
  1. 上海成都民间收藏张大千书信选注

    Annotated Zhang Daqian 's Correspondences Collected in Shanghai and Chengdu

  2. 这些画是从博物馆和民间收藏那里收集来的。

    The paintings were gathered from museums and private collections .

  3. 上海举办非物质文化遗产民间收藏展

    Shanghai held exhibition of intangible cultural heritage and collections

  4. 来源:民间收藏获得;

    Source : access to civil collection ;

  5. 我国民间收藏之源至少可追溯至封建时期,已经历几千年历史。

    The source of private collections in China can be traced back at least to the feudal period , has experienced a history of thousands of years .

  6. 民间收藏热异常升温,固然与国内外艺术品拍卖市场的火爆有密切关系,但我们更为关注的是新闻媒体在其间的推波助澜。

    Though the abnormal rise of private collection has a close relationship with the popular of auction market at home and abroad , we pay more attention to the promotional effects of media .

  7. 论述了新文物保护法的制度创新,如历史文化街区的保护制度、不可移动文物的保护制度、馆藏文物管理制度、民间收藏管理制度等。

    This article has expounded on some system innovations in the new " Cultural Relics Protection Law " such as the protection systems of urban historical sites and unmovable relics , the management systems of governmental and nongovernmental relics collections .

  8. 民间泥玩具收藏提要

    A Briefing on the Collection of Folk Mud Toy

  9. 谈民间剪纸的收藏

    On the Collection of Folk Paper - cuts