
quán lì zhì yā
  • pledge of rights;quasi-pledge
  1. 我国《担保法》规定了权利质押,为股权设质提供了法律基础。

    The pledge of rights is stipulated in China 's Law of Guaranty and it lays the legal foundation for shareholding pledge .

  2. 作为权利质押质一种的股权质押,其既有别于动产质押的特点,又有区别于其他权利质权的法律特征。

    As one kinds of pledge of rights , shareholding pledge has its own legal characteristics by which it differs from the pledge of movable property and pledge of rights .

  3. 动产质押的实现及消灭。第三部分为权利质押问题研究,论述了权利质押的意义、权利质押的设定、权利质押的效力、权利质押的实现。

    The 3rd part is about the problem on pledge of right .

  4. 关于权利质押若干法律问题的探讨

    A Discussion about the Pledges of Rights from a Legal Point of View

  5. 第三种担保方式叫权利质押。

    The3rd kind assures means calls the right impawn .

  6. 近现代大陆法系国家受罗马法的影响,均有关于权利质押的规定。

    Modern civil law countries influence from Rome law , all about rights pledge .

  7. 第三章,我国权利质押的困惑。

    I bring forward security is the principal aim of the right 's pledge .

  8. 第一章阐明了非典型权利质押的基础理论。

    The first chapter throws light on fundamental theory of pledge of atypical rights .

  9. 论权利质押的成立

    On establishment of Mortgage of Right

  10. 论贷款中的权利质押

    The Pledged Right in Loan Granting

  11. 第四章提出了如何规范非典型权利质押制度的几点建议。

    Chapter four comes up with some suggestion as to regulating the system of pledge of atypical rights .

  12. 非典型权利质押是指我国《担保法》未予列明的权利质押。

    Pledge of atypical rights is a sort of pledge of rights that Guarantee Law hasn 't laid down it .

  13. 票据质押作为一种权利质押形式,由于其强流通性、高安全性而在实务中倍受青睐。

    Bill hypothecation as a form of pledge is very popular in practice because of its character of circulation and security .

  14. 权利质押是担保法律制度中社会财产迅速权利化和证券化的体现,是保证债权最终安全、方便、快捷实现的主要通道。

    Right 's pledge is one way to make social property existing with right and negotiable securities in guaranteed system of law .

  15. 著作权具有较强的人身属性,故其质押在标的选择、法律体系架构等方面不同于一般的权利质押。

    The pledge of copyright is different from other right pledge in the subject-electing and law system-building as a result of moral rights .

  16. 本文运用历史分析和比较法学的研究方法,对动产质押、权利质押、营业质权等进行了较细致的分析与探讨。

    The Article is based on the research method of history and comparative law , Which makes a comprehensive and profound analysis on pledge .

  17. 著作权质押是知识产权质押的一种,在担保法体系中属于权利质押。

    The pledge of copyright loan , as a part of intellectual property rights pledge , is belong to rights pledge in guarantee law system .

  18. 通过对一般质权的比较分析,认为保险单质押属于权利质押中的债权质押。

    Through the comparative analysis of general pledge , we regard the pledge of policy as the pledge of claim in the pledge of rights .

  19. 应收账款质押丰富了我国权利质押种类,为中小企业提供了一种简便易行的融资渠道。

    Accounts receivable pledge has riched the impawn species in China , and provided a simple and easy way of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises .

  20. 有的学者认为,《物权法》应当对收费权单独列举,不能为其他权利质押所涵盖。

    Some scholars believe that " property rights " should be listed separately on charges of , other rights can not be covered by the pledge .

  21. 指出,股权质押除具有权利质押的一般法律特征外,还具有自己的特征,即风险性、效益性、便利性和国家干预性。

    Besides the general characteristics of right pledge , share right pledge has other legal characteristics that it is risky , beneficial , convenient and nationally interfered .

  22. 股权质押是权利质押中的一种重要类型,是投资者的重要融资手段之一。

    The pledge of stock rights is an important type of the pledge of rights , and also an important kind of financing means of the investors .

  23. 股权质押作为一种权利质押担保方式,相对于不动产抵押和动产质押等担保方式来说,有其独特的优越性。

    As a way of pledge of obligation , the pledge of shares has unique advantages which the real estate mortgage and the chattel mortgage is short of .

  24. 首先借鉴学者的观点,给权利质押下了一个定义,在此基础上,阐明了权利质押的特征及社会功能。

    In the first part , based on pledge on property rights'definition , the author presents the characteristic of the pledge on property rights and its social function .

  25. 权利质押在我国司法实践的时间比较短,许多问题都有待于进一步明确和完善。

    Nowadays , pledge on property rights is more and more vital in legal practice field and many relative problems and theories need to be solved and demonstrated .

  26. 笔者从一般债权本身的固有属性、社会需求等角度论证了一般债权可以成为权利质押的标的。

    From the angle of inherent attributes and social needs of the general creditors right itself , the writer prove that the general creditors right could be the right impawn set .

  27. 贷款人需要项目公司以其项目财产、权益作为抵押或权利质押,并以该项目的预期性收益偿还贷款。

    The assets and rights are also demanded by the creditor as the subject matter in mortgage and pledge of rights , while the expected return is to repay the debt .

  28. 收费权质押是一种具有独立性的新型权利质押,应该单独把它列为一种不依附于其他权利质押或抵押的质权。

    The charging rights pledge is a pledge of independence of the new rights which should not separate it as a kind of pledge or other rights attached to pledge collateral .

  29. 本文通过对我国高新技术企业信贷融资特点和融资现状的分析,认为信用担保、权利质押和负债管理是解决高新技术企业信贷融资问题的三个主要方面。

    By the analyzing of characteristics and actual situations of our country credit financing , this article concludes that credit guarantee impawn debt decision are key points to solve financing problems .

  30. 介绍了票据质押作为一种特殊的权利质押的重要特征,指出了票据质押作为间接保障交易安全促进市场繁荣的重要工具的功能。

    Based on the character of the bill hypothecation , the author thinks the bill hypothecation functions as an important role as the relative protection of the deal security and the promotion of the market .