
  • 网络local site;local website
  1. 如果使用的是web爬行器,那么可以通过在IBMHTTPServer上运行的本地站点中发布一个web页面实现。

    If using a web crawler , this could be done by publishing a web page on a local site running on IBM HTTP Server .

  2. 我们还添加了导出成HTML的功能,所以你可以把整个项目变成一个独立的本地站点。

    We added exporting to HTML , so you can get your entire project as a standalone local site .

  3. IBMRationalClearCaseMultiSite还提供了一个基于浏览器的接口,以允许管理员从他们自己的本地站点管理所有的副本。

    IBM Rational ClearCase MultiSite also provides a browser-based interface that allows administrators to manage all replicas from their local site .

  4. 对于本文来说,您将更新站点放在桌面上,使之成为一个本地站点,您可将LotusSametime定向到该站点。

    For this article , you placed your update site on the desktop , making it a local site to which you can direct Lotus Sametime .

  5. 桥接器使微代理可以使用多种拓扑结构进行部署,比如一组相互链接的微代理或本地站点和远程后端之间的一个简单链接。

    The bridge enables the micro broker to be deployed in a broad variety of topologies , such as a set of interlinked micro brokers or a simple link between a local site to a remote backend .

  6. 利用Dreamweaver4.0内置的FTP功能发布本地教学站点的方法

    Publishing local teaching network station by FTP function in Dreamweaver 4.0

  7. 这非常类似于职业社交网络领英(LinkedIn)曾经采取的战略。LinkedIn在2014年初推出中国本地的站点时,也与这两家风险投资公司进行了合作。

    The strategy closely resembles one taken by the professional social network LinkedIn , which worked with the same two venture capital firms when it introduced a local site in early 2014 .

  8. 例如,如果使用上个月的XM版本,当我从本地测试站点时,样式表就必须使用绝对路径,而且图像不会正确显示。

    For example , with last month 's version of XM , the style sheet had to use absolute paths and the images would not display correctly when I tested the site locally .

  9. 本地宿主站点也让您可以在将插件放到服务器上之前验证插件是否安装正确。

    Hosting the site locally also allows you to verify that your plug-in installs correctly before you place it on the server .

  10. 本部分介绍了如何由本地的更新站点以静默方式安装RationalProductUpdater的更新,之后是更新您的基于Eclipse的Rational软件开发平台产品。

    This section describes how to silently install updates for Rational Product Updater from a local update site , followed by updates for your Eclipse-based Rational Software Development Platform product .

  11. 如果目前还没有网站,则可以向Geocities这样的服务商注册申请,得到带服务的免费空间,开始建立个人页面或为本地社团构建站点。

    If you do not currently have a Web site , you can sign up for free space with a service such as Geocities and start a personal page or build a site for a local association .

  12. 在两个站点上遵循相同的优先级:本地和远程站点。

    Observe same priority at both sites : local and remote .

  13. 只能从本地计算机访问站点,减少了安全漏洞。

    The site can be accessed only from the local computer , reducing security vulnerabilities .

  14. 本地以及远程站点也许都需要他们自己的测试或集成以及变更管理规划。

    Both local and remote sites may need their own test / integration and change management processes .

  15. 因为您是本地宿主该站点,所以您想要将必要的文件放置在方便的位置。

    Because you host this site locally you want to place the necessary files in a convenient location .

  16. 为应用程序提供的开发环境在开发过程中对持久数据创建一个本地数据库,站点本身允许将数据存储为持久对象,或实体。

    The supplied development environment for applications creates a local database to persist data during development , and the site itself allows data to be stored as persistent objects , or entities .

  17. 当Groupon中国公司最终得以重新上线时,它将面临来自1700多家中国本地“团购”站点的竞争。

    When Groupon China finally , officially , goes live , again , it will have some 1,700 local " Tuangou " sites to compete with .

  18. 通过在移动邮箱前创建本地副本,可以避免由于等待将邮箱移出本地站点而产生的大量下载数据流量。

    By creating the local copy before you move mailboxes , you avoid the heavy download traffic that results from waiting until after you move mailboxes out of the local site .

  19. 用作本地节点的多路广播网络(也就是说特定的机器),而FF02::与FF05::则分别用于本地链接(相同的网络)和本地站点的多路广播。

    FF01 : : is used as a node-local multicast network ( i.e.for that specific machine ), whilst FF02 : : and FF05 : : are for link-local ( same immediate network ) and site-local multicast respectively .