
  • 网络Mulberry
  1. 本研究以收集到的15份果桑种质为材料,通过形态学和RAPD分子标记,运用Q型、R型聚类分析、主成分分析等多种分析方法对其进行鉴定、评价以及遗传亲缘关系的研究。

    In this study , 15 excellent general promotion of fruit mulberry germplasm resources ' identification and classification were studied by the method of morphological and RAPD molecular markers with the wide use of Q and R cluster analysis , principal component analysis methods .

  2. 果桑(Morusspp.)是以生产桑果为目的的桑树,为桑科桑属多年生落叶乔木或灌木。

    Fruit mulberry ( Morus spp. ), grown as a perennial tree or shrub , is a kind of mulberry used for fruit production , belonging to Moraceae , Morus .

  3. 果桑品种大10的引种与栽培

    Introduction and Cultivation of Mulberry Variety for Sorosis , Da 10

  4. 果桑白果病的初步研究

    Preliminary studies on the white fruit disease of fruit mulberry

  5. 果桑资源研究利用现状与展望

    Present situation and future prospect Of fruit mulberry germplasm research and utilization

  6. 云南野生长果桑资源丰富。

    The wild Morus laevigata Wall resource is abundance in Yunnan Province .

  7. 果桑花芽分化观察果桑资源研究利用现状与展望

    Current status and prospects on research and utilization of fruit mulberry germplasm resources

  8. 果桑品种选育的实践与思考

    Practice & Consideration of Fruit Mulberry Breeding

  9. 台湾果桑的研究

    Research on the sorosis mulberry in Taiwan

  10. 果桑离体组织培养研究

    Study on Mulberry Tissue Culture System

  11. 陡坡垄槽栽培矮化果桑效益研究

    Study on Benefit of Ridge trough Cultivation of Short & stalked Fruit Mulberry on Steep Slope Land

  12. 对果桑资源进行了有关经济性状和理化性状调查及营养成分分析。

    Economy character , chemical-physical character and nutrient component of fruit of these sorosis mulberry resources have been investigated .

  13. 在云南省草坝农场果桑试验示范园对果桑的光合作用进行了测定。

    The photosynthesis of mulberry is determined in the mulberry demonstration garden of Caoba Agricultural Farm of Yunnan Province .

  14. 果桑采果时的最佳叶面积指数为6~9。

    The fastest growing period was from February to April , and optimal leaf area index was from 6 to 9 when fruit picking .

  15. 在果桑园管理、繁育技术和拓宽果桑应用范围等方面进行了有益探索,特别是产果期调节研究,对果桑加工企业进行周年生产,有现实意义。

    They also studied on the mulberry cultivation and propagation techniques and sorosis utilization , particularly on the regulation of harvesting date and sorosis procession techniques .

  16. 果桑果实上真菌数量及在贮藏中腐烂率均与果实的成熟度呈负相关。

    Both of the amount of fungi and the decay rate of the mulberry fruits in the storage are negatively related to the maturity of fruits .

  17. 结合近年来果桑品种选育的实践,在育种目标、对照品种、品种审定、选育方法及专用品种选育等方面所作的一些思考,供同行商榷。

    Some ideas about fruit mulberry breeding were put forward in this article , including breeding goal , control variety , variety approved , breeding method and special variety breeding .

  18. 研究了早熟品种大十和晚熟品种红果2号2个常用果桑品种,在果实成熟期间桑果中化学成分的变化规律。

    The changes of the chemical compositions during fruits mature period of two mulberry varieties , the early " Dashi " and late-maturing varieties " Hongguo 2 ", commonly used for experiments materials were studied .