
mǔ jī
  • hen
  1. 母鸡这次孵8个蛋。

    The hen broods eight eggs this time .

  2. 母鸡啄食地上的谷粒。

    The hen ate the grains of corn on the ground .

  3. 母鸡现在不爱下蛋。

    The hens are not laying well .

  4. 春天严寒的天气降低了母鸡的产蛋能力。

    Freezing weather in spring hampered the hens ' ability to lay .

  5. 他们都是多产的饲养员,养的母鸡很多都可以下6个蛋之多。

    They are prolific breeders , with many hens laying up to six eggs .

  6. 一群母鸡四处乱窜,搅起一团尘土。

    The hens darted away on all sides , raising a cloud of dust .

  7. 我朝母鸡扔卵石,吓得它们乱跳乱叫。

    I threw pebbles at the hens , and that made them jump and squawk .

  8. 这样可以使这对公鸡和母鸡正常交配,让母鸡不再呆在鸡窝里。

    This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nest-box

  9. 这样冷的天气母鸡不会下蛋。

    The hens don 't lay during this cold weather .

  10. 小鸡聚集在母鸡翅膀下面。

    The chickens gathered under the hen .

  11. 母鸡抱窝了。

    The hen is sitting .

  12. 干热低压槽犹如抱窝的母鸡赖着不走。

    A hot , dry thermal sat there like a brooding hen .

  13. 母鸡下了蛋就咯咯地叫。

    The hen crackles when she has laid an egg .

  14. 母鸡下完蛋后,咯咯地叫个不停。

    The hen started clucking after she laid an egg .

  15. 这只母鸡已经孵出了她的全部小鸡。

    The hen has hatched all her chickens out .

  16. 母鸡孵出了一窝小鸡。

    The hen brought off a brood of young .

  17. 该是母鸡孵蛋的时候了。

    It is time for hens to brood .

  18. 母鸡咯咯叫,公鸡喔喔啼。

    A hen cackles . a cock crows .

  19. 母鸡整天啄来啄去。

    The hen pecks all day .

  20. 你的母鸡下蛋多吗?

    Are your hens laying well ?

  21. 蛋是母鸡下的。

    You get eggs from hens .

  22. 母鸡孵化小鸡。

    A hen hatches chickens .

  23. 那只母鸡秃噜了。

    That hen has moulted .

  24. 春天来了,母鸡们又开始下蛋了,这些鸡蛋在冬天结束时为我们提供源源不断的蛋白质。

    In spring , chickens start laying again , bringing a welcome source of protein at winter 's end .

  25. 于是农夫为了喝汤杀了母鸡。

    So the farmer killed the hen for the soup .

  26. 母鸡夏天几乎不下蛋。

    The hens hardly laid any eggs in summer .

  27. 母鸡在麻袋上啄了一个窟窿。

    The hen pecked a hole in the sack .

  28. 母鸡看着远去的乌鸦,悔恨自己由于大意竟然将它欺骗,心中十分懊恼。

    Looking at ongoing that she had been so reckless to be deceived by the crow .

  29. 那风信公鸡既没有母鸡,也没有小鸡。他只想着自己,满身铜绿

    The latter has neither hens nor chicks , and only thinks of himself and perspires verdigris .

  30. 过了一会儿,飞来一只乌鸦,母鸡见它与小鸡一起在地下啄食,相处十分融洽,便把它当成朋友。

    Later a crow flew over . The hen saw the crow eat with her chicken and get along with the chicken very well . So she treat the crow as friend .