- 名minor circumstances

Meanwhile , other subplots such as a merger of the retail arm with Postbank , or a complex asset swap with Lloyds TSB appear to be unravelling .
Other significant subplots include the adventures of Lydia , the youngest Bennet daughter .
One of the sub-plots of this action-packed thriller involves the rivalry between Artest and Bryant .
The mentally ill tend to be relegated to slapstick sub-plots , alongside a central love story .
Sometimes , a single play may contain more than one theme : the main plot and the sub-plot exist side by side .
It is not only descriptive passages that have suffered in the editing . Some of the characters and subplots have disappeared altogether .
Amongst the stuff edited out is more of the love story between Green and Bloom 's character , and a subplot involving her son .
Mining deeper emotions from the fanciful premise doesn 't work out for the film , which gets tied down to a generic musical-contest subplot .
Too many stunts , too many subplots , too many villains jammed in from the Marvel Comics universe , too many romping , stomping , clanking iron armies .
Another is bloated . The central murder of the novel doesn 't occur until page 281 , and up until then the book meanders between a myriad of side plots and details will come together .