
  1. 大众汽车在1994年北美国际车展上推出了老款隆背车甲壳虫的全新概念版,可谓轰动一时,于是1998年再次投产了这款全新甲壳虫。

    Volkswagen unveiled the concept one revival of the original hump-backed beetle at the 1994 North American International Auto Show , and it created such a sensation that was put into production as the new beetle in 1998 .

  2. 这个概念在1.3.9版中得到了扩充:增加了bug级别(1&20)以及根据级别进行过滤的能力。

    For the1.3.9 release the concept has been extended by adding a bug rank ( 1-20 ), and the ability to filter by this ranking .

  3. 去年,瑞士表明福特在苏黎世23汽车展的概念福克斯RSWRC版。

    Last year Ford Switzerland showed a concept Focus RS WRC Edition at the23rd Auto Z ü rich Show .

  4. 本文从图层蒙版的概念,对蒙版的编辑和修改,以及蒙版的建立和关闭等做了详细系统的阐述。

    This paper , from the conception of the layer mask , sets forth the ways to edit , correct , found and close the layer mask .