
  • 网络Jericho;Jerico;Chris Jericho
  1. 泰勒山作为一座人造山掩藏着杰里科过去古老的历史。

    The Tel , an artificial mountain , entombs Jericho 's ancient past .

  2. 但欧洲民主的城墙就像杰里科(Jericho)一样,仍然屹立如初。

    But the walls of European democracy , like Jericho , are still standing .

  3. 杰里科有一个经营良好的卡西欧工厂,加沙有一个新机场。

    There was a successful casino in Jericho and a new airport in Gaza .

  4. 秘书长加沙地带和杰里科经济和社会发展工作队

    Secretary-General 's Task Force on Economic and Social Development of the Gaza Strip and Jericho

  5. 但杰里科体验到的最难以抗拒的情感还是如潮水涌来爱意和责任感。

    But the most overwhelming sensation Jericho experiences is a sudden rush of love and responsibility .

  6. 今晨,以军冲进杰里科几分种前英国监狱观察员离开了监狱。

    The Israeli military charged into Jericho moments after British prison monitors left the prison this morning .

  7. 杰里科瞥见了过去的剪影,发现了波普执行绝密任务时的线索。

    Jerico glimpses flashes of the past that hold clues to what happened during Pope 's classified mission .

  8. 杰里科的新记忆把他带到了波普悲痛欲绝的遗孀(盖尔•加朵饰)的门前。

    Jericho 's new memories lead him to the doorstep of Pope 's grieving widow ( Gal Gadot ) .

  9. 因为童年时遭遇过脑损伤,罪犯杰里科患有“额叶综合征”。

    Jerico is a prisoner who suffers from " frontal lobe syndrome " due to a childhood brain injury .

  10. 与此同时,以色列军方拆除了限制进入约旦河西岸城市杰里科的一个主要检查站。

    Meanwhile , Israeli military authorities dismantled a key checkpoint that restricted access to the West Bank city of Jericho .

  11. 但当被植入波普的记忆后不久,杰里科开始接受波普的人格。

    But shortly after Pope 's memories are implanted into his brain , Jerico starts to adopt Pope 's characteristics .

  12. 中情局科学家未能将他救活,于是将他的记忆植入了一位极度暴戾的罪犯杰里科(凯文•科斯特纳饰)身上。

    Unable to resuscitate him , CIA scientists transfer his memories into Jerico ( Kevin Costner ) , a ruthless criminal .

  13. (掌声)随着这场胜利,整座种族隔离的大厦,像杰里科的古老城墙一样,开始慢慢地坍塌。

    ( Applause . ) And with that victory , the entire edifice of segregation , like the ancient walls of Jericho , began to slowly come tumbling down .

  14. 一些专家认为,这两座港口城市是被一系列的大规模地震摧毁的,就像特洛伊城和杰里科城消失的原因一样。

    Some experts believe that the port cities were destroyed by a series of massive earthquakes , much like the quakes scientists believe felled Troy , Jericho and other ancient cities .

  15. 由雅各布·布洛诺夫斯基撰写的“丰收季节”一文追述了像古代杰里科人从游牧部落的生活过渡到能安定下来从事耕种这种变化的一联串原因。

    The essay " Harvest of the Seasons " by J.Bronowski traces a sequence of causes of the change from nomad life to village agriculture , as illustrated by the ancient people of Jericho .

  16. 以色列表示,它将从西岸撤除大约50个路障,允许巴勒斯坦人自由进出西岸城市杰里科。并放松要求某些巴勒斯坦人获得批准才可以穿过以色列控制的地带旅行的限制。

    Israel says it will remove about 50 roadblocks in the West Bank , allow unrestricted access to the West Bank city of Jericho and ease permit restrictions for some Palestinians who need to travel through Israeli-controlled territory .