
jiǎn chá
  • Prosecutors;procuratorial work;examine
检察 [jiǎn chá]
  • (1) [procuratorial work]∶检审被检举的犯罪的事实

  • (2) [examine]∶检查;稽查

检察[jiǎn chá]
  1. 加强对经济犯罪的检察工作

    Strengthen the procuratorial work in dealing with economic crimes

  2. 由于WTO协议强调司法独立原则,所以关于民事行政检察监督与司法独立的关系将会引起进一步的讨论。

    So there would be more arguments about the relationship between judicial independence and procuratorial work on civil procedure .

  3. 新上任的地方检察官承诺要与司法腐败作斗争。

    The new district attorney has promised to fight police corruption .

  4. 检察员掏出手帕,擦了擦眉头。

    The Inspector took out a handkerchief and mopped his brow .

  5. 警方和检察官操纵目击证人指证奥尔多。

    Police and prosecutors manipulated the eyewitnesses so they would finger Aldo

  6. 米尔纳先生说服联邦检察官不把他的当事人关起来。

    Mr Milner persuaded the federal prosecutors not to lock up his client

  7. 两名警官正在接受检察官的审查。

    The two officers were being investigated by the director of public prosecutions

  8. 我们和检察总长开了一个长会。

    We had a long meeting with the attorney general

  9. 法官裁定为无效审判,并以严重渎职为名传讯了检察官。

    The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct .

  10. 他把对几家报纸可能提起诉讼的事宜提交首席检察官来处理。

    He referred the matter to the Attorney General for possible action against several newspapers

  11. 州检察官的报告称警方的这次行动混乱无序、毫无章法。

    A report by the state prosecutor described the police action as confused and disorganised

  12. 当撒切尔夫人任命他为苏格兰检察总长时,他是个完全没有从政经验的新人。

    He was a political virgin when Mrs Thatcher picked him as Lord Advocate .

  13. 市检察官办公室尚未发现任何刑事犯罪的证据。

    The city attorney 's office hasn 't found any evidence of criminal wrongdoing .

  14. 检察官记得,她是一个矮小、羞怯、总是闷闷不乐的人。

    The Inspector remembered her as a small , mousy woman , invariably worried .

  15. 检察官朝拿破仑望去,等他大声抗议。

    The Prosecutor looked toward Napoleon , waiting for him to thunder an objection .

  16. 作为检察官,我们对经手的案件会尽力做到不偏不倚。

    We , as prosecutors , try to be dispassionate about the cases we bring

  17. 美国检察官扩大了对一起证券欺诈案的调查范围。

    U.S. prosecutors have widened a securities-fraud investigation

  18. 独立检察官受命调查这件事还要多长时间?

    How much longer does the independent prosecutor have a mandate to pursue this investigation ?

  19. 她可以说是警察兼检察官。

    She was a sort of policewoman-cum-prosecutor .

  20. 出入境人员应接受口岸检察机关的查验。

    All those entering and leaving the country shall submit to inspection at the port .

  21. 我们中的太多人付的钱和买到的产品完全是两码事,”总检察长说道。

    " Too many of us may be paying for one thing , and getting another , " the Attorney General said .

  22. 本月早些时候,总检察长办公室呼吁公众帮助测试网速,称消费者理应享受到服务商承诺的网速。

    Earlier this month , the office asked for the public 's help to measure their speed results , saying consumers deserved to get the speeds they were promised .

  23. 纽约总检察长办公室于秋天发起了一项调查,以查明威瑞森公司、有线电视公司和时代华纳公司提供的宽带速度与其声称的是否一致。

    New York 's Attorney General 's office launched an investigation in the fall into whether or not Verizon , Cablevision and Time Warner are delivering broadband that 's as fast as the providers claim it is .

  24. 管理员的孩子们会记得,检察员带着白色手套,用手指在门框和窗台上寻找灰尘。

    Children of keepers remember inspectors wearing white gloves to run their fingers over door frames and windowsills looking for dust .

  25. 检察总长负责提起公诉。

    It is the duty of the Attorney-General to institute prosecutions .

  26. 澳大利亚总检察长罗伯特麦克莱兰说,怀疑纵火犯可能面临谋杀指控

    Australian Attorney-General Robert McClelland said suspected arsonists could face murder charges .

  27. 民事诉讼的个性和检察监督是对立统一的关系,并不排斥检察监督。

    Prosecutorial supervision is required according to public power attribution of civil litigation .

  28. 检察官称被拘犯杀害洛伊丝属实

    The prosecutor averred that the prisoner killed Lois .

  29. 检察官先生,请传你的第一位证人。

    Please call your first witness , Mr. Prosecutor .

  30. 检察官一字也不发。

    The censors let out not a word .