
  • aerosol transmission
  1. 流行性出血热鼠间气溶胶传播的实验研究

    The experimental study on EHFV aerosol transmission among the mice

  2. 综述了已发表的支持气溶胶传播的结果,以评价这种传播方式的重要性。

    This recent review in Emerging Infectious Diseases does an outstanding job of summarizing the evidence of a major if not primary role for aerosol transmission .

  3. 对气溶胶传播出血热的观点在国内外首次提供了科学的实验依据。

    This provided further experimental evidence for EHF spreading by aerosol .

  4. 我们创造了一个活体内空气取样模型来研究同时感染人类免疫缺陷病毒的病人中结核的气溶胶的传播及评价环境控制措施。

    We created an in io air sampling model to study airborne transmission of tuberculosis from patients coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus ( HI ) and to evaluate environmental control measures .

  5. 鸡舍大肠杆菌的气溶胶发生及其传播模式

    Occurence and Transmission of Airborne Escherichia Coli in Chicken House

  6. 嗜肺军团菌由气溶胶介导传播,可引起暴发流行或散发病例。

    Legionella pneumophila mediated by the aerosol can cause epidemic outbreak or distribution .

  7. SARS-CoV是一种新型的单链RNA人畜共患病病毒,该病毒主要通过近距离气溶胶和亲密接触传播,在家庭和医院有显著的聚集现象。

    SARS-CoV is a kind of novel single RNA virus which can arose zoonosis .

  8. 绿色荧光蛋白标记大肠杆菌气溶胶的发生及其传播模式

    Occurence and Transmission of Airborne Escherichia coli Marked by Green Fluorescent Protein

  9. 鸡舍环境耐药细菌气溶胶及其向环境传播的研究

    The resistance against antibiotics of bacteria from a poultry house and their spreading to surroundings of the house

  10. 呼吸系统作为气溶胶粒子气源性传播的第一道防御屏障,是气溶胶学科研究的重点领域。

    Respiratory system as aerosol particles air sexually transmitted first a protective screen , is the key research areas aerosol discipline .