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běn zi
  • book;notebook;edition
本子 [běn zi]
  • (1) [notebook]

  • (2) 记录事情或备忘事项的记录本

  • (3) 学生在课堂上或听讲时记笔记用的记录本

  • (4) 学生做作业用的本

  • (5) [edition]∶版本

  • 这是一个流传较广的本子

本子[běn zi]
  1. 你不妨捉弄一下老师,就像你已完成作业那样把本子交给他。

    You could try to fake out the teacher by handing in your book as though you 'd done the work .

  2. 服务员翻阅了一下本子,然后说:“肯尼思·格雷医生,61010。”

    The clerk looked in a book and then said , " Dr. Kenneth Grey , 61010 . "

  3. 我从本子上又撕下一张纸。

    I tore another sheet from the pad .

  4. 她请电影明星在本子上签了个名。

    She asked the movie star to sign his autograph in her notebook .

  5. 比如,微软已经反复地演示Windows7在那些低性能上网本上的运行,换作是Vista的话本子就该瘫痪了。

    For instance , Microsoft has repeatedly demonstrated Windows 7 working on low-powered netbooks that choked on Vista .

  6. 我想她甚至保存着所有这些本子,放在一个鞋盒里的,哥哥罗恩(Ron)说。

    I think she even kept all those books too , in a shoe box , said her brother , Ron .

  7. 当本地不能提供ENUM解析请求时,则采用递归方式查询远程服务器,同时在本子系统中采用对ENUM客户端用户的号码验证来改善DNS系统的安全性。

    When local ENUM server can not provide enum request , it will request remote ENUM servers by the recursive method . Meanwhile , this subsystem also provides ENUM client numbers verification to improve the security of DNS system .

  8. 日本日兴证券(NikkoCordial)委托外部机构进行的一项调查发现,这家日本第三大证券经纪公司的最高管理层及其私人股本子公司的首席执行官,参与了该公司的会计欺诈案。

    Nikko Cordial 's top management and the chief executive of its private equity subsidiary were involved in the accounting fraud at Japan 's third largest broker , according to an outside investigation commissioned by the company .

  9. 据知情人士透露,百仕通(blackstone)及高盛(goldmansachs)私人股本子公司等美国企业,将在中国设立投资公司,从本地投资者手中募集人民币资金,并联合中国合作伙伴收购本地公司的股权。

    US firms , such as Blackstone and the private equity arm of Goldman Sachs , are establishing investment companies in China to raise renminbi funds from local investors and take stakes in local companies with Chinese partners , according to people familiar with the matter .

  10. 合女式C6H14只用往表现碳原子战氢本子的分数。

    The mdelecular formula , C6H14 , does not show anything except the total number of carbon and hydrogen atoms .

  11. 本论文研究成果已可应用于实际的产品,本子系统是对于IMPS系统多协议实现的一次成功实践,具有重要的工程应用价值。

    In this paper , research results can be applied to the actual products have been , this subsystem is multi-protocol implementation for the IMPS system , a successful practice and has important engineering application value .

  12. 全球广告机构欧洲RSCG开发了这款记事本纸巾,螺旋装订的小本子让你可以随时记下笔记、草图、甚至下一个了不起的商业想法。

    Global advertising agency Euro RSCG Worldwide has developed the Napkin Notebook , a spiral-bound collection of cocktail napkins ready to be filled with notes , sketches or the next great business idea .

  13. 记录私事的本子(作为一个物质实体)。

    A personal record book ( as a physical object ) .

  14. 列出你的链接,是本子面板的默认功能。

    Listing your links is the default behavior for this SubPanel .

  15. 她昨天才看了本子还哭了好多次。

    She CRID for several times after reading the play book .

  16. 她在本子上记下了好些反对理由。

    She noted down a number of objections in her note-book .

  17. 特里斯坦会给你关于我们俱乐部制度的本子。

    Tristan will give you a copy of our club rules .

  18. 现在你再看那个本子话说

    Now look at the book again . Now , look ,

  19. 我就把你的电话号码记在本子里。

    I 'll just put your phone number down in my book .

  20. 那是我的笔,那是我的本子。

    It 's my book . that 's my pen .

  21. 那个服务员没有理她,继续在她的本子上写着什么。

    The hostess , ignoring her , kept writing in her book .

  22. 我打开本子,找到空白页。

    I open it up . I find the first blank page .

  23. 他的纤小而有些孩子气的笔迹在本子上弯弯曲曲地描述着。

    His small but childish handwriting straggled up and down the page .

  24. 他们打算换掉有缺陷的本子。

    They are going to make the imperfect copies up .

  25. 打开新的本子,写上小小的计划,想做的事情,让2009在期待中展开吧。

    Write down the dates on calender marks a beautiful start of2009 .

  26. 用票装订起来的,票可以撕下来用的一种本子。

    A book of tickets that can be torn out and used .

  27. 他在备忘录本子上写下一个名字和地址。

    He wrote down a name and address on a memo pad .

  28. 笔记本就是一本有空白页数记事的本子。

    A notebook is a book which has blank pages for notes .

  29. 写作文之前应该先打草稿,然后抄到本子上。

    Make a draft first , then copy it into our exercise-book .

  30. 他不会烧你的本子,只是唬唬你。

    He 's not gonna burn your book . that 's censorship .