
  • Jackson;Michael Jackson;Andrew Jackson;Samuel L. Jackson
  1. 杰克逊公开道歉之后,这两个人又言归于好了。

    The pair were reconciled after Jackson made a public apology .

  2. 银行退回了杰克逊先生提交的支票。

    A cheque presented by Mr Jackson was returned by the bank .

  3. 镜头切换到了台上杰克逊的一位客人。

    There was a cutaway to Jackson 's guest on the podium .

  4. 杰克逊是常见的英语人名。

    Jackson is a common English name .

  5. 他一边朝杰克逊看过去,一边在自己的笔记本上乱涂乱画。

    He looked across at Jackson , doodling on his notebook .

  6. 杰克逊不想损害自己政界名人的声誉。

    Jackson doesn 't want to damage his reputation as a political personality

  7. 杰克逊是1988年总统选举中举足轻重的权力经纪人。

    Jackson had been a major power-broker in the 1988 Presidential elections .

  8. 他在利兹音乐会的后台见到了杰克逊。

    He met Jackson backstage at his concert in Leeds .

  9. 杰克逊镇定自若,始终克制着情绪。

    Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions

  10. 杰克逊说她的老板情绪越来越低落,又开始拼命抽烟了。

    Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily .

  11. 杰克逊已经是连续第二年获胜了。

    Jackson was the winner for a second successive year

  12. 杰克逊先生在美国黑人中拥有自发的支持。

    Mr Jackson had a natural constituency among American blacks

  13. 杰克逊提前结束了他的非洲之行。

    Jackson cut short his trip to Africa

  14. 杰克逊点头打招呼。

    Jackson nodded a salutation

  15. 杰克逊是篮球队里的巨人。

    Jackson was the giant of the basketball team .

  16. 杰克逊把他那辆旧车扔了。

    Jackson has abandoned his old car .

  17. 杰克逊说他要召开一个会议,但我们不能使他说出准确的日期。

    Jackson says he will call a meeting , but we cannot pin him down about a date .

  18. 美容师、调酒师、钢琴演奏家和戴紫色帽子的人,韦尔蒂笔下的人物来自那些她与朋友共度的午后,来自她家乡密西西比州杰克逊的街道漫步,来自她在公交上无意听见的对话。

    Beauticians , bartenders , piano players and people with purple hats , Welty 's people come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends , from walks through the streets of her native Jackson , Miss . , from conversations overheard on a bus .

  19. 康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)著名心理学家基拉博•杰克逊(KiraboJackson)表示,同一个奖励计划可能会对不同类型的学生产生不同的影响。

    The same prize program might have different influences on different kinds of students , said Kirabo Jackson , a famous psychologist at Cornell University .

  20. 我去了海沃思街学校,那里有一个英语和艺术老师叫杰克逊先生。

    I went to Hayworth Street School , where there was an English and art teacher called Mr.Jackson .

  21. Wardrobemalfunction在2004年第38届超级碗比赛中歌手贾斯汀•汀布莱克就珍妮•杰克逊右乳外露事件做出解释时被首次使用。

    Wardrobe malfunction is first used by singer Justin Timberlake in 2004 to explain the incident during Super Bowl XXXVIII in which Janet Jackson 's right breast was bared .

  22. 杰克逊想尽种种办法去讨好他那个有钱的叔叔

    Jackson is leaning over backwards to persuade his wealthy uncle .

  23. 第二天晚上,西勒顿?杰克逊老先生来和阿切尔家人一起吃饭

    The next evening old Mr. Sillerton Jackson came to dine with the Archers .

  24. 杰克逊的做法加速了1834年和1837年发生的经济恐慌

    Jackson 's actions helped precipitate the sharp business panics that occurred in 1834 and 1837 .

  25. “杰克逊将军跨上他的忠实的马,喊道:‘驾,驾,驾,驾……’”医生翻了翻剩下的手稿。

    General Jackson leaped upon his faithful horse and yelled , ' Giddyap , giddyap , giddyap , giddyap ' The doctor thumbed through the rest of the manuscript .

  26. 我知道,正常情况下,像格兰布林和南方大学、杰克逊州立大学和田纳西州立大学这样的对手,每个的毕业典礼都会有令人惊喜之处。

    And I know that in normal times , rivals like Grambling and Southern , Jackson State and Tennessee State , might raise some eyebrows8 at sharing a graduation ceremony .

  27. H杰克逊布朗Jr。

    H. Jackson Brown Jr.

  28. 将OK与杰克逊联系起来也不是完全没有根据的。

    The association of the word OKwith Jackson , however , is not entirely without foundation .

  29. 根据辉格党人所说,杰克逊发明了OK这个缩写以掩饰他自己拼写allcorrect(完全正确)时的错误。

    According to the Whigs , Jackson invented the abbreviation OK to cover up his own misspelling of all correct .

  30. 迈克尔•杰克逊(MichaelJackson)是该公司的一个重要明星客户。

    Michael Jackson was another icon Wyedean added to their list of celebrity recipients .