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zá shuì
  • miscellaneous levies;sundry tax
杂税 [zá shuì]
  • [miscellaneous levies; sundry tax] 旧指正税以外的各种税

  • 苛捐杂税

杂税[zá shuì]
  1. 北宋时期农民负担的田赋税率,平均约为5.7%,即十八税一;杂税税率平均约为2.4%,即四十二税一;

    In the Northern Song time , the average land tax tax-rate was about 5.7 % ;

  2. 省却中间各项杂税、扣点等通路费用为铺设道路征收的税款项目。

    Saving channel costs such as levies and deduction points , etc. a tax toward paving streets .

  3. 接着论述粤海关的管理制度,包括征税制度、监核制度、惩处制度和各种禁令。最后论述粤海关的关税征收,包括船钞、货税和杂税的征收。

    Third , I interpret the administrative system of Yue Customs , consisting of levying system , supervisory system , punishing system and prohibition .

  4. 由于未能建立合理的税收体系特别是个人所得税制度,盐税在某种意义上成了各种杂税的总汇;

    To some degree , salt tax represented a sum of various taxes because of the absence of a reasonable tax system , especially an individual income tax policy .

  5. 再一方面是免收杂税,提倡“廉洁奉公”,要求州县吏役人员,凡有事赴乡皆自备费用。

    On the one hand , and then miscellaneous tax free , to promote " clean ", County officials requested service personnel , who have owned something to the cost of the rural .