
běn yǐng
  • umbra
本影 [běn yǐng]
  • [umbra] 指影子中光源完全照射不到的部分,影子为完全阴暗;如有部分光线形成半明半暗区域,则是其半影

本影[běn yǐng]
  1. 这是本影和阴影边缘之间较亮的区域。

    This is a lighter area between the umbra and the edge of a shadow .

  2. 这种旋涡结构可能是由于A本影的逆时针自旋运动造成的。

    The formation of this spiral structure may be caused by the anti-clockwise spin of umbra " A " .

  3. 用无本影装置测定中子照相射线束的准直比

    Determination the Collimation Ratio of Neutron Radiography Beams Using NU Device

  4. 太阳黑子本影点的分析研究

    An analysis and study of umbral dots in sunspots

  5. 这包括对太阳黑子本影和半影持续的观测。

    This includes the continuous survey of umbra and penumbra of the sunspot .

  6. 云南天文台观测到的黑子本影点

    Sunspot Umbral Dots Observed at the Yunnan Observatory

  7. 月球本影和半影没有扫过的地方,根本看不见日食。

    Penumbral lunar Benying and did not sweep the place , simply can not see the solar eclipse .

  8. 图片中心的明亮辐射源据信是超新星爆发过程中产生的中子星。这时如果地球和月亮的中心大致在同一条直线上,月亮就会进入地球的本影,而产生月全食。

    The bright source at the center of the image is presumed to be a neutron star created during the supernova .

  9. 但当它在东边缘附近时,向边缘的本影-半影边界较弥散,另一边的较清晰。

    But near the east limb , the boundary toward the limb is more diffuse , and that toward the center is sharper .

  10. 这张照片,满月的表面部分被地球上的云遮住,而右上角的部分处于地球的本影之中。

    Pictured above , the face of a full moon is partly blocked by Earth 's clouds , and partly darkened on the upper right by Earth 's umbral shadow .

  11. 如果某个时刻月球本影比地球与月球之间的距离大,地球上被月球本影扫过的地带就可以看到日全食。

    If a moment of Earth and the Moon Benying than the distance between the moon , the moon on Earth was Benying sweep of the area will be able to see Riquan Shi .

  12. 老黑子中发现一个反常光桥,它是在两个本影合并起来时形成,而不象通常在黑子将分裂时出现。

    It was found that an anormal light bridge formed in the old main spot when the two umbrae merged into one instead of the opposite case , i. e. , one umbra split into two .

  13. 本影雕机操作容易,结构简单,成本低廉,一经调试完毕运行极其稳定,能够达到实用水平和走上市场。

    This machine is easy to operate , the structure simple and the cost is low . After finishing the movement the debugging is to be extremely stable it can achieve the practical level and steps onto the market .