
  1. 尤其在中国加入WTO之后,面对民营企业管理思想的封闭,管理手段的落后,生命周期短暂等诸多问题,如何将技术、人才与管理的三者整合为核心竞争能力迫在眉睫。

    Particularly China entry WTO , facing management means behind schedule , management thought outing of date , and many problems of brief life cycle , It is the utmost urgency how to integrate technique , talented person and management into the core competition ability .

  2. 民营企业管理人员压力现状和对策研究

    Study of Stress Status and Countermeasures for Manager from Private Enterprise

  3. 民营企业管理模式的现状及发展

    Current Situation and Development of the Managerial Form of Private Enterprise

  4. 民营企业管理制度的动态变革

    On the Chang of Enterprise System of Chinese Private Enterprises

  5. 我国民营企业管理机制探析

    Surveying the Management Mechanism of Mass-run Enterprises in Our Country

  6. 民营企业管理和管理培训现状研究

    A Study on the Actuality of Private-owned Enterprises Management & Management Training

  7. 企业文化建设与中小民营企业管理

    Construction of enterprise culture and management of small and medium sized private enterprises

  8. 中国民营企业管理的发展方向

    The Development Direction of Chinese Privately Operated Business Management

  9. 云南民营企业管理创新之我见

    My Opinions on the Management and Innovations in Private Enterprises of Yunnan Province

  10. 提升现代民营企业管理水平的对策

    Improve the countermeasure of the modern nongovernmental business ′ s level of management

  11. 和谐思维与民营企业管理

    The Harmonious Thinking and the Management of Private Enterprises

  12. 组织承诺及其对民营企业管理的启示

    The Organizational Commitment Research and Its Enlightening on the Management of Private Enterprises

  13. 影响民营企业管理体制变迁的因素分析

    An analysis of the factors causing the management system of private enterprise to update

  14. 民营企业管理人员职业发展满意度影响因素研究

    An Study on the Factors Influencing Managers ' Career Development Satisfaction in Private Enterprises

  15. 国有企业与民营企业管理人员工作压力对比分析

    To Compare and to Analyse on the Managers Working Pressure between State-owned Enterprises and Private Enterprises

  16. 佛山市民营企业管理人员培训管理创新的研究

    Study on the Management Innovation of the Managerial Personnel Training for the Civilian Enterprises of Foshan City

  17. 民营企业管理模式探析&家族式管理过时了吗?

    Mode Selection for Management of Private Enterprises Is Patriarch - based Management Out - of - date ?

  18. 职业经理制是民营企业管理职业化的必然选择。

    The mechanism of professional manager is considered as an inevitable option for the professionalization of private enterprise management .

  19. 关于我国民营企业管理模式变革的思考从家族制到委托代理制的过渡

    Thinking on Management Model Reform of China 's Private Enterprises & Transition from family Organization System to Entrust Agent System

  20. 中国民营企业管理模式的制度变迁&从家族制管理向现代企业制度管理过渡

    The Institutional Changes in the Management Models of the Chinese Private Companies & he Transition from Family Management to Modern-enterprise-system Management

  21. 从微观角度以区域性的民营企业管理模式分析湖南省与发达省份民营企业的差异;

    Second , it analyses the difference of district enterprise management mode of Hunan province and the developed province from the microcosmic angle ;

  22. 民营企业管理机制运作实效研究&对美的集团管理机制的s调查案例

    An Empirical Research on the Operation of Management System in Nongovernmental Enterprises : A Case Study on the Management Mechanism of Meidi Group

  23. 民营企业管理创新应该在结合自身实际的前提下融合家族制管理模式和现代科层制管理模式两者之所长,不能搞千篇一律。

    Management innovation in private enterprises should be based on facts and take in the advantages both of family-pattern management mode and bureaucracy-managing mode .

  24. 总之,本文给出的对民营企业管理模式的分析,对民营企业当前及今后管理模式的发展有一定借鉴和参考意义。

    In short , the analysis of management mode of privately run enterprises can supply reference and ' advice for development of privately run enterprises .

  25. 这些从事制造业的民营企业管理粗放,对于工厂车间产能现状不够了解,更谈不上进行产能分析和优化。

    Those private enterprises engaged in manufacturing extensive management , lacked the sufficient understanding of factory production status , not to mention the production analysis and optimization .

  26. 立足于已有的研究理论,结合当前重庆民营企业管理现状和发展趋势,其选题具有现实意义和理论意义。

    The research has been based on theory which exists in western countries and the current management of the status quo , development trend of private enterprises in Chongqing .

  27. 这一结论可以帮助民营企业管理者制定更加合理的人力资源管理措施,更好地提高员工工作满意度,留住民营企业发展所需的人才。

    This conclusion can help management team in private corporations to adopt more rational human resource management measures , better improve employees ' job satisfaction and retain the talents .

  28. 男性管理者的前瞻性行为表现远好于女性管理者,民营企业管理者相比其它类型企业,更具有前瞻性行为表现。

    The proactive behavior of male managers is much better than female managers . Compared with other types of enterprises managers , private enterprises managers express much more proactive behavior .

  29. 影响民营企业管理体制从家长式、家族式向公司化演变的主要因素是内部变迁需求和外部变迁环境。

    The main factors , causing the management system of private enterprise changing from paternalistic system , kindred system to modern system , are the internal demands and external circumstance .

  30. 其次,在研究了管理模式新发展的前提下,采用科学的分类方法,分析了民营企业管理模式的现状,找出了民营企业管理模式存在的主要问题;

    Secondly , according to newly development of management mode , adopt advanced classification method , study the existing situation of privately run enterprises , and get developing trend at last .