
zhèng jiào
  • the Orthodox Church
正教 [zhèng jiào]
  • [the Orthodox Church] 指11世纪基督教分裂为东西两派,以东罗马帝国首都君士坦丁堡为中心的东部教会自命为正宗的教会,故称正教或东正教

正教[zhèng jiào]
  1. 他当时正教海伦一首押韵小诗。

    He was teaching Helen a little rhyme .

  2. 第二大的基督教团体是希腊正教(GreekOrthodoxChurch)。

    The second largest Christian group is the Greek Orthodox Church .

  3. 他正教他的狗如何取棍子。

    He 's teachig . g his dog to fetch sticks .

  4. 摆正教与学的关系,发挥教师与学生两个能动主体的作用

    Bring into Full Play The Initiative of Both Teachers and Students

  5. 正教会和雅各派教会也谴责草案。

    The Orthodox and Jacobite churches have also condemned it .

  6. 老师在课堂上正教着无精打采的孩子。

    Teachers are teaching exhausted kids in the classrooms .

  7. 生物学课上,教授正教我们关于生态多样性的知识。

    In biology class , our professor is teaching us about ecological diversity .

  8. 与非盈利公众组织犹太正教联盟的合作。

    Associatoin with the Orthodox Union , which is a non-profit communal organization .

  9. 希腊正教安提阿与全东方牧首区

    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East

  10. 正教、专制和民族性

    Orthodoxy , Autocracy , and Nationality

  11. 妈妈(正教训她的女儿):你不该拽猫的尾巴。

    Mother ( reprimanding her small daughter ): You mustn 't pull the cat 's tail .

  12. 耶路撒冷希腊正教牧首区

    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

  13. 母亲(正教训她的女儿):你不该拽猫的尾巴。

    Mother ( reprimanding her small daughter ) : You mustn 't pull the cat 's tail .

  14. 那时,约翰·拉威利丘吉尔的邻居,一位有名的画家正教丘吉尔学画。

    At that time , John Lavery a Churchill neighbor and celebrated painter was tutoring Churchill in his art .

  15. 埃及的科普特正教信徒有大约七百万,是中东最大的基督教团体,其礼拜仪式举不胜举,几十家科普特修道院的新信徒数量也令人咂舌。

    Its services are packed and the number of novices in dozens of Coptic monasteries is at record levels .

  16. 我正教你不要寻求安逸和方便,因为如果你寻求安逸和方便,社会将会给你,但是有代价的。

    If you seek ease and convenience , the society will give you , but a heavy price is needed .

  17. 类似地,我们也不会看到以东正教传统为官方意识形态的沙皇帝国重生。

    Likewise , we will not see the rebirth of the Tsarist empire with the Orthodox Christian tradition as the official ideology .

  18. 佛教、基督教、天主教,包括犹太教,我承认在历史上它们是正教。

    I recognize that religions such as Buddhism , Christianity , Catholicism , also Judaism and some other religions in history were upright .

  19. 除了这一点以外,在其他各个方面,他对于这个新兴殖民地上的这个宗教却是奉行不懈的,而且被公认为是一个笃信正教、行为正派的人。

    In every other respect he conformed to the religion of the young settlement , and gained the name of being an orthodox and straight-walking man .

  20. 加沙希腊正教的这个主教区已经成为以色列哈马斯冲突中从家园逃离800名穆斯林的避难所。

    The Archdiocese of Gaza 's Greek Orthodox Church , it has become a place of refuge for 800 Muslims who fled their homes during the Israeli-Hamas conflict .

  21. 此外,还有犹太教,基督教希腊正教,亚美尼亚使徒教(格里高利教派),亚述基督教,天主教,新教以及魔鬼崇拜者等。

    Jewish , and Christian Greek Orthodox , Armenian Apostolic ( Gregorian ), Assyrian Christians , Roman Catholic and Protestant minorities are also present , as well as Yezidis .

  22. 希腊正教会涉足从房地产、工业到银行业的多种行业,是一个颇有权势的机构,此前它就不赞成自杀行为,但并未公开宣布禁止。

    Previously the church , a powerful institution with business interests ranging from real estate to industry and banking , had frowned on suicides but there was not an outright ban .

  23. 东正教,希腊正教,俄国正教,他们不禁止牧师结婚,但必须在成为牧师前结婚。

    Eastern Orthodox , the Greek Orthodox , the Russian Orthodox , they do not forbid their priests from being married , but you have to be married before you become a priest .

  24. 欧洲对于该武器的记载和评价都偏低,就连埃塞尔比亚正教会也说它只适合装饰所用。

    European accounts of the weapon were extremely negative , and even the Ethiopians themselves considered shotels little more than ornamental . They had a saying about the shotels that essentially deemed the weapons useful for nothing more than impressing women .

  25. 十月革命后以间接影响为主而影响甚广,如东正教的拜神祈祷礼仪和封闭保守意识等,以俄罗斯文学为媒介或载体,向中国社会渗透或传播的轨迹相当清晰。

    After the October Revolution , the stream of Orthodox rites and conservativeness , with Bolshevism ( later on Stalinism ) and Russian literature as the intermedium or carrier , permeated through China 's spiritual and cultural soil and exerted profound influence on it .

  26. 耶稣进了殿,正教训人的时候,祭司长和民间的长老来问他说,你仗着什么权柄作这些事?给你这权柄的是谁呢?

    And when he had come into the temple , the chief priests and those in authority over the people came to him while he was teaching , and said , by what authority do you do these things ? And who gave you this authority ?