
  • 网络Opportunity Cost Analysis;Opportunity Cost-Benefit Analysis
  1. 城市化过程中耕地非农化的机会成本分析

    Opportunity Cost Analysis of Non agricultural Farmland in the Process of Urbanization

  2. 基于机会成本分析的新产品定位时机选择:策略与模型

    The Choice of New Product Position Time Based on the Opportunity Cost Analysis : Policy and Model

  3. 风险投资资本的机会成本分析

    The Opportunity Cost of Capital for Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs

  4. 赊购企业商业信用成本的优化选择:机会成本分析的一个实际应用

    Security of Smart Card The Optimized Choice for Enterprise Business Credit Cost

  5. 清洁化生产中资源边际机会成本分析

    Research on Resources Marginal Opportunity Cost of Cleaning Production

  6. 线路阻塞引起的电网机会成本分析

    Analysis of electric network opportunity cost caused by congestion

  7. 在现实动因和制度动因的双重作用下,集体土地非法入市对土地产权人来说成了效率的选择,这一点可以通过成本收益分析和机会成本分析得到证明。

    Through cost-benefit analysis and opportunity analysis , the illegal circulation of collective land is proved to be an effective choice for the collectives under such circumstances .

  8. 文章明确了成本、收益的确切含义,论述了对成本收益分析的机会成本分析、边际分析和效益分析三种分析方法。

    At first , this article makes clear the exact meaning of cost and income , and indicates three analysis methods : analysis of opportunity cost , analysis of limit deal and analysis of benefit .

  9. 波斯纳法官从事实发现的成本-收益分析、机会成本分析、激励分析、效率分析等视角入手,全方位地揭示了事实发现的效率维度。

    Judge Posner applies the price theory of classic economics to the studies of law and reveals the efficiency of fact-finding through such perspectives as cost-benefit analysis , opportunity cost analysis , incentive analysis , efficiency analysis , etc.

  10. 在金融学中,机会-成本分析参照的是,经过对预期的投资回报做出比较后,本来有可能(选择)其他(类型)投资而所投的金额。

    In finance , opportunity cost analysis refers to the amount that could have been made in other investments compared with the expected investment return .

  11. 对边际机会成本深入分析,建立再生水资源的边际机会成本模型,阐述其各要素内涵;

    Through the MOC ( marginal opportunity cost ) analyzed , model of reclaimed wastewater has been given , and expatiate the meaning of the parts of this model ;

  12. 通过运用经济学的帕累托均衡、补偿理论和机会成本全面分析了我国银行监管的现状及存在的问题,并提出了相应的改善措施。

    It analyses all-sidedly current situation and problems of banking supervision in our country in use of the theory equilibrium , compensation and opportunity , and puts forward the corresponding measures of improvement .

  13. 从机会成本的角度分析得到一期生态建设工程的年成本为793万元;

    The annual cost of the ecological construction project was about 7 930 000 Yuan on the basis of opportunity analysis .

  14. 从土地的动态的机会成本&收益分析表明,青饲玉米种植的收益是粮食种植的7.8倍;

    The analysis of land opportunity cost-profit show , the profit ensile maize planting is cropping plant 7.8 times , and there is adapted cow development entironment .

  15. 项目投资决策应基于资金的机会成本进行贴现分析,但对什么是资金的机会成本却存在不同理解,从而导致投资决策错误。

    Project investment decision must be taken the discount analysis based on the opportunity cost of capital , but there are different comprehensions on what is opportunity cost , so it results in mistakes in investment decision .

  16. 本文采用经济学的观点和方法来分析图书馆服务的时间因素,论证了时间价值和机会成本的关系,分析了节省时间所带来的价值,并提出节省读者时间的相应措施。

    This paper analysis the time sector of library services by economic methods , discusses the relationship of time value and opportunity cost , points that saving time bring about value , advances relevant measures for saving time .