- 网络residual state;Resid-Pb;RES-R

The percentage of residual state-Cd had reducing of a certain degree too .
Residual Cd were increased significantly 8.5 % - 26.8 % compared with the control .
La increases the residue - P concentration in the root and stem .
Pb was dominated by exchangeable fraction , residual fraction and iron-manganese oxide .
But Zn was in the reversed direction , that means its bioavailability to be increased .
The speciation of Pb in the Pb contaminated soil were residual oxidizable reducible acid extractable .
Results showed that the addition of humic acids promoted residual Cd and Pb transfer to organic form .
The content of the soil residual Cu and Cd was increased after applying phosphate rock and activated phosphate rock .
Mg and Mn were principally distributed in the acid soluble / exchangeable fraction and Fe was mainly in the residual fraction .
Heavy metals of As , Co , Cu , Zn in rivers , lakes , reservoirs , sewage are the residual fractions .
The results showed that the organic matter-sulfide bound and residuum speciation are the main content of Cu , Zn , Pb ;
Distribution of elements in the form of Cd was residual fractions and oxidizable fraction , ratio the two fraction reached 88.98 % .
Ni in the clinker mainly exists as the acidified hydroxylamine hydrochloride extractable and residual form ( 65.6 % , 20.3 % ) .
Contents of selenium in wheats had significantly correlation with the soil selenium fractionation except for residual form ( P0.05 ) . 4 .
The effect of soil pH on various chemical species of cadmium in paddy soil , purple soil and yellow soil was studied by a series of simulated experiments .
B2 ( bound to Fe-Mn oxides ) and residuals are Cr major forms , accounting for 40.4 % and 42.5 % respectively .
Except for residue fractions , Fe and Mn oxide bound fractions for Pb , Zn overwhelm in soils and in slags , while carbonate bound fractions dominate in river sediments .
Concretely speaking , the Pb in the urban topsoil of Lianyungang mainly consists of residuals and Fe-Mn oxide fractions , plus a small amount of organic fraction and acid-extractable fraction .
Sequential extraction results give the deep impression of occupied chemical forms of Pb and Zn being Fe Mn oxide bound and residue forms , while Cd dominating as the exchangeable form .
The Fe / Mn oxide bound Cu and residual Cu were poorly available , they could slightly transformed to other forms induced by EDTA and monosodium glutamate waster water .
Correlation analysis showed that : the POD , SOD , CAT and MDA activity was significantly correlated with the exchangeable and carbonate form of Sb , no correlation with the residual .
Comparing with control soil , exchangeable , bound to carbonate compounds and bound to organic matter Pb decreased slightly , but bound to Fe-Mn oxides and residual Pb increased significantly in rhizospheric soil .
Main conclusions of the study are as follows : 1 . Residual fraction is the most component of Cd and Pb in original soil , respectively , accounting for 45.83 % and 63.39 % .
While the Cd was special for its high exchangeable and Fe-Mn oxide and low residual ; though the rate of exchangeable species of heavy metals were low in soil , the ecological risk were high .
The forms about the chemical alteration happened around the rhizosphere , the trend of Cu and Pb changing from the active form to the residuals was found , and which led to the bioavailability reduction .
The results showed that Zn existed in sludge mainly in exchangeable form and reducible form , Cu and Pb mainly in oxidizable form , and Ni , Cr , and Mo mainly in residual form .
The results showed that the sequence of availability of Cu forms to plant is soluble plus exchangeable Cu and organic matter bound Cu > Cu bound to carbonate > Fe / Mn oxide bound Cu > residual Cu .
With the increasing of coal fly ash amendment , the exchangeable , organic matter content of these four kinds of metals decreased , but the iron , manganese oxides and primary , secondary minerals content increased .
The resulted information also showed that potential pollution of heavy metals are obvious in the sediments of the river , and Pb and Cu mainly accumulated in organic and residual forms with Zn in Fe and Mn oxides .
The passivation ability of blast furnace slag was more than that of iron on Cu . When 10 % dosage of steel slag applied , soluble state decreased to 21.22 % , residual ones increased to 29.67 % . 2 .