
  • 网络Airport Metro;KLIA Transit;airtrain
  1. 上海虹桥机场地铁东站大体积混凝土裂缝控制研究

    Study on Cracking Control over Mass Concrete in East Metro Station of Shanghai Hongqiao Airport

  2. 在哪坐去机场的地铁?

    Where can I catch the subway that goes to the terminal ?

  3. 在这种情况下,火车站、机场、地铁等大型城市交通枢纽所面临的交通压力也日益增大。

    The traffic pressure faced by large-scale city transportation junctions increases day by day .

  4. 机场、地铁站、车站、广场、体育场、室内停车场、人防设施、隧道交通等;

    Airport , subway station , square , stadium , indoor park lot , civil air-defense facility , tunnel traffic , etc.

  5. 由大型机场、地铁、污水处理系统、发电厂等超大规模的基础设施构成的网络,为这座城市提供了有力的支撑。

    Undergirding the city is a patchwork of supersize infrastructure & huge airports , subway lines , sewage systems and power plants .

  6. 新加坡还没有如此繁荣前,我们的先辈,并没有让他们引以为荣的机场或地铁系统。

    Before we got elevated to the status that Singapore enjoys today , our forefathers had no airport or MRT system to be proud of .

  7. 随着我国在城市基础建设方面的持续加大投资,一大批公路、桥梁、机场、地铁将被投入建设。

    With the continuous investment in urban infrastructure , a large number of roads , bridges , airports , subway will be put into the building .

  8. 该交通枢纽中心连接机场、地铁线路、出租车站、公交巴士车站以及未来将启动的磁悬浮线路。

    And it is also significant , because it is a major part of the grand scheme of the Hongqiao transport hub-connecting flights , metro lines , taxis , buses and a future maglev line .

  9. 据CCTV报道,目前中国国内配备了AED的公共场所只有首都国际机场、上海地铁部分线路和北上广等地的一些奥运场馆。

    According to China Central Television ( CCTV ) , AED can so far only be found at the Beijing Capital International Airport , some lines of the Shanghai subway and in a few Olympic stadiums in Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou .

  10. 这个国家还新修了大量道路、机场、以及地铁系统,并为军队采购了最先进的武器。

    The country also paved lots of roads , constructed new airports , tunneled new subway systems and procured state-of-the-art weapons for its military .

  11. 机场铁路车站和地铁站不同。

    The Airport Railway stations are different from the underground stations .

  12. 上海将建设一条全长33公里的磁悬浮铁路,连接浦东国际机场和龙阳路地铁站。

    Shanghai will build a magnetic suspended railway of33 kilometers long , which will join Pudong International Airport to the subway station in Longyang Road .

  13. 可以广泛应用于高层建筑、车站、机场、码头、地铁、电厂等重要场所的输配电系统中。

    Can be widely used in high-rise buildings , stations , airports , docks , subways , power plants and other important areas of transmission and distribution systems .

  14. 目前没有关于损失的最新报道,但是日本成田机场短暂关闭了机场跑道,地铁和火车的运营也被迫中断。

    There were no immediate reports of fresh damage , though Japan 's Narita international airport temporarily closed its runways , and metro and train services were interrupted .