴随着技术的不断进步和水产品市场需求的持续高涨,海洋生物资源稀缺性矛盾日趋尖锐。

    With the continuous advancement in technology and the rising market demand for fish and fishery products , marine living resources are getting increasingly scarce . Scarcity implies competition .

  14. 日韩两国为了保护本国的水产品市场不受中国水产品出口的冲击,采取各种关税与非关税措施阻碍中国水产品的进口。

    In order to protect native aquatic product market , Japan and South Korea take all kinds of measures to hinder the import of Chinese aquatic product , such as tariff and non-tariff measures .

  15. 正是基于这一背景,本论文采用定性和I定量相结合的方法,对中国水产品市场进行了系统的实证性研究,以期得出对水产品市场之日益完善有价值的结论和政策建议。

    Under this background , the thesis uses quantitative and qualitative method to study the aquatic product market in China positively . Background : Breast cancer is one of the frequent malignant cancers in female .

  16. 但传统的水产养殖规模小,科技落后,面对水产品市场的巨大需求和渔业资源的日益匮乏,现代水产养殖必将面对全新的机遇和挑战,发展水产养殖业也成为必然的趋势。

    However , the traditional small-scale aquaculture has technological backwardness . Faced with the huge demand of aquatic products market and the increasing scarcity of fishery resources , modern aquaculture will face new opportunities and challenges .

  17. 本文在分析水产品市场主要特点的基础上,结合我国水产品市场营销的实际,提出了创新、低价、优质、服务、促销、差异化、品牌、概念、包装这九大水产品营销策略。

    Based on analyzing the main characteristics of aquatic product markets and aiming at the practice of aquatic product marketing in China , the paper put forward nine strategies : innovation marketing , lowing price , serving , promotion , diversity , pop brand , conception , packaging .

  18. 关于水产品批发市场拍卖制度的探讨

    On the auction system of fishery products in the wholesale markets

  19. 青岛水产品批发市场1号、2号楼工程地基处理

    Foundation treatment for Qingdao aquatic product wholesale market building No.1 & No.2

  20. 水产品批发市场的自动化设备配置方案研究

    Research on Configuration Scheme of Automated Equipments of Aquatic Product Wholesale Market

  21. 上海市水产品流通市场的现状

    The present status of aquatic products circulation market in Shanghai

  22. 水产品批发市场物流标准化管理的探讨

    Discussion on Logistics Standardization Management in Wholesale Market of the Aquatic Products

  23. 我国水产品批发市场建设的发展思路

    Development ideas of fisheries product wholesale market in China

  24. 水产品批发市场的经营策略及其物流规划研究

    Research on the Operation Strategy and Logistics Programming of Aquatic Products Wholesale Market

  25. 水产品批发市场已经成为我国水产品流通的栽体,为开展水产品批发分销业务提供了一个很好的物流平台。

    The wholesale market of the aquatic products has already become the carrier that aquatic products of our country circulated .

  26. 实施拍卖交易是我国水产品批发市场交易方式创新的必然选择。

    A necessary choice for the trading mode of aquatic products in the wholesale markets is to implement the auction trade in China .

  27. 竹叶山汽车市场、钢材市场、佐料市场、新世界水产品批发市场等一批专业市场;

    There are many special markets such as Zhuyeshan Automobile Market , steel market , seasoner market , New World aquatic product wholesale market .

  28. 在我国,对手交易作为传统的交易方式,目前仍为各水产品批发市场广泛采用。

    In our country , direct trade is still adopted extensively for every aquatic products wholesale market at present as the traditional trading mode .

  29. 摘要在阐述水产品批发市场的发展趋势的基础上,分析了市场内不同单体所需的自动化设备配置规模情况。

    This paper introduces the developmental trend of aquatic product wholesale market , details configuration scale of automated equipments required by different units in the market .

  30. 本文的论点就是从市场经济的角度分析,水产品批发市场存在这些日益突出的问题主要是由于市场经营管理主体的经营策略失误和缺乏有效的物流规划造成的。

    From the perspective of market economy , the thesis analyzes the increasingly extruding problems and blame to the mistaken operation strategy and inefficient logistics programming for market operating objects .