
lóu tī jiān
  • staircase
楼梯间 [lóu tī jiān]
  • [staircase] 容纳楼梯的结构;包围楼梯的建筑部件(如墙或栏杆)

  1. 疏散标志灯安装在安全出口的顶部,楼梯间、疏散走道及其转角处应安装在1m以下的墙面上。

    Escape legend should be installed on the top of safe exit and within1m on the wall of staircase , escaping corridor and corner .

  2. 关于采暖居住建筑不采暖楼梯间保温问题的探讨

    Study of Heat Preservation in Non-Heating Staircase of Heating Residential Buildings

  3. 楼梯间只有一盏灯照明。

    The stairwell was lit by a single bulb .

  4. 正压控制的设计原则和方法;楼梯间的通风设计以及紧急状态下HVAC系统的运行逻辑设计。

    It mainly deals with the design method and principle of fire damper , positive pressure control , ventilation of stair room and running logic of HVAC in emergence situation .

  5. 加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMasterUniversity)运动机能学教授、间歇性训练专家马丁•吉巴拉(MartinGibala)说,你可以在公司的楼梯间内出色地完成短时高效的锻炼。

    You can complete an excellent , effective - and very brief - workout in an office stairwell , says Martin Gibala , a professor of kinesiology at McMaster University in Canada and an expert on interval training .

  6. 而人员在走廊、楼梯间等疏散通道中的移动则采用将通道划分为单元节点,每个单元长为vΔT,以此来合理模拟疏散通道中的人员移动情况。

    Moreover , the author adopts a means , that the escape paths are compartmentalized into many cell nodes and every cell 's length is " v Δ T ", to simulate the movement of occupants in escape paths such as corridors and stairs reasonably .

  7. 昔日的Foyles书店内曾显得嘈杂混乱,而读者们对此完全熟视无睹&各种书就堆放在楼梯间与储物间里。

    Foyles was a kind of familiar chaos , with books piled up on stairwells and in cupboards .

  8. 三楼楼梯间的上方有个天窗,而从上面透进的光线足以照亮我们的那些老相片,过时的插图和一些我们在NYC和日本收集的小奖品。

    Our stairwell to the third floor has a skylight above it , providing great light for our old family photos , a few vintage illustrations , and other small prizes that we 'd collected in NYC and Japan .

  9. 网络模型用于高层建筑楼梯间加压系统模拟分析

    Simulation analysis on network modeling for stairwell pressurization in high-rise buildings

  10. 我听到枪声就跑进了楼梯间

    I ran into the stairwell once I heard the shooting .

  11. 防烟楼梯间及前室正压送风系统区域烟气控制模型的建立

    The introduction of the smoke control model of the smoke-preventing staircase

  12. 钢筋混凝土结构楼梯间与楼梯的震害及设计建议

    Damage and Design Suggestions of Stairway and Staircase in RC Structures

  13. 建筑物地上、地下层共用楼梯间防火若干问题的探讨

    Discussion of Some Questions about Fire Protection of the Public Staircase

  14. 还在什么垃圾存放在你地下室的楼梯间下面?

    What personal rubbish lurks under the stairs of your basement ?

  15. 楼梯间及其前室正压送风系统送风量的计算

    Calculation of pressurization supply air rate for staircase and its antechamber

  16. 都江堰市多龄期建筑楼梯间震害研究

    Study of staircase seismic damage of multi-aged building in Dujiangyan City

  17. 我查看了楼梯间然后离开了大楼

    I checked the stair well . I left the building .

  18. 然而从那街上、楼梯间、过道上传来的细语来判断——

    But what 's the word from the street staircase hallways -

  19. 小康住宅楼梯间的设计重新认识住宅建筑的楼梯间

    On space for stairs of dwelling building Staircase design in well-to-do residence

  20. 敞开楼梯间消防安全措施的探讨

    Preliminary discussion on fire safety measures design of open stairwell

  21. 拉维奇在漆黑,冰冷的楼梯间,一直哭号着。

    Ravitch persistently cried in the black , frozen staircase .

  22. 空气幕在高层建筑楼梯间防烟中的应用

    Using air curtain for smoke proof in the staircase of high-rise building

  23. 高层建筑楼梯间烟囱效应实测分析

    Field study of chimney effect in stairwell of high-rise building

  24. 香槟开瓶后,来宾纷纷涌入楼梯间。

    Champagne flowed , and guests spilled into the museum 's stairwells .

  25. 我走出房间,穿过楼梯间走到楼上。

    I mounted the staircase to the upper part of the house .

  26. 但会增大楼梯间附近框架构件的内力,使得地震时这些构件容易破坏。

    The staircase will increase the internal forces of surrounding frame components .

  27. 以斯拉我从楼梯间就听见你们吵了

    Ezra , I could hear you two yelling from the stairwell .

  28. 塔式高层建筑楼梯间设计探讨

    Study of the Design on the Tower Building with Dog - Leg Staircases

  29. 卢克在楼梯间遇见他的妹妹朱莉。

    Luke sees his sister Julie in the stairs .

  30. 小康住宅楼梯间的设计

    Staircase design in well - to - do residence