
zhǐ xiè
  • antidiarrheal;antidiarrheic;Zhixie
止泻[zhǐ xiè]
  1. 对单纯性的轻度腹泻,单吃苹果可止泻。

    A simple pair of mild diarrhea alone could eat Apple antidiarrheal .

  2. 小儿肠炎止泻冲剂的研制及临床疗效观察

    Preparation of antidiarrheal granule for children 's enteritis and observation of its therapeutic effect

  3. 建立了止泻胶囊中岩白菜素的HPLC测定方法。

    HPLC method for determination of bergenin in Zhixie capsules was established .

  4. 结果:治疗组退热时间、止泻时间、大便培养转阴时间均短于对照组,两组经统计学处理P均<0.01,有非常显著性意义。

    Result : The duration of fever , diarrhea and positive stool culture of the treatment group are shorter than that of the control group .

  5. 无论总有效率或平均止泻时间,C组与A组或B组相比,差异均有显著性(P<0·05或<0·01)。

    There was a statistic difference ( P < 0.05or < 0.01 ) in A group and C group or B group and C group .

  6. 平均止泻时间观察组和对照组分别为(25.5±6.2)h和(27.8±6.6)h(P<0.01)。

    The mean time of diarrhea to be cured were ( 25.5 ± 6.2 ) h and ( 27.8 ± 6.6 ) h in observation and control groups , respectively ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 芳香化湿法及其代表方药对D-IBS模型大鼠止泻作用是多方位、多靶点的。

    The wet and aromatic formulas of D-IBS model of rats diarrhoea is multi-dimensional and more targets .

  8. 观察止泻时间、血清Na+、粪Na+、粪糖和HRV抗原转阴率。

    The time for ceasing diarrhea , the content of Na + in blood , the content of Na + and glucose in stool , and the rate of negative conversion of human rotavirus ( HRV ) antigen were observed .

  9. 厚朴酚对小鼠的止泻作用研究

    Study of the anti - diarrhea effect of Magnolol on mice

  10. 补骨脂盐炙对实验动物止泻作用影响的研究

    The Effect of Fructus Psoraleae Processing with Salt in Treating Diarrhea

  11. 止泻颗粒剂治疗小儿消化不良性肠炎136例

    Treatment of 13 Cases of Infantile Dyspeptic Enteritis with Zhixie Granule

  12. 温肾暖脾,涩肠止泻。

    To warm the kidney and the spleen and check diarrhea .

  13. 四君止泻汤治疗小儿腹泻152例

    152 Cases of Infant Diarrhea Treated by Si Jun Zhi Xie Tang

  14. 次水杨酸铋止泻作用的研究

    Studies of bismuth subsalicylate in the treatment of diarrhea disease

  15. 目的:实验研究涩肠止泻胶囊药理作用。

    Objective : To study the pharmacological effect of Sechang Zhixie Capsule .

  16. 针灸在小儿肠炎治疗中的应用中药止泻散与思密达治疗小儿肠炎的对比观察

    Application of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy in the Treatment of Infantile Enteritis

  17. 香连丸与肠康片止泻、抑菌作用的比较研究

    Contrastive studies on pharmacological effect of Xianglian Pill and Chang kang Tablet

  18. 止泻方治疗小儿轮状病毒肠炎的临床研究

    Clinical Research of Children 's Rotavirus Enteritis with Zhixie Decoction

  19. 自拟小儿止泻方治疗轮状病毒肠炎35例

    Rotavirus Enteritis 35 Cases Treated with Self-made Children Zhixie Decoction

  20. 阿是止泻胶囊止泻的药效学及急性毒性实验研究

    Experimental Research on Pharmacology and Acute Toxicology of Ashi-antidiarrhea Capsule

  21. 小儿止泻冲剂止泻作用的实验研究

    The Pharmacological Study of the Anti-diarrhea Prescription for Children

  22. 止泻口服补液盐治疗小儿腹泻的临床研究

    Clinical study of antidiarrhea and rehydration salts in the treatment of infantile diarrhea

  23. 阿是止泻胶囊治疗甲状腺功能亢进性腹泻的临床观察

    Discussing clinic observing and effecting mechanism of hyperthyroid diarrhea by Asi - antidiarrheal capsule

  24. 清热固肠止泻汤治疗放射性直肠炎临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Treating Radiation Proctitis by Qing Re Gu Chang Zhi Xie Tang

  25. 观察两组治疗前后大便成形时间、止泻时间、大便培养霉菌消失时间。

    The time of stool forming , diarrhea relieving and fungi vanishing were observed .

  26. 显示和肠止泻穴贴在本病的治疗上有着明显的优势。

    Display and bowel disease diarrhoea posted on the treatment of obvious advantages on .

  27. 结论:该药有较强的止泻作用,临床应用安全可靠。

    Conclusion : AC has good anti diarrhea effect and can be applied safely .

  28. 结论凝结芽胞杆菌活菌片对小鼠实验性腹泻有明显的止泻作用,并能加速肠道菌群的恢复。

    Conclusion Bacillus coagulans had obvious anti-diarrhea effect on the experiment diarrhea in mice .

  29. 阿是止泻胶囊对甲亢性腹泻大鼠十二指肠黏膜肥大细胞的影响

    Effect of Asi-antidiarrheal capsule on mast cell in duodenum mucosa of thyroid hormone-induced diarrheic rats

  30. 结果阿是止泻胶囊治疗甲亢性腹泻总有效率为86.9%。

    Results Aggregate efficiency is 86.9 % for treatment Hyperthyroidism diarrhea by Asi antidiarrheal capsule .