
  • 网络RTV-II
  1. 本文探讨了几种影响模具胶耐烧蚀性的因素。

    Several factors affecting the ablation resistance of mould rubber are discussed in this paper .

  2. 本文介绍了玻璃钢高强电绝缘管的模具、胶液配制及缠绕成型工艺。

    The mould , gel coat formulation and winding process of high performance FRP electric insulating tube were summarized .

  3. 胶塞模具是胶塞生产过程中必备的专用装备,是一件精度要求高、加工难度大的产品。

    Rubber stopper mould is the special necessary equipment in the production procedure of rubber stopper . It 's a product of high accuracy and with the most difficulty .

  4. 介绍液体硅橡胶用作防火工艺夹板门模具的胶料配方、工艺和产品性能,该产品获得用户认可。

    The pater introduces the compound recipe , technology and product performance of mold made from fluid silicone rubber for split door for fire proof technology . The product has the approval of consumer .

  5. 比较了目前市场上两种模芯加工方法的优缺点,主张采用镶拼式加工方法,并提出了防止模具漏胶的一些技巧与加工方法。

    The advantage and disadvantage of two mold core processing method at present market are compared , and it is proposed to use inserts processing method , as well as , some technique and manufacture methods preventing mold from cementing leakage are provided .

  6. V带硫化用胶套模具设计与胶套制造

    Mold Designing and Manufacturing of Rubber Jacket for Curing " V " - Belt

  7. 典型模具防止漏胶的加工工艺

    The Manufacture Process Preventing Typical Mold From Cementing Leakage

  8. 将棚吊式位差供枓系统改造为地面封闭式气压恒量供料,建立以模具转速指导胶盒胶液输出与输入的动态平衡体系。

    The author reconstructs the position-difference material-offering system of hanging canopy type into closing barometric and fixed amount mode , and sets up a dynamic balance system which instructs the glue-box and glue-liquid to input and output through the rotation speed .

  9. 介绍在胎圈钢丝与橡胶粘合力试验中应注意的事项,从模具设计、胶料的薄通、钢丝样品的截取、胶料的装模操作及钢丝的抽出等几个方面进行了说明

    To introduce the matters needing attention in the test for binding force of bead wire with rubber , which are shown from designing of die , thinning of size , cutting of steel wire specimen , size packing in die and taking steel wire out etc

  10. 前言:介绍两种胶套模具的设计及胶套的生产工艺。

    Introduction in the paper covers tow types of mold design and production technology of rubber jacket for curing " V " - belt .

  11. 正交试验结果表明此复合材料微孔制品的力学性能随熔胶量的增大而提高,随熔体温度、模具温度、射胶速率以及发泡剂含量的增大而先提高后降低。

    The orthogonal experiment results showed that mechanical properties increases with the increasing shot size , but increases first then decreases with the increasing melt temperature , mold temperature , injection speed and SCF content .