
mín zú zhōnɡ xīn zhǔ yì
  • ethnocentrism
  1. 中国消费者世代及其民族中心主义轮廓研究

    Segmenting and profiling of Chinese consumer generations based on consumer ethnocentrism

  2. 消费者民族中心主义和涉入度均为一个维度。

    Consumers ' ethnocentrism and involvement are equally as a dimension .

  3. 同时消费者民族中心主义对产品购买意愿有显著的直接影响。

    And CET had a significant direct impact on purchase intention .

  4. 民族中心主义与英语词义变化

    Ethnocentrism and the change of semantic meaning in the English language

  5. 其四,动物隐喻中体现出明显的人类中心主义,另外,民族中心主义和性别歧视也有所反映。

    Fourth , Anthropocentrism , ethnocentrism and sexism are also embodied in animal metaphors .

  6. 他认为民族中心主义和文化相对主义就像同一枚硬币的两面。

    He believed that ethnocentrism and cultural relativism are opposite sides of the same coin .

  7. 在已有的消费者民族中心主义对购买意愿影响的相关研究中,大多忽视了影响购买意愿的其他重要变量。

    The existing researches about CET largely overlooked the other important variables which also impact on purchase intention .

  8. 最后,论文实证检验了消费者民族中心主义在产品伤害危机中对购买意愿受损的调节作用。

    Finally , the paper tested empirically the moderating effect of CET on purchase intention during product-harm crisis .

  9. 此后,他把这些语言变体进行分类并提出了低度、中度和重度三个等级的民族中心主义。

    Then , he categorized these linguistic variations and created three scales of ethnocentrism & low , moderate , high .

  10. 以往关于原产地道德作用的研究主要集中于消费者民族中心主义和国家敌意两个概念。

    The previous researches on the moral role of country of origin concentrated on two concepts , Consumer Ethnocentrism and Country Animosity .

  11. 本研究以大卖场为刺激物,采用改进的消费者民族中心主义倾向量表,检验在零售店选择上的中国消费者民族中心主义倾向。

    This research uses an improved consumer ethnocentrism scale to test the tendency of Chinese consumer ethnocentrism in the choice of hypermarket .

  12. 翻译是国际文化交流的一种重要方式,在这个文化交流过程中,民族中心主义明显表现在翻译具体操作的诸多方面。

    Translation is an important means of intercultural communication , during which process cultural hegemonism and ethnocentrism in intercultural communication are represented through various forms .

  13. 其中,“自民族中心主义”和“利益中心主义”,构成了秩序组建与解体的核心内情。

    During these periods the central information of the sequence of establishment and collapse is made up of " self-orientated nationalism " and " benefit-orientated ideology " .

  14. 另外有学者指出,原产地形象发生作用时会受到消费者民族中心主义和消费者涉入度的调节。

    In addition , some scholars point out that image of origin will be regulated by consumers ' ethnocentrism and consumers ' involvement when it takes effect .

  15. 数据分析结果表明不同年龄、性别、收入和消费者民族中心主义、炫耀性消费水平的消费者在产品伤害危机中购买意愿的变化显著不同。

    The data analysis showed that the damage degree of purchase intention was significantly different with different age , gender , income , CET and conspicuous consumption level .

  16. 接着论文检验了消费者民族中心主义与产品来源国效应对购买意愿的共同作用,验证了产品熟悉度在消费者民族中心主义和购买意愿间的调节作用。

    Then the paper examined the combined effect of CET and country-of-origin effect on purchase intention , and verified the moderating effect of product familiarity between CET and purchase intention .

  17. 在当前的文化转型期,各国文化多元共生,平等互补,人们在文化交流的意识形态上采取既反对文化霸权主义又反对民族中心主义的策略。

    At the period of the current cultural transformation , cultures of different nations co-exist peacefully on equal terms and mutual benefit is one of the main features of cultural communication .

  18. 模型中,自变量为原产地形象,因变量为感知服务质量,调节变量为消费者民族中心主义和消费者涉入度。

    In the model , independent variable is as image of origin , dependent variable as perception of service quality and adjusting variable as the consumers ' ethnocentrism and consumers ' involvement .

  19. 由于购买意愿是反映消费者购买决策的重要变量,本论文将集中探讨消费者民族中心主义对购买意愿的影响机制,从而提供切实有效的策略和政策建议。

    As the purchase intention is the important variable which reflect the consumers ' decision , this paper will focus on the impact mechanism of CET and purchase intention to provide effective strategies and policy recommendations .

  20. 产品熟悉度在消费者民族中心主义和购买意愿间起调节作用。最后,论文结合丰田产品伤害危机,研究人口统计变量、消费者民族中心主义和炫耀性消费对产品伤害危机中对购买意愿的调节作用。

    Product familiarity moderated the relationship between CET and purchase intention . Finally , this paper studied the moderating effects of demographic variables , CET and conspicuous consumption on the purchase intention under the context of product-harm crisis .

  21. 结果为:中国英语学习和使用者对高度民族中心主义(蔑视距离)认可度最低;由于冷漠距离里所体现民族中心主义程度较低,而且对应的行为多为无意识的,所以得分比较低。

    It was found out that Chinese learners of English identify least with high ethnocentrism ( distance of disparagement ); as in distance of indifference , the ethnocentrism is relatively low , the participants scored lower than the rest distances .

  22. 测试结果表明:高中生的跨文化交际能力普遍较低,主要影响因素表现在:缺乏西方文化知识,民族中心主义,母语负迁移作用。

    The results of the test show that the current ICC of senior high school students is quite low mainly due to lack of the knowledge concerning western cultural , the ethnocentrism and the negative transference effect of mother tongue .

  23. 杂合在抵制文化霸权和民族中心主义两方面都具有积极意义,在从弱势文化翻译到强势文化中时,使用杂合要考虑到它的度,极度异化以求杂合是不可取的。

    Hybridity has a positive role in resisting cultural hegemony and the ethnocentrism as well . When translating from the weak culture to the strong one , the translator has to take into his or her consideration of the degree of hybridity .

  24. 伊拉克复兴党的泛阿拉伯主义实践,最后分析了伊拉克在历史上长期成为泛阿拉伯主义民族中心和泛阿拉伯主义在伊拉克恒久不衰的原因。

    Finally the author analyzed the reasons why Iraq became the centre of pan-Arabism for a long period in history and why pan-Arabism is forever lasting in Iraq .

  25. 在跨文化交际中,人们常常以本民族的文化标准来衡量其他民族的行为,并把自己与其他文化相隔离开来,这就是民族中心主义。

    In intercultural communications , one usually evaluates the behaviors of outsiders within the context of his own culture , isolating him from other cultures .

  26. 本文考察了历史上对各民族、种族产生重大意义的失败的交际和由此衍生的不良的交际因素&陌生人心理、文化定势和偏见、民族-种族中心主义。

    Historically , the paper researches on the unsuccessful communication that had great importance on nations and races of the world and the negative communication factors it caused & the psychology of a stranger , cultural stereotypes and bias , ethnocentrism .