
  1. 但是现场总线标准种类繁多。

    But Field Bus has a great variety of standards .

  2. 常用串口通信标准种类繁多,系统设计者必须解决不同串行接口标准之间的转换问题。

    There are several kinds of serial port interface standards in industry . The system designers usually encounter how to interface between the different serial port standards .

  3. 目的:了解儿童青少年生长发育标准的种类、使用现状和使用者对有关营养知识的掌握情况。

    Objective : To understand the kinds and application scenario of child and adolescent growth standards and the nutritional knowledge levels of users .

  4. 本文简要介绍了数据压缩的标准、种类、原理和算法,在各种文件格式的计算机图形和计算机图像中的应用。

    In this paper , the theory and standard about data compression are mainly introduced , and its applications on computer images and computer drawings are also introduced .

  5. 民用机场技术标准规范种类繁多,由于种种原因,民航目前关于标准规范的信息化管理几乎处于空白阶段或在很低层次上。

    The technical standards of the civil airport have various complicated categories . But due to various reasons , there is almost the blank stage or low level layer about the information management of the standards .

  6. 所谓监狱分类,从广义上说就是根据一定的标准对监狱种类的划分。

    It seems to the author that the so-called classification of prisons is , in a broad sense , a classification of the prisons ' types based on certain standards .

  7. 广东外语外贸大学副校长刘建达教授表示,中国约有3亿英语学习者,但各教学大纲缺乏连贯性,各类考试缺乏统一标准,存在种类繁多的英语考试。

    China has about 300 million English learners who often face multiple , inconsistent English testing systems , said Liu Jianda , vice president of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies .

  8. 建立质量标准高、种类齐全、覆盖面广、公众易得的公用数据库是中国数据库业的目标,也是信息时代的要求。

    It is target , as well as the request of our time for China to build the high quality public databases , which cover all aspects of society and economy .

  9. 我国产品缺陷的存在,先主要论述了缺陷的一般认定标准和具体种类其次是我国在这方面的一些理论和规定。

    The existence of defects in our products , first major shortcomings discussed the general standards and specific species identified in China in this regard , followed by some of the theories and rules .

  10. 多种运动条件和标准拥有相应种类的球:初学者使用的球通常比经验丰富的球员使用的球更大、弹性更好。

    Different balls are provided for the varying conditions and standards of play : less experienced players are able to use balls that are bouncier and larger than those used by more experienced players .

  11. 借鉴美国小学教师资格证书的考核标准、证书种类及有效期长短等方面的特点可以为完善我国小学教师资格证书制度,促进小学教师专业化提供启示。

    Drawing on the experience of teacher qualification criteria , types of certification , and period of validity of the United states , we intend to gain some enlightenment to improve our teacher certification system and primary school teachers specialization .

  12. 简述了标准信息的种类,指出标准信息是市场竞争的基础保证,探讨了发挥标准信息市场竞争作用的基本战略。

    This paper briefly expounds the categories of the standard information , points out that the standard information is the basic guarantee of the market competition , and discusses on the basic strategies of giving full play to the market competition functions of the standard information .

  13. 食品中污染物限量标准覆盖的污染物种类少;

    Few kinds of contaminants involved in food contaminants MRLs standards ;

  14. 新闻关怀按不同标准划分有不同种类。

    Journalism concern can be divided into different kinds according to different standards .

  15. 文章对农林复合系统的分类体系和研究方法进行了归纳,建立分类体系的依据和标准为组分种类、时空结构、组分功能和组合方式;

    Therefore , the paper summarizes the classification system and research method of Agro-forestry , and its principles and criteria as species , function and ways of composition and spatial structure .

  16. 教学内容第一部份为国际法标准舞概论,介绍国际标准舞种类,特色及音乐;

    The First part is a general introduction to modern dance , primarily concerning the feature of modern dance in its particularity and creation ;

  17. 通过对国内外高温合金、铝合金痕量元素标准物质的比较,评述了我国合金中痕量元素标准物质在种类、量值水平及不确定度等方面的进展。

    The certified reference materials of trace elements in alloys , such as superalloys and aluminum alloys , developed by our country in contrast to other countries , have been reviewed with respect to kinds of alloys , levels of chemical composition and uncertainties .

  18. 我国林业标准化工作在取得了很大成就的同时,也存在一些问题如林业标准数量少,林业生态建设标准种类不全,对林业标准化宣传力度不够等。

    We have got great achievements in the forestry standardization , but there still remain some problems such as the lack of standard and variety as well as the less propaganda .