
  • 网络results;Refine Results;search result
  1. 基于后缀树的Web检索结果聚类标签生成方法

    Suffix Tree Based Label Generation Method for Web Search Results Clustering

  2. 并针对Web网页的URL特征,给出了对检索结果重排序的方法。

    And we analyzed the URL feature of web pages , developed a re-ranking method of search results .

  3. Web检索结果快速聚类方法的研究与实现

    Research and realization about fast clustering method of web search engine results

  4. XML模糊结构查询中检索结果的自动选取

    The Automatic Selection on Retrieval Results in XML Vague Structure Queries

  5. 针对XML文档集的关键词检索结果排序

    Result Ranking of Keyword Search over XML Documents

  6. 有效的XML检索结果的相似性度量

    Effective similarity measure for XML retrieval results

  7. 搜索引擎作弊,是指采用欺骗搜索引擎的手段使得Web页面在检索结果中的排名高于其实际应得排名的行为。

    Search engine spam refers to all deceptive actions which try to increase the ranking of a page in search engines .

  8. 用ASP技术实现数据库检索结果的二次连接

    Secondary Link as Result of Database Index Searching by ASP Technique

  9. 必须传递这两个示例参数值以使FrameworkManager执行此过程并检索结果列。

    You have to pass two example parameter values to enable Framework Manager to execute the procedure and retrieve the columns of the result .

  10. 实验结果表明这种策略很大程度上提高了搜索引擎中大型网站网页更新的效率,缓解了Web服务器的压力,并可保证用户对于检索结果的及时性和正确性。

    The result proves that the strategy greatly improves the efficiency of page update , releases the pressure of Web servers and guarantees the betimes and correctness of search result .

  11. 垃圾网页是针对于搜索引擎而不是用户设计的,它采用了迷惑、欺骗搜索引擎的手段,使得Web页面在检索结果中的排名高于其实际应得排名的行为。

    Web spam is designed for search engines rather than for users , refers to all deceptive actions which try to increase the ranking of a page in search engines .

  12. 问答(QuestionAnswering,QA)系统是可以提供更加精确的检索结果的新一代的信息检索系统。

    Question Answering system is a new generation of information retrieval systems which can provide more accurate searching results .

  13. 介绍了利用ASP技术实现专题文献数据库的步骤、查询过程的实现及检索结果显示的方法。

    This paper describes the realization of the Web database retrieval function and the displaying way of the retrieve results .

  14. 对检索结果进行修正是CBR系统实现“自学习”与扩充的重要条件。

    The revision of retrieved results is of great importance for CBR system to realize its self-improvement and ampliation .

  15. 传统FTP搜索引擎对检索结果优化程度不够,会降低检索质量。

    The quality of query results in the traditional FTP search engines is low because it is not optimized .

  16. 实践结果表明,该模型统一了存储和查询方式,实现了互联网上资源的统一,较好地解决了目前web检索结果准确性和相关性不高的问题。

    It u-nifies the model of storage and query and realizes unification of resource on Internet , so it can solve the problem , that is , correctness and relativity of retrieving results are not very ideal .

  17. 通过Web数据抽取机制以及Web信息分类技术实现检索结果的分类和层次化展示,使得用户快捷地从WWW上获取所需信息。

    The search result can be classified into groups and displayed hierarchically by web Information extraction mechanism and web information automatic classification for users to obtain what they need on WWW fast .

  18. 用来检索结果的变量RtnVal与USING子句中的参数标记有关联。

    The variable to retrieve the result , RtnVal , is associated with the parameter marker in the USING clause .

  19. 本文针对大部分用户对外文数据库的陌生及使用困难,主要介绍了外文数据库CA的特点、使用方法与技能,以及对检索结果的处理。

    This paper mainly introduces the history and characteristics of CA disc database , its searching skill , and results treatment so as to help most users use English databases skillfully and quickly .

  20. 文中介绍了DOM文档的结构以及如何使用Java技术从XML文件创建文档、修改和检索结果。

    Find info about the structure of a DOM document plus how to use Java technology to create a Document from an XML file , make changes to it , and retrieve the output .

  21. 传统的WWW搜索引擎是提问&搜索方式,对于所有用户给出同样的关键字得到的检索结果都是一样的。

    Traditional WWW search Engine is a " question & search " manner , for all users giving same key words it retrieving same results .

  22. 探讨了针对XML文档集中只与内容相关的关键词检索结果的排序问题,针对XML文档特征提出了一种新的排序模型,它不同于面向Web的XML网页的搜索结果的排序。

    The paper discusses the problem of efficiently ranking results for keyword search queries related to content-only over XML documents . Evaluating keyword search over XML documents , as opposed to Web-based XML pages , it introduces many new features .

  23. 最后,V3现在支持大结果集,使得查询程序能够以一种类似分块的方式检索结果。

    Finally , V3 now supports large result sets , enabling inquirers to retrieve results in a quasi-chunked fashion .

  24. 对每个检索结果,让用户标定正确结果和错误结果,并用标定的结果形成正例集合和反例集合,训练SVM分类器作为模型,并根据学习所得模型进行检索。

    Users can label the right results and wrong results after one query . Right set and wrong set are formed by these labeled results , which are used for constructing SVM classifier model .

  25. 在建立一个PowerBuilder应用过程中,重复定义用于显示检索结果的窗口,既浪费时间又没有一个统一的显示风格。

    When building a PowerBuilder application , repeated defining of datawindow for query results is a waste of time which also leads to inconsistent of display styles .

  26. 最后使用搜狗搜索引擎共享的查询日志和语料库对基于Web语义的查询扩展方法进行实验和分析,结果表明该方法在查询语义扩展、检索结果扩展以及查询结果的准确率上具有良好的性能。

    Finally the experiment and analysis of the query expansion method based on Web Semantic with query logs and semantic corpus shared by Sogou search engine shows the good performance of the method about the query expansion , the expansion and accuracy of the retrieval results .

  27. 给出按库合并算法,使得网络多数据源返回的结果得以高效合并.实验数据表明将Ontology建模应用于跨库检索结果处理有效而且正确,抽取准确率可以达到100%。

    The merging algorithm is given , which consolidates the data from heterogeneous sources efficiently . Experiment results show that based on ontology the process of result processing gains good effect and the precision of extraction reaches 100 % .

  28. 另外,从CNKI的检索结果表明,到目前为止,国内尚无其他研究将预测方法用于证券机构监管的定量分析。

    The statistics of CNKI shows that , up to now , no work has related regulation to forecast in the domestic literature .

  29. 首先利用高斯混合模型(GMM)得到精确地分类结果,其次应用多种现今成熟的图像相似匹配方法,进一步得到准确的检索结果。

    Firstly we use Gaussian Mixture Model ( GMM ) to gain a precise result of classification , and then get the retrieval results through some matching algorithms which are good for image retrieval .

  30. 利用ASP开发Web数据库应用效率高、易实现的特点和JavaAWT类库丰富的绘图方法,设计出一个根据数据库检索结果动态变化的表格和直方图的显示系统。

    With high efficiency and easiness in developing Web Data-base by ASP and with abundant drawing functions in Java AWT class libraries , this paper provides a Table-Chart-showing system . In it , the data dynamic changes with the result of the searching database .