- 网络European Stabilization Mechanism;the European Stability Mechanism;ESM

Greece has requested an ESM bailout to cover all its financial needs for two years .
The ESM is expected to debut in July as the permanent successor to the temporary , € 440bn European Financial Stability Facility .
It can provide countries in financial difficulty with up to € 500 billion ( $ 560bn ) .
The combined lending ceiling of the ESM and the European Financial Stability Facility will be raised to € 700bn .
The firewall is big enough in theory for Spain , said Justin Knight , a strategist at UBS , but added that the ESM would be likely to face practical difficulties raising large loans .
The official said Angela Merkel , German chancellor , will make it clear that use of the permanent European stability mechanism , which comes into existence in 2013 , can only be used as a last resort when the euro itself is under threat .
This assurance could come from the ESM or partial deployment of eurozone bonds in ways that maintain market discipline on state financings .
The plan would replace the present 440bn eurozone rescue fund , due to expire in 2013 , with a permanent " European stabilisation mechanism " .
On paper the ESM will not be given legal powers to take over the bank bailouts entirely until eurozone politicians have agreed to a federal banking supervision system .
The seriousness of the emergency steps should encourage eurozone leaders to take precautions such as getting ESM capital into banks now and agreeing on a medium-term funding assurance for countries such as Spain .
Here we need to review all options for the size and scope of our financial backstops – not only for the current ones , but also for the permanent European stability mechanism too .
Meanwhile , the biggest failing in the plan for a permanent European stability mechanism is that its resources – a total of € 500bn – would be insufficient to manage liquidity crises in larger countries .
The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 banned bail-outs , but you have yourself authorised two agreements allowing them : the temporary rescue fund and the permanent European stability mechanism , whose legality our constitutional court is considering at the moment .
The treaty they propose would turn the planned European Stabilisation Mechanism – the permanent replacement for the € 440bn European financial stability facility – into an independent fund , granting aid to debt-strapped countries under strict conditionality , but also promoting growth .
The revamped EFSF may then be able to take up the bond-buying task from the ECB and a problem may be found to the problem of Finland 's demand for collateral .
The EFSF would create a new " Eurobond ," as Credit Suisse ( CS ) is calling it , to help finance the acquisition of billions of euros worth of peripheral sovereign debt held by private investors .
The European Financial Stability Facility ( EFSF ), the euro zone 's bail-out fund , must carry out simultaneous injections of capital into the region 's banks as soon as it can .
But the idea for the European financial stability facility to lend money to the Spanish bank recapitalisation fund , known by its Spanish initials frob , does not meet this test .
The ESM would be the tool used if recapitalisation were to be required .
Those investors looking to get rid of their peripheral sovereign paper would now have a willing buyer in the EFSF .
But instead of buying bad mortgages off the books of crippled banks , the EFSF would buy bad sovereign paper .
The ESM could only lend directly to banks if its board were to agree unanimously to change the rules , which is opposed by Berlin .
The price at which the EFSF would pay for the debt is controversial , but most see it paying the current market price for the bonds , which is below face value .
The EFSF would then forgive the difference in the value of those bonds , essentially giving the peripheral nations a haircut on their debt , allowing them time to get back on their feet .
In the near term , the news will flow most heavily from Europe , with an ECB policy meeting on Thursday that may produce more clarity on a bond-buying program , followed by a ruling next week by the German Constitutional Court on the legality of the European Stability Mechanism .