
biāo jià
  • frame
标架[biāo jià]
  1. 空间Bézier曲线的最小旋转标架构造

    Constructing Rotation-Minimizing Frame of Space B é zier Curve

  2. V,(?))是V上的切球丛,(?)标架丛上的随机计算

    ) be the tangent sphere bundle of a surface V , where (?) Stochastic Calculus on the Frame Bundle

  3. 火电厂多变量控制系统的反标架正规设计及CAD软件开发

    RFN Design and CAD Exploration for Multivariable Control System in Thermal Power Plant

  4. 线性多变量系统反标架正规化设计方法及CAD程序包

    A Design Method for Linear Multivariable Systems of Reversed-Frame Normalization and CAD Program Package

  5. SWEEP曲面中三种定位标架的分析比较

    Comparison of Three Moving Frames for SWEEP Surface

  6. 对于3-流形上任一整体切标架,定义了一个Poisson矩阵,并给出:Poisson矩阵在标架改变时的变化规律。

    Corresponding to each global tangent frame , we define a Poisson matrix on the 3-manifold .

  7. 基于活动仿射标架反求Nurbs曲线/曲面参数

    Computing the Parameters of Points on Nurbs Curves and Surfaces via Moving Affine Frame Method

  8. 因此提出:构造Sweep曲面是否一定需要用活动标架来确定截线的位置?

    A problem is arisen : can we describe the Sweep surface to avoid using the moving frame ?

  9. 对于叶片的生成,本文采用Bezier参数曲线描述叶子中脉的形状,把树叶或草叶构成的星形结构纹理图象嵌入到叶脉参数曲线的局部标架中来实现。

    As for the leaves , we use Bezier curves to describe shape of leaf midrib .

  10. 该文介绍了用于参数曲线/曲面求交的活动仿射标架(movingaffineframe,简称MAF)方法。

    In this paper , the authors introduce the moving affine frame ( MAF ) method for intersection calculation of parametric curves and surfaces .

  11. 首先,构造对称化零标架,计算旋系数,导出Dirac方程,并对其进行化简。

    First , we construct the symmetrized null tetrad from which the spin coefficients and Dirac equation are derived .

  12. 本文介绍了JX-100型X刀系统的CT/MRI的扫描定标架和DSA血管造影定标架的设计原理、结构特点及使用方法。

    The principle and structure of the scanning and locating carriage CT / MRI of JX-100 X knife system and DSA blood vessel imaging system are introduced .

  13. 用旋量零标架方法导出广义球对称带电蒸发黑洞时空中Dirac粒子的能级

    Relativistic Energy Levels Calculation of Dirac Particles in the General Spherically Symmetric Evaporating Black Holes with Electric Charges Space-time by Using Spinor Method

  14. 在微分几何中我们主要利用曲率κ,挠率τ和Frenet标架等来考虑。

    We utilize the curvature κ, torsion r , Frenet frame in differential geometry .

  15. 植物叶面的造型采用Bezier参数曲线描述叶子中脉的形状,然后将叶子的纹理图象嵌入到叶脉曲线的局部标架中。

    We use Bezier curves to describe the shape of leaf midrib and embed the image of leaf into the space of local frames along the midrib curve .

  16. 第二,Sweep曲面可以直接用投影变换方法来构造,从而可以避免使用活动标架,进而可以不必考虑脊线的连续性对Sweep曲面形状的影响。

    Secondly , the Sweep surface can be directly described by projected transform so we can avoid using the local moving frame , then the limitation of continuity of spine for the local moving frame is not necessary .

  17. 在R~3中,我们可以固定Frenet标架第一个坐标轴,旋转另外两个坐标轴。

    In R ~ 3 , we can fix the first coordinate axis , and rotate the other two coordinate axes .

