
qiānɡ zhī dàn yào
  • firearms and ammunition
  1. 游客不得携带有毒、易燃易爆、化学危险品、枪支弹药刀具及宠物入园。

    Poisonous , inflammable , explosive material , hazardous chemicals , firearms and ammunition , knifes and pets are forbidden to be taken into the park .

  2. 警方认为,年仅20岁的亚当兰扎先在家中枪杀了自己的母亲,随后带上枪支弹药来到学校,一手制造了这起惨剧。

    Police believe 20 year old Adam Lanza killed his mother at home then took some of her guns with him to the school .

  3. 但是,现在美国政府却秘密为其武装提供训练,给他枪支弹药和金钱助其掌控的黎波里。

    But now the USA Government secretly provided him with training his forces , give him weapons and money to take over control of Tripoli .

  4. 你说你可以看见人生,亚瑟或是该隐,头盖骨上有的枪支弹药和生命垂危,一回头便是一生周转。

    You said you could see life , or Arthur Abel , skulls on firearms , ammunition and some in critical condition , life is a back flow .

  5. 前苏联的工程师开发出了一种较小的新型枪支弹药,苏军在战后宣布展开一场竞赛,设计能使用上述弹药的枪支。

    Soviet engineers had developed a new , smaller gun cartridge , and after the war the Soviet Army declared a contest to design a gun to fire it .

  6. 《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》所附的《枪支弹药议定书》以及世界各国和地区的刑法在妨害枪支、弹药、爆炸物管理秩序罪的立法上存在许多可借鉴的经验。

    Many can learn from the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime , annexed to the Protocol on guns and ammunition and the legislation experiences in this kind of crimes of other countries and regions of the world .

  7. 非法持有枪支、弹药罪的若干问题研究

    Studies on Some Issues of Crime of Illegally Holding Firearms or Ammunition

  8. 完善枪支、弹药、爆炸物犯罪案件司法解释的几点建议

    Some proposals of judicial interpretation about crime of guns , ammunition , explosives

  9. 对非法持有、私藏枪支、弹药罪的理解

    Understood about Hold and Hide Guns or Ammunition Illegally

  10. 抢劫枪支、弹药、爆炸物罪若干疑难问题探究

    Study on Several Problems about Crimes of Hijacking Gun , Ammunition And Exploder

  11. 警察在船上发现了枪支和弹药

    The police found drugs and a gun on the " Amanda . "

  12. 非法持有、私藏枪支、弹药罪的规范缺陷与完善

    On Defects and Perfection of Regulations on Illegally Possessing or Concealing Any Guns or Ammunition

  13. 在缅因州的拜伦镇,压倒性的否决了要求每一位居民都拥有枪支和弹药的提案。

    The town of Byron , Maine , overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to require every resident to own a gun and ammunition .

  14. (一)非法携带、存放枪支、弹药或者有其他违反枪支管理规定行为,尚不够刑事处罚的;

    Carrying or keeping firearms or ammunition , or committing other acts in violation of firearms control regulations , but not serious enough for criminal punishment ;

  15. 违反枪支管理规定,非法持有、私藏枪支、弹药的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制;

    Whoever violates the regulations governing gun management by owning or unlawfully possessing , guns and ammunition is to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment , criminal detention , or control ;