  18. 本文用旋量零标架方法讨论了Kasner时空中自由粒子的Dirac方程,并进一步讨论了它的精确解。

    The Dirac equations of free particles in Kasner spacetime are studied in spinor null tetrad formalism and the solution of the Dirac equations are discussed .

  19. 利用活动标架,得到关于Finsler空间的一些基本公式和结果,并研究了具有退化黎曼曲率的Finsler空间的几何。

    By moving frames , the basic formulas and some results on a Finsler space ( M , F ) and geometry of Finsler spaces with vanishing Riemann curvature are studied .

  20. 用旋量零标架方法推导出Vaidya-Bonner空时中Dirac粒子的能级方程;

    The variables of Dirac equation of spin particles on the background of Vaidya-Bonner space-time are separated by spin method , and more further , the energy level equations of Dirac particles are obtained .

  21. 本文研究任意Kerr-Newman黑洞视界曲面上荷电Dirac粒子的Hawking辐射,首先构造了一套对称零标架,用这套零标架计算了旋系数,导出了Dirac方程,在视界曲面附近解Dirac方程。

    The Hawking radiation of charged Dirac particles on event horizon of Kerr-Newman black holes is studied in this paper . First , we construct the symmetrized null tetrad from which the symmetrized spin coefficients and Dirac equation are derived .

  22. 建立曲线的平行标架的一个应用是可以证明Vortexfilament方程和非线性Schrodinger方程表示的是同一个方程。

    One of the application of the parallel frame is that it can prove the equivalence between the vortex filament equation and the non-linear schrodinger equation . In order to avoid it , we establish the full computational formula for the vortex filament with thin , but finite thickness .

  23. 本文是对欧氏空间中曲面的无穷小变形的推广,讨论有单参数等距群的三维Riemann空间中曲面的无穷小变形,利用活动标架和拟解析函数的方法证明文中的定理。

    This paper is an extension of infinitesimal deformation of surfaces in Euclidean Space . It discusses infinitesimal deformation of surfaces in Riemann Space of three dimensions with one parameter isometric group , using active frame and method of imitate analytic function to prove a theorem .

  24. 本文从几何观点出发,采用n+1维空间中的Frenet标架为工具,得到了一阶常微分方程组的初值问题的一种几何化数值解法。

    In this paper , from geometrical points of view , a numerical solution to the initial value of ordinary differential equations is established by applying Frenet coordinate system in n + 1 dimensional space .

  25. 该标架以参数曲线的一、二阶导矢及其叉积作为标架向量,在弧长参数形式下演变为经典Frenet标架,是广泛意义上的Frenet标架。

    The frame uses the derivatives and their cross product of the first and second order as its basis vectors , can be evolved to be classical Frenet frame in form of arc-length parameter , is a generalized Frenet frame .

  26. 反标架正规化设计方法(RFN)是以复矩阵的奇异值分解为基础,以最小二乘拟合为手段,以系统的传递函数矩阵的配正为目的的一种鲁棒系统设计方法。

    Reversed frame normalizing design procedure is a kind of robust system design ways which makes transfer matrix of system be approximately normal by Using singular value decomposition of matrix and least-square fitting in the design of controller .

  27. 利用手征场、伪球面的对偶性质,将手征场与s-G系统联系起来,并将Backlund变换、Riccati方程等表为同一动力学系统的有关性质在不同标架中规范不变的表现。

    By means of the dual symmetry between chiral field and the pseudo-spherical surface , we are able to connect chiral field with s-G system , and express Backlund transformation , Riccati equation in the gauge invariant representations of the related properties of the same dynamical system in different frames .

  28. 用混合标架法处理药柱尾部人工脱粘滑动边界条件

    Treatment of stress release moving boundary conditions via mixing coordinate method

  29. 信号的紧小波标架表示与最佳小波基

    Representation of Signal in Tight Wavelet Frame and Best Wavelet Base

  30. 自动跟踪同期控制的反标架正规化设计与研究

    A reversed frame normalization design for fast following synchronizer of generators